How has Pres. Bush degraded our country?? He's stood up for what was right on numerous occasions very unlike former Pres. Clinton who was arrogant and self-seeking. He spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars on vacations during his term. And in a place of a authority, an affair is not a "personal matter." He is representing the United States. I would be afraid to see what Clinton would have done after September 11th and I'm glad that we have a President who puts America's needs first and not the United Nonsense(oops, I mean Nations) [eyeroll smiley]
No offense, but I think you are the one who needs to do your research...
Clinton degraded our country, and Bush has given us a country to be proud of.
"How has Pres. Bush degraded our country??"
Would you like me to start the list with his illegal and unconstitutional activities or his promotion of international war under false pretenses or his "fuck 'em all" method of foreign policy?
"He's stood up for what was right on numerous occasions..."
No, he stood up for what was right for his cronies and campaign contributers like Haliburton and Exxon and the Saudi Arabian royal family.
"...very unlike former Pres. Clinton who was arrogant and self-seeking."
And Bush is meek and humble? For all that's holy, he thinks God personally talks to him!
And which was the arrogant, self-seeking thing Clinton did? Are you referring to him balancing the budget or the part about actually giving a damn for the common American citizen? Or maybe it was his open-mind that was the arrogant bit? Clinton was actually pretty humble and willing to share credit and listen to others. Unlike Bush, whose primary requirement for a position in his administration is how far up his ass you can get your nose.
"He spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars on vacations during his term."
No he didn't. Presidental expenses are a matter of public record, you twit, and Clinton's vacations, just like Bush's, were paid for out of his own pocket. No US President has ever taken a "vacation" on taxpayer money.
Besides, President Bush has logged more vacation days than any US President in the history of the nation. During his first year alone he spent more than 100 days on vacation.
"And in a place of a authority, an affair is not a "personal matter." He is representing the United States."
OK, for the last time. Clinton having an affair did not make him a bad president. It made him a bad husband. Those are not the same things, you moron. And what made us a laughing-stock was not Clinton's affair, but by the way the American people reacted to it.
"I would be afraid to see what Clinton would have done after September 11th..."
I bet it would have pretty much the exact same thing Bush did, secure the airports, meet with the cabinet, assess the threat, get funds to the rescue agencies, rally the people,...except that I doubt Clinton would have given special permission for his buddies from Saudi Arabia and bin Laden's family who were in the US at the time to fly home. That was a Bush thing, I think.
"...and I'm glad that we have a President who puts America's needs first..."
Because, after all, the USA is the only nation in the world that matters. Fuck everyone else.
"...and not the United Nonsense(oops, I mean Nations)"
Fundies shouldn't try to make jokes. You lack the proper equipment.
"No offense,"
Offense taken.
"...but I think you are the one who needs to do your research..."
I have. And it turns out that you are full of shit. Who knew?
"Clinton degraded our country, and Bush has given us a country to be proud of."
Clinton degraded himself with his affair. Most human beings are sophisticated enough to seperate the leader from the led in such matters. And in a country where an estimated 60% of adult males admit to cheating on their partners, there aren't that many people around qualified to cast that first stone.
And as for the other bit. I am proud to be an American, but I have never been more ashamed of the actions of my government than I am right now. America is a great nation. We deserve better than a Jingoistic fearmonger.
I agree with you about Clinton disgracing the United States (and, above all, himself) with Monicagate.
Everything else in this post, however, either is factually wrong (backward, in fact, such as the vacation time issue) or is, in my opinion, "wrong" in its viewpoint (e.g., denigrating the United Nations).
Clinton's affair made the U.S. a laughingstock, but Bush made the U.S. a target of anger and hate -- and this was AFTER starting with the greatest outpouring of worldwide compassion from other nations the U.S. had EVER had, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. In a few short years, he completely squandered compassionate world opinion and invited disgust and hatred instead.
Oh, and guess what? We're still a laughingstock as well -- only it's not because of Clinton anymore, but because of having elected this moron. Eight years have never lasted so long.
~David D.G.
You're proud of a president who lied to get us into a war that should never have happened? You're proud of a lying, deceitful, arrogant, greedy and quite possibly sociopathic president who STOLE two elections? You are proud that he thinks he is above the laws of the land? You are proud that the entire world now hates us because of him? You are proud that he condones the use of torture? You are proud that congress is quietly trying to sneak through legislation that will assure that he is pardoned should charges of any kind be brought against him for his egregious misuse of power?
