If there is any example of true hatred, it is the gay's hatred of God, His creation, and especially of themselves. Always eager to accuse everyone else of "hating'" they excel at it. Because their lifestyle, by nature, earns no respect, but only revulsion, they need "gay marriage" to bring just a little official recognition to their otherwise perverse behaviour. It would be great for the reprobate state of Californication to simply leave the union and form its own Pink Nation; but that would punish those in the Great Golden State who do not sanction that lifestyle, and who would suffer at the hands of violent fairies.
And you're stupid.
"If there is any example of true hatred, it is the gay's hatred of God"
Assbackwards...even by the viewpoint of your fellows in Christ.
"Always eager to accuse everyone else of "hating'" they excel at it."
ORLY? (Also: mirrors?)
"Because their lifestyle, by nature, earns no respect, but only revulsion"
Feel the love (?)
" need "gay marriage" to bring just a little official recognition to their otherwise perverse behaviour."
Or they could just, you know, want the legal benefits of being married, and want to treated as equals, no matter how "perverse" you deem their behavior to be.
"who would suffer at the hands of violent fairies"
Just wouldn't settle for run of the mill of the homophobe, could you? Had to go with raving, paranoid bigot, didn't you?
"It would be great for the reprobate state of Californication to simply leave the union and form its own Pink Nation; but that would punish those in the Great Golden State who do not sanction that lifestyle, and who would suffer at the hands of violent fairies."
A pink nation would be awesome. Can we make Oregon a purple nation for the bis? Then i've only got a short commute to Washington when I overthrow the government and make religious worship a capital offence. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
"Gay marriage" is a misnomer, anyway. "Marriage" is a religous ceremony that involves the spiritual joining of a man and a woman. That is purely Church stuff, and I do not think the church should (or is) be(ing)forced to accept it. I do not agree with "marriage in general, and think it should be seperate from the state.
However, a "civil union", which would be a legal agreement and "joining", if you will, of two <i>people</i> should be allowed. Religous marriage and civil union should be two entirely different things.
Also, this guy is dumb. Homosexuality isn't repulsive, it's just a thing. If God hates homosexuals, why did he make them?
If there is any example of true hatred, it is the gay's hatred of God...
Maybe that's because He wrote a book telling people to murder queers....
This may shatter all of your illusions but gays are people too. Some may be angry, some are not. Some are fashion designers and hair dressers, some are auto mechanics and engineers. Some want to marry, some do not.
They're people, each one is an individual and should be treated as such.
@Zankou: that would be fine and dandy if it weren't for the fact that marriage is in fact a state institution. There are religious marriages as well, but I know more than a few people who were married by the justice of the peace and had no religious involvement. Civil unions are rejected on the basis that 'separate but equal' is not the same as equal. I thought we had figured that out in this country a long time ago.
To expand the fix by Ken 1971 a little bit:
If there is any example of true hatred, it is the fundie's hatred of gays in the name of god. Always eager to accuse everyone else of "hating" they excel at it. Because their lifestyle, by nature, earns no respect, but only ridicule, they need persecution of gays to bring just a little official recognition to their otherwise strange behaviour. It would be great for the reprobate states of rhe bible belt to simply leave the union and form its own Christistan; but that would punish those in the Great Golden States who do not adhere to that backwards lifestyle, and who would lack from the production of corn that these states produce.
I'm willing to admit that, if God were in fact proven to exist exactly as he is described in the bible, I would hate him. Just as I'd hate (and forgive the Godwin) Hitler if I were in Nazi Germany or Stalin in communist Russia. Power does not always mean one deserves respect, especially if one is abusing his or her authority... and there is no better example of the abuse of power than the way the Christian god is described in the bible. If I had an abusive parent, I would not respect him/her just because he/she 'created' me. The 'father' is responsible for his 'children', as he chose to bring them into this world -- not the other way around.
Thankfully, the bible is just nonsense and everything in the above paragraph is moot.
"If there is any example of true hatred, it is the gay's hatred of God"
I've never heard of any gays who hated god, they probably follow the Gandhi route on christianity.
"Always eager to accuse everyone else of "hating'""
Well looking at your post they seem to be right about it.
"Because their lifestyle, by nature, earns no respect, but only revulsion,"
Revulsion from fundie idiots who by their nature earn far less respect that is.
"It would be great for the reprobate state of Californication to simply leave the union and form its own Pink Nation; but that would punish those in the Great Golden State who do not sanction that lifestyle, and who would suffer at the hands of violent fairies"
Violent fairies? Yeah of course we get a whole lot of reports of eleven year old gays attacking and shooting their christian classmates don't we, oh wait wasn't that the other way round. Just STFU you idiot.
Umn... I don't give a shit what you think, nor does anyone else. People get married not for the approval of strangers, but to celebrate their love for each other and to have legal rights and protections for themselves and their beloved.
"Gay marriage" is a misnomer, anyway. "Marriage" is a religous ceremony that involves the spiritual joining of a man and a woman. That is purely Church stuff, and I do not think the church should (or is) be(ing)forced to accept it. I do not agree with "marriage in general, and think it should be seperate from the state.
However, a "civil union", which would be a legal agreement and "joining", if you will, of two people should be allowed. Religous marriage and civil union should be two entirely different things.
No. Bad Monkey! Bad! Bad Monkey! No!
Why would you willingly give them this semantic victory? Marriage means the civil contract between consenting adults, and the religious twattage is piled on after-the-fact. Anything less is tantamount to demarcating a second-class citizenry.
And here's a virulent bible queer spreading the Holy Hate.
Good job, Hellbound Polynikes! Fuck yourself.
No. Bad Monkey! Bad! Bad Monkey! No!
Why would you willingly give them this semantic victory? Marriage means the civil contract between consenting adults, and the religious twattage is piled on after-the-fact. Anything less is tantamount to demarcating a second-class citizenry.
Re: stogoe
"Marriage" is originally rooted in religion, with the legal stuff on ofter the fact, actually.
Re: Nutz
The marriages by a justice of the peace would fall under "civil union", because it's not a Church thing. (in my definition, at least)
Re: Anonymous guy
I was unaware of that. Thank you for informing me.
So, wait, are homosexuals "violent", or are they "namby-pamby effeminates"?
Make up your mind, people!
Do you mean "violet ferries"? Because that's about the only think that would make sense in your post. And we all have to be aware of the Purple People Carriers!
(yah lame, i know, but why give more to a lame post than more lameness)
Yeah, we sometimes have fairy problems around here too. When provoked, they beat people with their wings, much like swans.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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