But because it is a mockery, because it throws insults toward Christians, then a book like this will be put on display. In this day and age the Christians have become the focus of Hate by the liberal media and groups like the ACLU. Further, Christians are the focus of hate by the secularists like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. While I write this small review, bigotry toward anyone who calls Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior is the must for such people as this Lee chap. Whether a Christian agrees with PreMill or not, no wonder books like the Left Behind are so popular, we Christians are the ones who are being discriminated against! People like Lee and the ones giving this a five star review show just how much America has slipped in terms of respect toward others. Christians are the ones that American elitists hate. That is, the Christians who acknowledge the Bible as truth and the Christians who live their lives for Christ. If this book had been a mockery of Hinduism, Islam, or some other religion like Wicca, the book would not have ever sold...not even considered...but because books like this show the growing and mounting hatred toward Christians, then yes, more books like this one will be seen all around. This is pure Christianphobia. This book is truly hateful just for the sake of being hateful. And that is why people are giving it a rave review, because they know that Christians are the target of hate crimes by organizations like the ACLU and people like Sam Harris, and such people that give this book rave reviews do so to get in on the action of hate crimes toward Christians.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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