"Chick-Fil-A is standing and trying to keep people out of hell"
Your Americentricism is showing. Meanwhile, KFC has branches worldwide. In my locale, there's at least four KFC's.
'Chick(tract)-Fil-A'? It was only a few months ago, that a shopping mall in my locale (Hull, UK) got a Krispy Kreme.
"Somehow people don't get it that when it is in their best interest they just reject it. So sad !"
What's sad? The notion of religion getting mixed up in business. Example: there used to be a coach firm in my locale called 'Good News Travel', run by a Christian. Whilst he did the conventional excursions, courier trips (especially booked by individuals/groups), package holidays abroad, he also did holidays for pilgrims to the Holy Land.
Until one day, he suddenly went all David Icke.
He somehow got it into his mind that if he transported all the Jews from Russia to Israel, the 'Second Coming' would happen. As a result of his fundie-based monomania, his business went to the wall. His shareholders - even some who were Christians themselves - had no choice but to take action: he was sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
The company was ultimately sold to the UK's biggest coach firm, National Express; the vehicles were assimilated into the company's fleet, and fortunately the staff were re-employed. The CEO of National Express plc is an Atheist.
Moral: There are plenty of other businesses one can patronise. 'People vote with their wallets'; that phrase exists for a reason. 'Chick(tract)-Fil-A', take note.
"You should watch the old James Coburn spy spoof movie "In Like Flint". In it, three scientists were attempting to create a utopia by controlling the weather and forcing the governments of the world to give up all their weapons. As Flint said as they begged him not to destroy their machine, "I'm sorry, gentlemen. But your price is too high. It may be your idea of paradise, but it's not mine"."
(*Nostalgia bomb goes off in brain*)
Now you've done it. As a Bond nerd, I love these affectionate parodies of Ian Fleming's creation; the gadgets too - the watch that 'reactivates' Flint whenever he goes into his meditation-based self-induced 'stasis' mode; also the light source/base for his pen microscope (and even a head-mounted light). And his lighter that has 86 functions; 87, if you count lighting a cigarette. XP X3