Well, fuck you, you ignorant moron. .
1. WTF does "self-seeking" mean?
2. Bush has spent more time on vacation than any president EVER.
3. Ah yes, the sex scandal card. Let's just remember kevinmiller, nobody died when Clinton lied. Can you say that about Chimpy?
4. What I do know is that Clinton wouldn't have started a pointless war based on lies.
5. I've never been less proud of my country than I have been under the Bush regime.
David the affair made us a laughing stock but not in the way you mean. Most of the world didn’t get the big deal. Most other places affairs are not a surprise, where it’s good to be king. Our prurience is bewildering to many other countries, Islamic nations excepted. And I might still add that the only reason it ever came to light was that a group of well funded full time lawyers (the Arkansas project) was on a mission to get Clinton, funded by a rich fundie of course.
"How has Pres. Bush degraded our country??"
By being a liar, an idiot, a war-monger and an asshole.
"He's stood up for what was right on numerous occasions very unlike former Pres. Clinton who was arrogant and self-seeking."
Ha! Good one, Kev.
"Self-seeking? He was looking for himself?
If you mean self-serving, GWB has been a self-serving asshat since he got into office.
"He spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars on vacations during his term."
GWB has taken more vacation time than any other president and works shorter days than any other president including the nap-prone Ronny Reagan.
"And in a place of a authority, an affair is not a 'personal matter.'"
I think it is, but even if it were not, I would rather have my president having extra-marital sex with consenting adults, than lying to get us into an unjust war, running up trillions in national debt and giving huge tax breaks to his wealthy pals.
"He is representing the United States."
Indeed, and GWB has made the U.S. a world-wide bully and laughing-stock. Great representation, eh?
"I would be afraid to see what Clinton would have done after September 11th"
Yeah, perhaps he would have sought out Osama instead of attacking Iraq.
"and I'm glad that we have a President who puts America's needs first and not the United Nonsense(oops, I mean Nations) [eyeroll smiley]"
Except that GWB doesn't put Americans needs first. Government aid reached the tsunami victims halfway around the world much faster than it reached the Katrina victims in our own country. He's sent thousands of American men and women to be maimed or killed in a pointless war he started on false premises. He's ignoring medical and other scientific advisors who present results he doesn't like. Hardly looking out for our best interests.
"No offense, but I think you are the one who needs to do your research..."
Think again, Kevie.
"Clinton degraded our country, and Bush has given us a country to be proud of."
GWB has given us a country for which we need to apologize. His policies are short-sighted, self-serving and his administration operates in an incredibly arrogant fashion.
I said it before, Teens-4-Crap is priceless!
That said, after Sandman, David D.G. and Papabear, there is not much left to be added. No offense meant to everybody else, of course, but you gotta admit that's some serious carpet-bombing they did on that one!
You guys overlooked something. Check out what the next poster on that board said:
"Oh that Christians would take a stand politically and morally!"
WTF? With all the power the religious right has, and all the things that they're doing..acting against that one vaccine for women, and this person (as well as the poster right after her) say that xians aren't doing anything?
Their complex runs deep. Check out "Kingdom Coming " by Michelle Goldberg.
Or the Americans United website, I guess.
speaking as an Australian, I can inform you that the Lewinski blowjob did not degrade the American nation, however, the lunacy that followed, and I'm talking media storm surrounding the republicans campaign to impeach, was ridiculous beyond belief.
How can you compare a blowjob with starting an illegal war on false pretenses?
Just don't think for a second that any sentient being outside the US thinks that GW Bush is anything but a sock puppet with a speech impediment.
The part I'm amused at is the FOURTY MILLION DOLLARS the Republican controlled congress spent on investigating the thing.
That has got to be the most expensive blowjob in human history, and the US taxpayers paid for it.
I'm sorry, did I say "amused?" I meant "horrified."
Fuck, Bobo, that article gave me a powerful urge toget a rusty old saw and turn Bush and his cronies into thin slices, starting from the extremities to keep them alive as long as possible. I'm also envisioning possible uses for barb wire, vitriol, powers drils and quite a few other tools. He could hardly have done worse if he was deliberately sabotaging the reconstruction...
Try the Bush Game for a good summary of what he fucked up during his first term.
The post is not religiously fundie; it doesn't even mention religion, but it is politically fundie because of its blatant disregard for facts, bald-faced lies about opposing viewpoints, and its blind obedience to authority.
