
Mark Figley: Sexualization of American culture - The Lima News #conspiracy #homophobia limaohio.com

Despite the American Left’s endless obsession with removing Donald Trump from office, one of its greatest on-going desires is to intensify the sexualization of American culture. This effort continues today through a variety of means and shows no signs of ceasing any time soon. The examples are replete.

PBS has long promoted a far left agenda. Take “Arthur,” the longest-running cartoon series on television for 22 seasons. The May 13, 2019, season premiere episode, “Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone,” showed aardvark Arthur’s third-grade teacher Mr. Ratburn marrying another man. After Arthur and his friends discover that their teacher is getting married, they assume he is marrying a female rat named Patty. They ultimately learn that Patty is his sister and his actual partner is named Patrick.

The show which is primarily aimed at children ages 4-8, regularly explores many challenging themes. Yet although the cartoon children take the news in motion, most real life pre-school children are naturally shocked and confused. This is increasingly par for the course, as PBS has sought to sexualize kids on everything from “Sesame Street” to the Muppets; compliments of U.S. taxpaying parents who never signed up to see marriage re-defined for their own children.

Then, there’s the case of the California Board of Education, which also in May of 2019, implemented Health Education Framework curriculum in its public schools, requiring K-12 students to actually question their parents on topics of sex. Known as the California Healthy Youth Act, the concept was created by the California legislature in 2016 to educate students in the fight against HIV and sexually transmitted diseases; developing “healthy attitudes” towards sexual orientation, gender and relationships; and to “promote understanding of sexuality as a normal part of human development.”

And though parents may exclude their children from sex education, they are prohibited from opting them out of discussions pertaining to gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation. California law also prohibits abstinence-only education or any discussion of religion. Beginning in seventh grade, students are then required to be educated on “all FDA-approved methods preventing pregnancy and HIV/STD transmission.” Many parents have been outraged with schools using curriculum containing explicit photos and drawings of sexual activity, while a video surfaced depicting an ACLU attorney instructing teachers how to assist students obtain abortions without parental knowledge or consent.

Northern Virginia schools are also sexualizing students; with groups of high schoolers openly holding hands and acting like common couples in the halls. Other students actually view themselves as animals or “furries.” While such behavior once qualified as seriously problematic, it is now celebrated by educators and even the American Psychological Association. Any natural reactions of alarm are classified as hateful.

Lastly, LGBTQ organizations continue to systematically change societal norms; drastically impacting children’s innocence. Transgender athletes compete against females; unfairly denying them the ability to win. Biological boys and girls use each others’ bathrooms and locker rooms. Some states now allow parents to choose gender “X” for their newborns. In Vermont, the government proposes that taxpayers cover up to 16 different transgender sex reassignment surgeries for minors; even if parents deny consent. Mental health treatment to deal with such issues is increasingly prohibited. Meanwhile, libraries sponsor Drag Queen Story Time with cross-dressers reading stories to preschool children on gender transitioning and sexual orientation.

The Left used to hide such blatant intent to radically re-organize society. Now, with each passing day, they defy people to stop their never-ending mission to indoctrinate America’s children. The Judeo-Christian values that once defined our norms continue to be eliminated, while parents are either unaware of what is truly going on in the classroom or told to butt out if they disagree. Resistance often seems futile.

One thing is certain. LGBTQ activists don’t seek to simply live on a level plain with the rest of society. Their ultimate goal is part of an overall plan espoused by many on the Left. As Michelle Obama once aptly explained, “We’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”

And so it goes. Indoctrination has replaced education in not just California, but in states far and wide. The daunting task of protecting America’s children is long overdue; although it can be achieved if parents join together in common purpose. This includes closely policing what their children watch and turning away from the destructive agenda of public schools by investigating private and home schooling options. The future prospects for the success of our kids in an increasingly chaotic world depend on it.

Mark Figley is a political activist and guest columnist from Elida. His column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News. Reach him a figley@wcoil.com.