LonelyGuy #conspiracy therealconspiracyforum.com

Whenever I go onto a dating site and sign up. I email the woman and never get a response. So I search my account under a different ip and realize I'm being ghosted wherever I go. This means that my accounts seem natural but to others they won't see it. Someone is doing this to me purposely . It doesn't matter where or what site. Some sites won't let me sign up at all, some won't let me post, some will let me post but my posts won't show up. Others will show my post as showing up when I'm logged in as the poster, but when I log on as someone else my posts are gone. I have worked jobs were it is impossible to meet woman. I've been trying like crazy to meet woman on online sites. But these weird events have been happening. I once got so paranoid that i bought a new computer, got a new email, and joined a dating site. I met a girl Arlene from Canada. We hit it off. But then one day she told me some guy from homeland security approached her asking questions about me. How was I in bed. Weird stuff. He identified himself as an agent and showed ID, but Arlene didn't tell me his name. She got squirrely like he told her some untruths about me and refused to discuss it and broke it off days later. Look, I'm not a terrorist. I'm not a criminal. I don't break any laws. It's been ten years since I've had a romantic partner in my life after Arlene. Whoever this guy is must be some gay stalker who abuses his computer power by invading all aspects of my accounts. He purposely keeps me from finding love. What gives? I'm telling you this happens EVERY time. I've tried going to the bars, but I suck at that. But beyond that, who is this gay government agent stalking me? It's clear he wants me for himself.



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