
the lioness is a guy IRL (AKA Cassiterides) #racist egyptsearch.com


Kim Kardashian however isn't even white, she's heavily Cherokee (Amerindian) admixed, its what gives her an alleged 'exotic' look which apparently many men like. I personally though think she is ugly. Google image kim without makeup on, and you will see her real face. She looks even more amerindian without her makeup on and her face isn't pleasant.

the lioness is a guy IRL (AKA Cassiterides) #racist egyptsearch.com


This scientist is probably African-American, and not living in Africa.

African-Americans have higher IQ's than Blacks living in Africa, because they have 12 - 15% white admixture.

IQ (Lynn, 2006a, p 37) -

Black African: 67-70
African-American: 85
White: 100

Half of all Whites have an IQ over the white average, but only 16% of African Americans do (i.e., 5 out of 6 Blacks have an IQ below the white average) and only 1.3% of Africans would be expected to have an IQ above the white average.

^ The black guy you posted is just that 1.3%...

Only 1% of the black (African American) population has an IQ over 120, but 9% of the white population does.

About 2.3% of whites have an IQ of at least 130 (gifted), 20 times greater than the percentage of blacks who do; only 0.00044% of Black Africans would be expected to have an IQ over 130.

the lioness is a guy IRL (AKA Cassiterides) #racist egyptsearch.com

Almost all black people today have gone to the most extreme measures to appear as white as possible.

Black hair straighteners, or “relaxers” as they are now deviously called, have flooded the world market. They are as common in Africa as they are amongst black populations in Europe and America.

Everywhere you look, Black African females suddenly have straight or “good” hair, as they call it.

The black comedian Chris Rock has even made a film about the phenomenon, called “Good Hair” which revealed that his community spends $5,000 per treatment to get “good” (i.e. straight) hair and that the industry is worth $9 billion a year in America alone.

You hardly see a “natural” haired Black African person any more.

In fact, most “long” hair that one sees on black females today is a wig or what is called a “hair extension” (fake or human hair bonded into the wearer’s real hair to create the illusion of long flowing locks).

The big questions remain:

(1) why do black people, en masse, want to look like white people? And

(2) what would people say if ALL white females wanted to have Afro hair?

the lioness is a guy IRL (AKA Cassiterides) #racist egyptsearch.com

Would you say it's a modern tactic? I don't think black people were saying this sort of stuff 50, 40 or even 30 years ago. Back then everyone knew who a spade was, and blacks weren't trying to cluster themselves with Indians, Melanesians and so forth.

Btw, their sole goal is to undermine or destroy the white race. Since they are grouping anyone with the smallest amount of 'colour' as ''Black'' then they are including Meds (Southern Europeans) in their group who are of course White. Excluding Southern Meds or Whites of the Meditteranid phenotype, that leaves white people at about 1% of the world population - that's their goal, because by redefining and extending their racial category to include Meds they somehow think all Meds are going to identify as black and interbreed with Negroes.

Reality check though... Meds hate negroes. In fact Southern Europe is far more hardline and racialist than the liberal north. Every time i always hear on the news how Spanish or Italian football fans are calling negro football players in their teams as ''monkeys'' etc.

the lioness is a guy IRL (AKA Cassiterides) #fundie egyptsearch.com

(Seemed to fit both RSTDT and FSTDT, flipped a coin)

[cassiterides says evolution is a fairytale, that GOD created each of the "races" separately about 6000 years ago ]

I claimed Aryans (Indo-Europeans) are around 6,000-7,000 years old and they are the Adamites of the Bible. Aryan = ploughman and Genesis states Adam was a 'tiller' or plougher of the ground. The etymology of Adam is also 'ruddy, to show blood in the face' - only people with pale white skin show blood in the face.

Science estimates the Australian aborigines around 60,000 years old, East Asians 20,000-30,000 years, and the Bushmen up to 100,000.

I only ever claimed Aryans are 6,000 years old. The non-white races are far older pre-adamite creations.

But yes all races have seperate origins and evolution is a fairytale.

Only a crank would believe a negro morphed into a white man or a white man into a negro. Yet there are afrocentrics on the forum who think this happened. Time to take their medication.

Mike111, IronLion, and MelaninKing #racist egyptsearch.com

(Mike111): We have all heard Whites espouse glowingly of the "Delicate" White skinned, rosy-cheeked beauty.

Has anyone ever really analyzed and considered that proposition?

Why would ANY man want a "Delicate" (Sickly) Woman?

The offspring would likely be sickly too.

And the sex? Can't do much rocking-n-rolling with a sickly woman.

Conclusion: There is serious delusionary thinking going on in the White mind.

(IronLion): You are right Mike. Pink punnanies ain't ****.

Only the hard pressed black man with no other choice would slam one. Besides, they come cheap like two dollar whores on a Tuesday night.

(MelaninKing): Mike,
These Albinos are mentally imbalanced. We've successfully not only shown this, but also answered the, WHY, by showing medical cause(s).

For centuries, normals have asked the question of why Albino Whites are so hostile and immune to logic and true spiritual depth. They destroyed books and attempted to hide away the secret of Melanin. Now, the internet has backfired on them, and the data can no longer be kept in secret.

One thing is certain, they are insane, but as can be seen above, they have plenty of money and resources to burn.

Brothers really need to check themselves and become informed when they approached and seduced by Albino women who carry the gene mutations for these psychological maladjustments. They say that beautify is only skin deep, but in this instances, the skin you are in can tell what's gonna be poorly developed under the skull, and in the nuts and egg sack.

Bonampak420 #racist egyptsearch.com

White Mental Illness. SingaporeanROCKS is non other than VansertimaVindicated.

This White devil has multiple personality disorder from lack of melanin

White supremacy never ends, for it to be maintained the Average white person must support and create disinformation and create chaos everywhere, In order to maintain white supremacies power structure.

Here we see singaporeanROCKS posting about penis size in an African American forum on TOPIX.com, when he is actually a White male from london.

Either way it doesnt matter the white race has serious mental issues and diseases brought about by being a inferior sub-human race not superior to melinated Hue-mans

Poster on the forum recognizes the White dmeon and exposes him. Its actually sad to watch the white race engage in this type of multiple personality disorder, and be a chaos spreader. Posting in the African American forum to spread chaos and hate.

The White race is a degenrate race of insecure beast. When they finally begin to see there world falling apart the white race will do anything to maintain their way of life. Which is a life of fantasy, lies, and illusion. This is why i said before. white males love to play dungeons and dragon and world of warcraft in their childhood and adult hood, and white females love to have full blown conversations with plastic dolls. That is some insane sh1t to be talking to imaginary people. The white race is insane.

This is why singaporeanROCKS must attack Clyde winters and create disinformation in this forum. He is apart of the insecure race of beast.