
Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

Example: The fall of evangelist Jimmy Swaggart. One of the most powerful voices in the evangelical world, he was reduced to utter shame after a scandal that shocked the Christian world.

How we all criticized him.

What almost no one knows to this day is that Mr. Swaggart had just before flown to El Paso on a secret mission, where he led the parents of Night Stalker Satanist Richard Ramirez to Jesus. I believe the occult underworld found Mr. Swaggart’s weakness – and set him up – and made him pay

Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

Pokèmon, at first, was a seemingly harmless game that actually contained a number of occult images and themes, particularly sorcery, reincarnation, levitation, psychic powers, etc. It quickly became an obsession for children and teens. We did what we could to educate believers on this. It certainly wasn’t the Ouija board, but it contained enough occultism to be a slow poison and make kids immune to more dangerous forms of the occult later.

That quickly escalated with the next game, Yu Gi Oh, which was much more sophisticated in its occult content. So we tried to fight that battle, too. And frankly, by then, I was getting quite frustrated with Christians who played around with these things and parents who saw no harm in it, because both as a survivor of the occult world and someone who gave the best years of my life to trying to stop the scourge of real occult crime and harm to children, it was unbelievable to me that Christians treated all of it so lightly.

Soon, most of the video games were filled with occult symbols, from pentagrams and pentacles to Egyptian black magick, to Crowleyan and Church of Satan imagery and themes.

But the real devastator was Harry Potter. It succeeded in blowing a spiritual hole into an entire generation in a way that I never could have imagined. All the books – all the themes – all the concepts, morality and lessons – were straight out of a pagan worldview, and worse, much of the actual spellwork and “props” in the books were based on real-world, little-known, and very workable ritual magick. How JK Rowling knew this is anyone’s guess. But since she got the Potter idea when “Harry” kind of “appeared” to her, (“Harry just sort of strolled into my head, on a train journey. He arrived very fully formed. It was as though I was meeting him for the first time.” – From Scholastic.com interview) I don’t think it’s a stretch to say she had “help” and that help was not from God.

The consequences were that it transformed an entire generation of youth and parents into occult-conditioned vessels of a worldview and philosophy and lifestyle that is Luciferian at its very core. Man is his own god. The powers of nature are there to use. And God? Nowhere to be seen. An entire generation had been hijacked, and they didn’t even know it. It’s not that everyone went out and became wizards. They simply discarded the “archaic” faith in Jesus Christ and the Word of God. Potter was the foundational document of the new post-Christian era.

Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

That’s one of the aspects of all this no one ever discusses. The satanic underworld is much worse than the mafia in the way they deal with their traitors. You take an oath that if you ever talk, you die – by suicide (preferable) or by them. I have internet sites that tell you how this is done, by people who know how to do it. In addition, all your family is ID’d. They die too. So even if someone goes to prison for a crime carried out on satanic orders, they will likely never talk. A murderer in New Mexico who killed a pastor in cold blood in church was apparently well-connected but took the fall rather than talk. An El Paso schoolteacher-child rapist and satanist hung himself the day before his trial rather than let the details of his life and his connections – which those of us who were involved in the case knew but the public didn’t – go public. An accomplice in a horrendous slaughter of a young woman in Odessa Texas put his head under a pumpjack right after leaving the police station after questioning, where he told the investigators he had been with the other man in custody when the murder took place. He accidentally called the man by his “coven name” in front of the officers, and knew apparently that his life was over, for his cohort was according to him, a high Satanic priest who had done the murder to elevate himself in the priesthood. (The murderer is alive and well, by the way, since the DA ordered him shipped out of state because he didn’t want to deal with this “Satanism crap.”)

Oh, the stories I could tell. Stories that the public has never heard, that the media will never cover. Stories that only those of us who have been on the front lines of the real war against satanic crime can ever tell. I’m sorry most won’t, because most of the original soldiers retired, burned out, were fired, threatened, scared off – and many have died, taking their legacy and their indisputable accounts with them

Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

Years ago, we met with a family. They attended church regularly father had paid for the services of a Curandera trying to heal his sick son. The son recovered. The Curandera convinced him he needed to continue to pay for her services in order for the boy to remain well. So he kept paying her for more limpias (cures.) (Good business in this witchcraft isn’t there?) He finally was convicted by God and decided to stop all contact with her. She was furious, she made threatening phone calls. Shortly after, mutilated animals began being left on their doorstep. That’s when they called us to go pray for them.

Within weeks of the father cutting off the Curandera, the vibrant 32 year old mother became gravely ill. By the time we were called, she was in a wheelchair, looked 90 years old and was almost fetally withered, her hands clenched and unable to open. Doctors found nothing wrong with HER, either.

It was a messy, yucky deliverance. We led the dad in a prayer of repentance for his whole family. We prayed for the mom, and before our eyes she returned to near normal in a very short period of time – as another family member, sitting on the couch, began stiffening, contorting, and in a few moments took on the exact appearance and affliction as the mom had! I’d seen “jumping” before, but this was really nasty. I think after a whole evening we got the entire family free, but I promise, if they ever slip and call that Curandera again, it will be very bad for them.

Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

At the same time, a “former occultist” here got “saved” and began attending an Assembly of God church. He claimed to have been a Rosicrucian who was a courier to the Illuminati in DC. Within a short time, he became associate pastor. Then he began calling anyone who was in ministry who did deliverance, fought the occult or were saved out of the occult. He interviewed them, gathered information. I was one of the last he interviewed, more of an interrogation, and I felt the presence of familiar spirits the whole time he was at my apartment. Days after, he suddenly left, never to be heard of again. The church had several kids who had been molested while he was there, and the youth pastor’s two small children were killed in a freak auto accident. The church was decimated. Another Assembly of God at the same time was driven to failure by direct attack – death threats, finding slaughtered birds at the altar when they opened for Sunday service, and much more. Apparently, they had access to the church before two caretakers moved in. They wanted “their” church back, they said in one phone threat, and they would kill everyone to do it if they had to.

I needed confirmation of all I was learning. I received it through a dear pastoral couple in my association who had a wonderful church in the worst part of DC. Their ministry was wonderfully successful, aided a great deal by a couple that they befriended, grew close to and eventually became right arms to their ministry. Then, everything went wrong and their ministry was under horrible attack on every level.

The pastors cried out to God for answers, and they were stunned when He showed them that their best friends were behind it! Shocked, reluctant, they confronted their friends. They laughed. “We’re Satanists”, they said. “You were our assignment.”

Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

As our nation continues to be consumed with the occult and true satanic and occult cartels grown in strength, we MUST be prepared. Be aware of these facts:

1. Any church or ministry that does well is considered a threat and will eventually come to the attention of the satanic occult hierarchy.

2. Depending on resources, they may be visited by a scout or scouts who will report back what they find. A plan is then devised for your downfall. Based on my experience, it may include any or all of the following:

– False brethren with money who will come in, give large and become leaders.

– Same will become “intercessor leaders”, give prophecies, gain the pastor’s and leaders’ trust, then give false words to create fear, suspicion, confusion and division. Rumors of infidelity and betrayal will split the church.

– Prayers, curses and rituals will be issued out to send division and accusations on the pastors, elders and leaders.

– Demonized people will begin to come to services and manifest in times of worship or communion to create fear and chaos. Mentally ill people will suddenly come to a service and disrupt or even threaten the pastor.

– Deliberately sent men and women will come to try to sexually ensnare the pastor, his wife, or the elders and their wives. Children and teens may also be targeted by sent people to molest them, or entice them into sin and spiritual ruin.

– Select people will be seduced into attending private, “deeper life” home groups to introduce them to “deeper truths” – occult philosophy.

Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

Those that practice such things bring a curse on themselves, their families, and those they practice such things for. In a practical sense, I have rarely seen the scripture “The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons to the third and fourth generations” played out so completely as in occultic indulgences. Occultism infects everything it touches, opening doors to disease, mental illness, chaos, broken relationships and homes, even death – not to mention demon control and even hostile demonic takeover. You can tell me that’s ridiculous, or that doesn’t happen, but you have not had the painful experience of 25 plus years of having to extract people out of these circumstances and consequences. None of them any longer believed the lie that such things were harmless – certainly not beneficial or healing.

I think of a police officer who sought me out after a law enforcement conference several years ago. He was terrified. He had busted a drug dealer whose brother, I believe, was a curandero who also practiced Santeria and who knows what else.

On the way to lockup, the man told the officer he was going to pay for this, and he cursed him and his family.

Not particularly superstitious or suggestible, the officer was stunned when his health took a dramatic and life-threatening turn. Within just a few months, he had gained over 100 pounds and was on oxygen for acute respiratory breakdown. Doctors found no cause whatsoever.

I explained to him that unless he completely surrendered his life to Jesus, he had no power to break this curse. Instead, unfortunately, he chose to consult with another curandero to counter the curse.

Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

Example: The fall of Christian comedian Mike Warnke, former Satanist and author of mega-seller “Satan Seller.” Months before his downfall through the supposed Christian Cornerstone Magazine. Mike spoke at a sold out concert here in El Paso. Sitting in the audience were three powerful players in the satanic underworld one who flew in all the way from New York and was well-known in the occult underworld. My associates and I knew why they were there: To devise a plan for his demise. And they succeeded – aided, of course, by Mike’s own vulnerabilities in his personal life and testimony, but also by a Church of Satan grotto who was even then offering a video of a “destruction ritual” done on Mike and his ministry. The Cornerstone article was a true triumph for the Dark Side, for it brought down Mike’s ministry overnight. And frankly, it wouldn’t have mattered if Mike’s sins were piled to the heavens or he was a complete fraud. That’s not why they wanted him taken out. They wanted him destroyed because of all the kids he was bringing out of the occult, but mainly because he had the best referral network in the world for victims of the occult and people trying to get out. And in one stroke, it was gone.