Political Fundies are more frightening than religious ones.
50 years from now, kids will be asking us, "How in the world could you allow Bush Jr. to remain as president? Why didn't you do something?" And we'll have to reply, "Never misunderestimate the stupidity of human beings."
Of course, like all the young people who say nonsenses thinking they´re so smart, last news Houston. He has lied to the world and to the Nation, he´s set USA in a fairly bad economic crisis and he´s responsible for the lives of 1500 people, is it well-representing a country?
And, what's this crazy shit about him giving us a country we can be proud of? Last I checked the whole world hates us now.
That's true. Here in Australia people really dislike the American government. We have nothing againt the people, but it's quite disgusting how even our own Prime Minister is kissing Dubya's ass.
How has Pres. Bush degraded our country??
Tax cuts for the rich.
An expensive war that we didn't need to fight, which he lied to get us into.
Complete disregard for Al Qaeda and security risks.
Insistence that he can't enforce the law without breaking it.
Suppression of facts he doesn't like. (Global warming, ex.)
Suppression of science that offends his emotional whims. (Stem cells)
Suppression of civil rights.
Massive invasion of privacy and illegal spying.
Suspension of due process for the accused.
Dismantling of regulatory organizations to ensure workers' rights, food safety, and more.
Advocacy of and use of torture.
Imperialistic attitude and a "fuck 'em" approach to the rest of the world.
Handouts to the drug industry. (Medicare "drug plan.")
Handouts to the oil industry.
Appointments based on cronyism, not competence.
Katrina (what took him so long?)
FEMA (Heck of a job, Brownie!)
Gitmo, too.
Botched 9/11 response (he could have done a lot in those seven minutes)
Failure to prevent 9/11 (Clinton handed him a briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside the US." He ignored it and all terrorist warnings until after 9/11)
Pollution and ruining of the environment.
He took office with a $5 billion surplus, and will leave running a $5 billion defecit.
Take your pick. I've got more.
He's stood up for what was right on numerous occasions...
I think you mean he stood up for the right. If you're the right-wing CEO of a massive corporation earning billions of dollars each year and donating heavily to Republican campaigns, then Bush is your best friend! If you're a Saudi prince, Bush will hold your hand in public! If you run a massive church which earns millions of dollars and preach that gay people are horrible, atheists are the Spawn of Satan, God gave Bush a divine right to rule, and all Muslims want to destroy Murka and therefore we need to kill them all, then Bush will hold weekly phone conversations with you!
If you're poor and not a Saudi prince, he'll ignore you. If you're an ordinary religious person, then he won't actually talk to you, but he'll finance propaganda reminding you that you have to vote for him because God gave him a divine right to rule.
...very unlike former Pres. Clinton who was arrogant and self-seeking.
I remember the days under Clinton, back when he was persuing his own self interests, the economy was booming, the budget showed a massive surplus, and I had a job.
...Well, I didn't actually have a job under Clinton; I was 5 years old when he first took office. There were other people, though, who lost their jobs because of the Bush reccession.
Of course, Clinton is a tad too conservative for my taste, but I'd certainly settle for him over Bush Clinton proposed a law that violated the 1st Amendment, but Bush has violated the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments. (Possibly more.)
He spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars on vacations during his term.
No president can use tax dollars to fund their vacations, but Bush has taken more vacation than any other president in US history.
And in a place of a authority, an affair is not a "personal matter."
No, it's a family matter. The Monica Lewinsky affair was between Mr. Clinton, Mrs. Clinton, and Miss Lewinsky. Of course, there was a Republican Congress who wanted to get rid of Clinton by any means necessary, so they stuck their fat noses into Clinton's business.
I'd guess that Mr. Clinton was not the first President to get an extramarital blowjob or two. He simply had the bad luck of being a Democratic president with a Republican Congress who wanted to get rid of him one way or another so that they could grab complete control of government.
He is representing the United States.
Currently, Bush is representing the United States. He got this job through judicial fiat, voter fraud, and terrorism. (Yes, terrorism. Using the threat of violence to advance your political ends is terrorism, even if the violence you threaten of will be perpetrated by somebody else.)
I would be afraid to see what Clinton would have done after September 11th...
