Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Aside from bringing out the absolute worst in people, the internet has created an addiction that is engulfing millions of men and women in its abyss: the addiction to pornography. It goes without say that this addiction has ruined the lives of millions of men and the lives of their wives and children. Even if a man or woman is not addicted to such websites filled with complete tum'ah (spiritual filth), the simple act of going to these sites once in a while is enough to kill them and their relationship with their families.


It is obvious that parents who give their kids free reign to use unrestricted internet are putting their children in serious, potentially life-threatening danger. But this is just one aspect of a larger problem.

The larger problem, I believe, is the progressively decaying morals of society in general. What morals, you ask? Good question. I think the answer is precisely in that question. These days, anything goes. Everything is okay. Whatever you want to do, more power to you. If it feels good to you, go for it! And cliché after cliché after cliché.

Except this is really what life has become. People have become so concerned with living their lives for themselves, they don't know how to make room in their hearts for others. We have become a cold-hearted, depraved, and self-centered society.

So what is a parent supposed to do if he wants to prevent his children from growing up in such a laissez-faire world? In my mind, there are two options:

a) build an underground cave in your home and hide your kids there until, well, indefinitely

b) pack up and move to a family-oriented, child-nurturing, Torah-observant community in Israel



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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