Alfred W. Clark #fundie

Mainstream Christianity today is not only weird, it’s crazy. And it’s not only left-wing Christianity, it’s supposed “conservative” mainstream Christianity as well. The entire vessel seems to be on a course of collective suicide.

When surveying the insanity of contemporary Christianity among white people, it’s hard exactly to label it. There seems to be no precise label. “Cuckoldy” is probably the best label, but since others already call it “Christian Cultural Marxism,” I’ll stick with that term.

What’s the Holy Trinity of this new form of Christianity – Christian Cultural Marxism?

The Holy Trinity of Christian Cultural Marxism

1. You must support open-borders. White people must commit collective suicide and turn over their nations to the invading hordes of the third world.
2. White should avoid having too many white babies and adopt babies of color instead.
3. Fighting racism is one of the main priorities of Christians.

If you think I’m exaggerating, just look around.

Immigration. The entire Catholic leadership and a significant portion of Protestant leadership support the third world invasion of the West. The Catholic Church is the worst in this respect, but you have many Protestants (like Russell Moore and others) who also support the invasion.

Adoption. You literally have Catholic priests and Protestant pastors telling whites it’s their duty to adopt the unwanted garbage of the third world. This is not only maladaptive in a sociobiological sense, it’s also literal cuckoldry. Resources are finite. By adopting the third world, these whites are forgoing their own reproductive inclusive fitness.

Fighting Racism. Both Catholics and the Southern Baptist Convention recently held conferences saying that churches need to devote more of their resources to “fighting racism.”

So, basically, in short, Christianity today, even “conservative” Christianity, is basically a form of SJW-ism—

How did this happen?

Christianity 200 years ago certainly wasn’t this way. But was the momentum there? By being too universalist, is Christianity doomed to become eventually a suicide cult?

If you want to see something sad — actually look at these cuckolds adopting the third world. They’re pathetic. They’re barely even men.

Which raises another question of why masculine men aren’t drawn to Christianity today, although this tendency has been there for the past 300 years. Indeed, even 200 years ago, more women attended church than men. But today it’s even worse. Could part of it be that nearly all the pastors and priests today are cucked, effeminate weaklings that alienate any man with even the slightest bit of testosterone in his testicles?

You decide.



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