
milobidswell@aol.com #magick littlebookbiganswers.com

Positive intelligence emits and can become light, just as light and energy can be converted into one another. A positive person will have a glow about them. A happy person will have an attractive shine coming through. The spiritually sensitive will feel that positive energy. Higher intelligence's will literally emit light from the greatness of their being.

Light is made of little pieces called photons. It may take countless intelligence to make a photon. Countless photons makes up a sunbeam. These photons travel the speed of light in waves. The photons from the sun convert back into energy when they hit the earth, which heats the Earth.

milobidswell@aol.com #fundie littlebookbiganswers.com

Intelligence is in infinite supply, but how can intelligence become tangible matter? Realizing that intelligence can be converted into energy is the beginning to understanding this process.

This happens every time your spirit instructs your body to move, by thought. When you move, your intelligence sends a signal, a form of energy, to your body. If thought could not convert to energy, it would have no way to send the signal or control the energy to send the signal to your body. Thought is energy, just as energy is mass.