If Clinton stayed in the White House, there probably wouldn't have BEEN a September 11th. Clinton tried to track down and capture Osama Bin Laden. Although he didn't capture Osama by the end of his second term, he did gather a lot of information about Al Qaeda. He passed this on to Bush. Bush ignored it completely until after September 11th. Even then, he tried to pretend it had never existed.
Bush took office in January of 2001. He had all the information about Osama and Al Qaeda right in front of his nose, yet he ignored it for nine months. He ignored the information, he didn't consult his advisors, and he didn't have any meetings. Bush knew of Al Qaeda when he took office, but he didn't do anything about it until seven minutes after the second plane struck the twin towers on September 11th.
If Clinton had remained president, he may have been able to offset the attack in the nine months between the end of his second term and September 11th.
...and I'm glad that we have a President who puts America's needs first...
When did Bush ever put America's needs first? Throughout his presidency, Bush has put the needs of 1% of Americans first. He occasionally considers the needs of the other 99% of Americans, but only as an afterthought and even then, he does so primarily to distract them from what he's really doing, not out of genuine concern for them.
Bush's presidency has everything a proper dictatorship needs!
A few pennies in tax cuts for the middle class thrown in with the millions for the rich to pacify the people and distract them from the fact that they're getting shafted.
A strong religious organization to convince people that the authorities are acting on God's Word and to oppose them is a horrible crime.
A nebulous "enemy" that diverts blame away from the regime itself.
A call for "patriotism" and equating of patriotism with blind obedience to the ruling powers.
A small but growing movement to get rid of or marginalize "undesirables" like atheists or gay people.
...and not the United Nonsense(oops, I mean Nations) [eyeroll smiley]
Although Bush and his ilk try to paint it as a good thing, it is very bad indeed to have the rest of the world pissed off at you.
Bush attacked Iraq against the will of the United Nations, and take a look at the quagmire it's stuck in now.
Unfortunately, our current leaders seem to consider the rest of the world either unimportant or hostile and are very fond of the "with us or against us" dichotomy under which they accuse other countries (and organizations within America) of supporting the terrorists if they don't kiss Bush's ass.
In fact, Bush has accused everyone who disagrees with him of treason.
Ironically, this "with us or against us" mindset has led people to accuse France of appeasement when they refused to appease the world's only military superpower.
No offense, but I think you are the one who needs to do your research...
Acme Translator is starting up.
Machine Translations are imperfect. Single-tired-person translations may be equally flawed. Fundiebabble-to-English translator now engaged.
Since you disagree with me, you must not know what you're talking about. I'm infallible, so if you disagree, you must be wrong.
Offense taken, kevinmiller. Offense very taken.
Clinton degraded our country...
Yes! Clinton doubleplusungood!
Look, kevinmiller, you're entitled to your own opinion, but I prefer having a robust economy and mostly intact civil rights over an economic "upswing" for the rich at the expense of everyone else and massive violations of civil rights. I'd prefer peace over a ludicrous quagmire in Iraq. I'd prefer scientists advising the President over the President telling scientists what subjects they're allowed to study and what conclusions they're allowed to reach.
...and Bush has given us a country to be proud of.
I have never been so ashamed of my country. I can't begin to fathom how anyone could be proud of waste, corruption, violence, and a visible slide towards dictatorship.
Oh, wait, kevinmiller, you're on Teens for Christ. You worship Big Brother. You've basically been brainwashed.
Sigh. Bush doubleplusgood. We've always been at war with Middleast. Welcome to AmFac.
"Bush is king! Bush is God! Bush is the bestest president ever! I'd sell my soul for Bush! Oooh, he really does it for me. I wish I could have his child, even though I'm a guy! I wish I could surgically attach my lips to his ass! 9/11 changed everything, heil Bush!"
That's what I hear
After 9/11 Bush had the sympathy and support of nearly every nation on the planet. He has steadily worn away that goodwill by heavy handed, bullying tactics and downright criticism of his allies, lying to justify invading other sovereign nations and completely ignoring evils done by his own allies.
I hope the next US president is a better one who will strive to repair the damage Bush has done on the international stage.
After these eight years finally end, it's going to take a hell of a lot longer to repair the damage. The damage to our economy, our environment, and our reputation. Bush and his Legion of Doom have completely torn this country to shreds, and I've never been less proud to be a citizen of this country.
Maronan, Sandman? You two make me proud. You've hit the target so hard it entered another dimension. I honestly don't think it's humanly possible for me to add anything else to what you two have already written, good job.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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