I don’t think I’ve said that. But the fact is, he’s a committed socialist. He was educated by a socialist, he thinks like a socialist, and he surrounds himself with socialist, ultra, ultra-liberal thinkers. The problem with socialism is, not only do they not believe in God or accountability to him
First, what is the meaning of socialism? Do you even know? Second, President Obama was educated by a single socialist and no one else? Because that is what you seem to be claiming. Third, since when is it a tenet of socialism to disbelieve in a god? And finally, how is it you could possibly have insight in or even knowledge of the deeply held personal beliefs of anyone in the Obama administration?
I’m talking about socialism. He is a committed socialist. They’re wrong in believing in the perfectibility of manthat man is very good. That’s one of the cardinal mistakes that socialists make. The Bible says that man’s heart is desperately wicked, and he needs salvation. He needs a new heart put in him by spiritual force in calling for the name of the Lord. One thing you have to distinguish is those who claim they’re Christians, but who’ve never had an experience with Jesus. They’re usually people that hardly ever go to church, hardly ever read the Bible, but rather than be atheists or nothing, they say they’re a Christian. Well, that doesn’t make you a Christian.
I'm sorry Mr. Lahaye, I was unaware that your "god" had charged you alone with deciding who is and is not a christian. Just as i was unaware that anyone who wished to refer to themselves as a "christian" needed to first seek your approval and blessing.
I challenge you: Name one Christian who he’s appointed to public office.
General David Petreus. SecDef Robert Gates. just to name two.
[ Hillary Clinton.]
You’ve got to be kidding me. She’s a socialist. She is ultra, ultra liberal.
You know this how? Moreover, where in the bible is it written that one cannot be both liberal and christian? You are imposing your own personal political beliefs and opinions on a religion, when in fact it does not so much as resemble many of the beliefs put forth in the bible. What you are doing Mr. Lahaye, is taking the platform and talking points of the GOP and calling it christianity.
And besides, have you ever heard of as many communists or socialists that have been appointed as tsars in our country? There are 134 of them and they’ve been appointed by this man who you claim is a Christian.
No I don't, and neither do you. If you did then you would name them and offer up evidence to show that they are in fact communists rather than sit there and make vague assertions and claim that makes it fact.
Further more, neither myself nor the questioner "claim" that President Obama is a christian, Obama himself says he's a christian and who is Tim Lahaye to say differently? Oh I'm sorry, I had forgotten that the christian god had tasked Mr. Lahaye with deciding who is and is not a "true christian(TM)" or even who can label themselves as christian. I am of the opinion that a persons political affiliation has far more to do with whether or not Lahaye considers them christian than that persons actual works, beliefs, or depth of faith. Lahaye is playing a partisan political game and simply calling it religion, which is about as disingenous and decietful as they come.
On top of all that I'm still at a loss as to where the bible condemns either socialism or communism, in fact the Gospels in particular seem to advocate communism, and communism was without a doubt practiced by the early church and is still practiced in some christian communities such as the Amish.