
Doug #fundie #homophobia christianexodus.org

In my college days, when I was more of a moderate, I had actually tried to befriend homosexuals and preach the Gospel to them in order to convert them from their wicked ways, but to no avail. They would listen for a time but then go right back to their old patterns of self-destructive behavior - which also included heavy drinking, drug use, and general lawlessness. It was like there was something evil inside them that made them do what they do - something that refused to let them go. From those experiences, I have deduced that homosexuals are, among other things, possessed by demons. And if they refuse to reject the wicked doctrines of these demons, they must be separated out from the mainstream of society in order to protect it. And since America is no longer a Christian country, it may be necessary to create a country within a country wherein our values will be upheld by law, if only to protect ourselves from these people.

<p>Am I wrong?

CHRISTIAN EXODUS #fundie christianexodus.org

[The "About Us" for an organization that advocates that "Christians" move to South Carolina, take over the state and secede.]

ChristianExodus.org was founded in November of 2003 in response to the moral degeneration of American culture, and the rampant corruption among the powers that be. The initial goal was to move thousands of Christian constitutionalists to South Carolina to accelerate the return to self-government based upon Christian principles at the local and State level. This project continues to this day, with the ultimate goal of forming an independent Christian nation that will survive after the decline and fall of the financially and morally bankrupt American empire. We have learned, however; that the chains of our slavery and dependence upon godless government have more of a hold on us than can be broken by simply moving to another state.

As many like-minded Christian activists pursue independent Christian living without relocating, the scope has expanded to promote "personal secession" though many and various tracks, wherever they can be implemented. The long process of disentanglement from idolatrous dependencies includes such practices of moving towards a home-centered economy, with home-businesses, home-gardening, debt-free living, private exchange, home-schooling, home-birthing, homeopathic medicine, heath care cost-sharing, house-churches, unregistered Christian ministry, and any other way in which we might live free and godly lives in Christ Jesus, without prostrating ourselves to the eat from hand of the imperial magistrate.