“A large percentage of transgender people have anxiety, are depressed, bi-polar, etc. If you have those problems, you cannot serve in the military”
As with all things, it’s largely a matter of degree. You don’t see anyone telling the Chapplain, “I’m depressed,” and getting discharged.
Also it IS the military, where the course of treatment is:
Of course you’re depressed! NO ONE GIVES A SHIT! Man up and get back to work!
"Also a lot of them kill themselves...”
I don’t think there’s a single demographic in the military that doesn’t have suicides.
“and most all are drama queens.”
Jesus Fucking Christ, if that were a disqualifying condition, we’d decimate the wardrooms, the goats locker, and nuclear power.
“This brings down the morale of all of the military.”
BEING IN THE FUCKING MILITARY BRINGS DOWN THE MORALE OF THE MILITARY!!! RAIN, SLEET, BULLETS, BUGS, THE OTHER BUGS, ISOLATION, AND UNIFORM INSPECTIONS!!! For Fuck’s Sake, if we watch a movie, and i wanna fuck the starlet, the last thing i care about is how many guys on the mess decks want to fuck the star, or how many want to BE the starlet.
“There are two sexes. Men. Women. That's all.”