The Bible says God flooded the earth, not the entire world. Too many people concieve that 'flooded the earth' means the entire world, it doesnt. He flooded the earth in the area he needed to.
So if he flooded it only where he needed to, why did Noah need to build his giant boat and round up all the animals? Couldn't he just have, say, gone to where it wasn't flooded and waited it out?
Your flood theory doesn't hold water.
"Too many people concieve that 'flooded the earth' means the entire world, it doesnt[sic]."
Correct, but not for the reason you cite. There is NO evidence for a flood of the entire planet.
@Darkfire: If he's arguing that the flood didn't cover the earth, but what would've been the known world at the time, he'd probably say only the animals from the local area needed to get on. In any case he's not being a hard-line literalist, so I'm inclined to rate it lower on the fundie meter.
Of course the flood story as a whole is without evidence.
Hear that grinding, screeching, metal-twisting sound?
It's the sound of goalposts being moved.
“The Bible says God flooded the earth, not the entire world.”
Um… Genesis 7:4 “Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”
OP thinks this MEANS to say, "I will wipe from the face of YOUR ZIP CODE every living creature I have made AND DEPLOYED THEREABOUTS.” Instead of just flooding the area and telling Noah to go over a mountain range and start collecting animals that were appropriate for sacrifice, to repopulate that area.
And what was the point of the raven and the dove? If there was land the whole time, then all God needed to do was cause the Ark to drift towards land. Not search and search to see if there was any land.
This is nonsense.
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