I was asked to read this book in joining an existing book club that had already been meeting for over 5 years. I did not join earlier as I am not a fast reader so what I spend my time reading is precious and I give the first fruits of my time to reading The Most Precious Book of All. This book is far-fetched with so much of the Corridor's strange actions explained away by the author's imagination that it just plain troubled me. References to "blood red," "bright lights," "scrolls," "an intelligence," and overall "death but being alive after-the-fact" goes against my faith in Jesus Christ. Please don't waste your time and certainly don't waste your children's time by offering this book to them. Give them a book which has a true biblical message that also enhances their vocabulary as well as their perspective on who the true "intelligence" is, Jesus Christ.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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