
Lucy Leader #transphobia lucyleader.substack.com

Defending the Indefensible or It’s Not Us Who Are Acting Like Nazis

A frequent accusation to us gender critical types is that we are Nazis for insisting on our own spaces and not accepting that the hundreds of genders presented to us are valid. Women’s rights advocate Kellie-Jay Keen has taken lots of flak for would-be Neo-Nazis turning up uninvited to her Let Women Speak rallies. To refer to women defending their rights to single sex spaces and services as Nazis is known in psychology as “projection”.


I suspect that most of those hooded and masked young men Trans Rights Activists shouting “Nazi” into the faces of middle-aged women at public rallies have not majored in European history at school and really don’t know much about the Nazis other than that they had great imagery and cool uniforms and flags. For if they did, then they would realize that their movement is the natural heir to the Nazis, not us believers in biology.

The parallels between the National Socialist Workers' Party (NSDAP) aka known as the Nazis and the trans rights movement are truly frightening.


Relying more on his particular belief systems, rather than on the facts behind physics, chemistry and the biological sciences, Hitler made decisions that today’s queer theory proponents would well understand. He believed that the power of his mind alone was enough to bring about his Thousand Year Reich.

In a similar fashion, today’s researchers in trans gender health research, believe that making harmful body modifications through taking wrong sex hormones and surgeries that mutilate previously healthy bodies is a cure or a fix for complex mental health problems.


Where Hitler viewed his country and society as a body that needed to be purged of viruses in the form of groups of people who didn’t conform to his conception of normal, those under the spell of queer theory believe that normal society needs to be broken up by altering bodies to negate what evolution has designed us to be, even if the price is so harmful that lives are made miserable and short in the process. Both Hitler and the queer theorists blur boundaries, trade in beliefs over facts and twist science into self-serving fictions that have caused great distress and harm to large populations.
