
Nancy Reed #conspiracy iwasabducted.com

For over four years the military, CIA, FBI, etc have been putting me, and my kids thru stalking us, terrorizing us, and hiring every nasty creep on this planet to go after us. In doing so they have revealed secrets the public has no idea that exist. When I got on a Reno, Nevada library computer and got on the national UFO reporting form. I tried the paranormal section, and asked for help to calm down advanced abilities I thought were getting out of control. When I waited to see if I could get an answer for a little help. We had black-ops, the CIA, the FBI, the military, and men in black, UFO, aliens, every nasty creep you could think of that was dealing in dope trafficking after us. They stalked us thru two states. We have had many varieties of aliens. We have not been left alone yet. There is still quite a bit going on, more unbelievable stuff. These agencies really believe I am an alien hybrid. I had a son that has all the characteristics of a star child also with advanced abilities. We now know how the military does things that the public can never figure out. I have documents, emails from the pentagon, a journal. If you want the whole story email me.

Myhoran #conspiracy iwasabducted.com

The following true story is about my experience with the MIB. My fear nearly did me in. When one is in their presence they exude some type of aura field that is so powerfully terrifying mere words cannot portray it.

It was July, 2000 and my night off as I work the night shift. It was 3AM and I was reading as is my usual want due to 25 years of working nights. My beloved dog, a 100 pound "mutt" with one blue eye and the other brown, sat next to me awake but relaxed. All of a sudden he began to growl very low in his throat-a big black shiny sedan pulled up in front of my small house- my screen door was unlocked and the main door was wide open as were all the windows as it was a warm night. I live on a dead end and was never anxious about leaving the door and windows open because my dog loved me and was hyper vigilant at all times.

All of a sudden, after I spied the headlights I tried to go to the door but it was like trying to walk through wet cement. My heart was thumping like a trip hammer. I glanced at my dog who was literally frozen in position next to my bed unable to move. A voice behind me, which sounded
angelic in tone stated very calmly, "Myhoran, close the door."

With much panic and trepidation I managed to close it just as a tall man, approximately 6'4" dressed all in black-hat, shoes, sunglasses....reached my doorstep. After this, I went over to the window and looked @ him walking back to his sedan only get this; the car WAS TURNED AROUND-THERE IS NO WAY TO TURN AROUND ON MY DEAD END- it is not a "cul-de-sac". The license plate
made no sense if you saw it.

By this time I was not in a rational state of mind saturated with adrenalin pulsing through my veins- but leaned my face into the window screen and literally croaked, "I see your license plate". Ludicrous, I know, but in retrospect I realize this was ridiculous but hey, this was not a rational experience.

As far as I could see, there was 3 of them. They always travel in groups of 3 or 4. They cannot stay above ground for too long. They take their orders from the Reptilian hierarchy and usually visit people who know too much, have tapes of UFO's, and those who have had contact. Anyway, they abruptly left after I managed to close the door. Interestingly, to this day, since the MIB came to my house the walkway leading to my door has made most visitors to my house as well as myself fall down and there have been many twisted sprained ankles; my cat actually jumps over this area and she was NOT my pet in July 2000.

It should be noted to those reading this that the MIB have the ability to "switch-off" people, animals, etc. They become very annoyed with people who break their "techno-sorcery" techniques like their virtual-reality smoke-screen scenarios in which they overlay and compartmentalize in the human brain what THEY want YOU to remember.