
jcr4runner #fundie forerunner.com

There is actually a whole book written on the subject ABORTION RITES which chronicles some of the rites Wiccans use around the time they sacrifice their own babies.


You can download a copy of the eBook for free at the above link.
No, it isn't a lie concocted by some extreme wing of the radical Christian right. The research is based on the actual writings of Wiccans and Pagans.
I will agree that 99 percent of non-Christians (including pagans and Wiccans) would be repulsed by this. But it is perfectly legal under Roe v. Wade to perform such a sacrifice.
The purpose of the article is to demonstrate that we are all culpable for the sacrifice of innocent babies. Whether it is to a pagan goddess or on the altar of the god of our own "convenience" -- abortion is still legalized child sacrifice.

Jay Rogers #fundie forerunner.com

7. We believe that there are two biblically prescribed punishments enforceable by the state: execution and restitution. We do not believe in jail sentences. We believe in only the biblically prescribed punishments for violations of the moral law.

We do not believe that the state is the final arbiter in all matters pertaining to the moral law. Most of these cases would be resolved within families or within churches. However, only the state may execute criminals for capital crimes; only the state "bears the sword" (see Romans 13).

8. We want civil government to punish evil doers according to biblical sanctions. We want all moral laws of the Old Testament to be enforced according to biblical standards.

Some may object: Isn't this harsh? Isn't this barbaric? No, in fact it will lead to greater liberty for the godly. We want the ungodly punished according to God's Law-Word because it is what God prescribes. We have been conditioned according to a humanistic worldview to reject Old Testament law as "barbaric" or "outdated." God's law is not harsh, barbaric nor antiquated, because God is neither harsh, barbaric nor antiquated!

Randall Terry #fundie forerunner.com

Yet another attempt at compromise that many Christian leaders have come up with at first seems reasonable, but it is rotten to the core. It goes like this: "We just want equal time."

Wrong! We don't want "equal time" with baby-killers, condom pushers, New Agers, and sodomite recruiters. We do not want them to have any access to public schools. We won't tolerate their having a single minute to expose our children or anyone else's children to their godless agenda. Planned Parenthood, Queer nation and their cohorts form hell have no right to give the time of day to children in school and fill their unsuspecting minds with filth. We don't want equal time, because we want them to have no time.

We will not put the flawless, eternal Word of God on the same par with godless laws, or the ungodly lies of men and demons. God's Law is supreme and will abide forever. man's rebellious thoughts are as chaff for the fire.

Fyi #fundie forerunner.com

1. Expose evil, tell the Truth to abortion-minded pregnant moms. Compile information on the dangers of abortion to women; expose the evil practices of abortionists at the clinics through various means such as dispersing literature to women in crisis pregnancies and through referral counseling at the abortion clinic.

2. Expose evil, tell the Truth to high school students who make up a major percentage of abortion-minded people. The "God is going back to school campaign" involves showing the truth of abortion to high school students as they go to school in the morning. Healthy discussions and debates on abortion are started and last as long as a week and in every classroom according to reports from students. Literature promoting abstinence until marriage is passed out. Some students find out enough about abortion to decide to not get involved in any activity that might result in even considering one.

3. Expose evil, tell the Truth to the public. The print and broadcast media won't. Make use of the Internet to make this information available to the public. Expose abortionists for who they are and what they do for a living; give hard evidence of women who have been injured through abortion (i.e., streaming video of ambulances arriving on the scene to take injured women to the hospital; sound files of 911 calls; death certificates of women killed at the hands of abortionists; etc.)

4. Expose evil, Tell the Truth to our government. Encourage litigation by women who have been injured by abortion, encourage pro-life legislation by our elected officials, and report violations of regulations by clinics that operate with unethical, dangerous, or illegal procedures.

Jay Rogers #fundie forerunner.com

How you can resist modern paganism

1. Recognize that abortion is primarily a spiritual issue. Abortion is the sacrifice of human preborn infants on the altar of convenience by those with a pagan worldview. Abortion is not just a political or social issue; it’s a spiritual issue. Witchcraft is the spiritual force behind the politics of abortion.

2. Engage in spiritual warfare against demonic forces behind child sacrifice. There are many forms that this can take, but spiritual warfare is most effective when you appear physically at the abortuary nearest to your home. It is important for the Church in America to go to the places where the killing is taking place and intercede on behalf of the unborn. Prayer for the mercy of God to spare the unborn and put an end to abortion in our nation must be accompanied by real activism on the part of the Church. Jesus said: “The gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church” (Matthew 16:18).

3. Evangelism. Many abortion advocates are not secularists, but are deeply spiritual people. They are drawn to the spiritual power of occult practices. Some of the most meaningful evangelistic outreaches occur before the very gates of hell the abortion clinics of America. Two of the most notable examples in recent years are Norma McCorvey, the Roe of Roe v. Wade, and Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former abortion doctor, both of whom were reached through the evangelistic witness of pro-life activists. God can pour out his grace on those practicing human sacrifice, but they must repent. Pray that God will touch that deep spiritual impulse in abortionists to seek reconciliation with their loving Father.

4. Become politically and socially involved. Don’t be fooled by the modern prevailing notion that God is not involved in politics. Isaiah described the role of Jesus Christ in governing the affairs of men: “And the government shall be upon His shoulders” (Isaiah 9:6). This government includes individual, family and church self-government, but this verse also applies to civil government. Civil government is not “secular” or evil, but should be occupied by Christians who rule by the moral law of God.

5. Give generously to ministries that are committed to reforming our society. There are many organizations that are committed to fighting the war against abortion. But reformation must happen at the grass roots level among committed individuals.

nickols_k #fundie forerunner.com

At the age of thirteen I was thrown into another world by a fateful accident. Clinically pronounced dead, I returned from the afterlife with knowledge rarely glimpsed by the average person. This experience has defined my life as a person with each foot in a different world. Explaining the afterlife to those who have not had a near death experience requires breaking down the illusions that most people hold of what they call "reality". I hope that my experiences can enlighten others while allowing me to share my insights with my fellow humans.

I have received the seal of the beast in afterlife world 20-22 years ago. Main information - the first who meets us in afterlife world is the BEAST which is described in Bible, but not God as many think!
BEAST - this creature has size about 12 meters in height. This creature is able to stay on two legs and has very long tail (so it also 30 meters long including the tail).
IMAGE OF BEAST is any creature who has seal of beast with spirit of beast inside and without man's status!
MARK OF BEAST. After sealing up appears imprint! This imprint has name - mark. It looks like black tattoo which is putted on spirit (not on body) therefore can not be cutted out. It contains the head of dog with iron slam on head.
SEAL OF BEAST. The beast has the seal. It is like iron seal on a long pole. Any host is able to mark by seal of beast.
666 is number of men who will be marked by beast but will be saved!!! (i.e. common number of saved from all who will be marked by beast).
FOREHEAD whole forehead bone from brows up to top of head! The seal of beast is fatal when it putted on forehead or on any hand.
NAME OF THE BEAST. The beast has name, same as any creature who was created by Creator.
NUMBER OF NAME OF THE BEAST is number of people who will call themselves by name of the beast. I.e. 666 is number of people who will be saved from the lake of fire with seal of beast on any place. But the number of name of the beast is number of people who will call themselves same as the beast.
HOST is creature (man or angel) who received the seal of beast!!! Host can to mark up anybody by the seal of beast!
ROD OF IRON is spirit of beast which is inserted into us horizontally.