
jelliknight #transphobia ovarit.com

JK Rowling hate law posts not criminal - police

I think the women of scotland need a "womens rights day of visibility" just tweeting shit like "women exist." And "men cant wish themselves into being women" and "women are women. Transwomen are men." And "male rapists dont belong in womens prisons" and "transathletes are failed athletes" and even "if this makes you want to kill yourself, good riddance."

Each tweet should end with the phone number/website where people who are offended can report them.

While there are still lots of eyes on this the women of scotland need to pin down exactly where the line is. Best case the police get so overwhelmed with phone calls and emails they shut it down.

SecondSkin, CryingInYourInbox & shewolfoffrance #transphobia ovarit.com

They’re still pushing the “cis women get aroused by themselves as women too” bullshit

( SecondSkin )
But… so what if women did? It doesn’t involve us violating other women’s boundaries even if some women did. Apg is a boundary violation paraphilia, it doesn’t exist without violating women’s boundaries and making us scared and unsafe. Even if there were women who get off on the idea of being a woman, they are women and that reality doesn’t involve forcing others to comply to their delusions and demands. So it’s a false equivalency. It’s like saying people who are only happy when others agree the world is flat = people who are only happy when others agree the world is not flat. It’s nonsense on stilts.

( CryingInYourInbox )
Right like let's say theyre correct and women express the same sexual behaviors we would consider to be AGP on males...the fact that they're similar wouldn't be a coincidence, it would be both women and men emulating the idea of what men find arousing. Men are the gatekeepers of sexuality, like literally. They lock women up it chastity belts and kill them for having sex. We haven't been allowed to express sexuality outside of what males deem palatable so of course there would be overlap between a woman self objectify and AGP type behaviors

( shewolfoffrance )
I mean, even if women were engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior in women-only spaces at the same rates men do (they really, really aren't), other women would at least be able to report them and take the appropriate next steps. That isn't the case with TiMs. They have Teflon armor. Even in online spaces that informally meant for women, TiMs who display obviously fetishistic behavior are treated with kid gloves, and the spaces slowly die because women would generally rather quietly pack up and go than get metaphorically burned as a witch.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

How Trump’s Trans Order Sows Chaos for Federal Prisoners, Staff | The Marshall Project

( Carrots90 )
Love how it didn’t sow chaos when TIMs were moved into the female estate

But putting men with other men is noteworthy

( ArtemisCitrine )
Exactly. So sick of all these articles lately full of sympathy for TIMs and how afraid they are of the men's prisons.

( Carrots90 )
Him-pathy, TIM-pathy dock

In service to his cock

He lost his wife and effed up his life

Just to wear a frock

( notapatsy )
Sixteen TIMs in federal prisons and they get their own council?

I'd also worry that those who were removed from the women's prison and then re-released into the women's prison will take out their anger and frustration on the women inmates.

( GenXer )
Women saw this coming the moment that TWAW took root. Now men, you have to accept reality!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Pentagon Begins to Implement TIP Policy in Military

( VestalVirgin )
I am mildly curious just how much money Trump's new politics will save the state. 🤔

He is doing a lot of shit that will cost money down the line (apparently he's appeasing Covid-deniers by stopping the funding of epidemic tracking), but trans shit is so expensive (and a "gift that keeps giving", but in reverse, from the perspective of those who have to pay for it) that I wonder if he might actually save money, in total.

( Mizuna )
You can't put a price on morale. Transgenders in the military drive down recruitment, and they make our military look like a joke. Social media is full of memes like this dunking on the US military. Do you think China or Russia find this intimidating? They're probably laughing at how far our military has fallen.

( LunarMoose )
the idea that we pay for this and don't get soldiers who are 'combat ready' is insane. That's the whole premise of signing up - to be ready to fight.

But. Please. Let me just read one article in which combat readiness is raised in the msm........

( LilianH )
The actual cost of the medial transition is probably not a huge amount considering the size of the US defence budget, but a TIP can't really fulfil the role of the soldier or be deployed so removing them from the army completely might start to save a few billions a year.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, it isn't just the cost of their surgeries and stuff, it is also the fact that they pay a soldier who takes a lot of time off, so isn't even working 100% at desk jobs, and isn't combat ready on top of that.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Full Frontal attack on Women's Rights by the NY Times

( Peppermint )

Some say that foster children were being targeted

If this is true I would believe it. Its obvious to me the whole case surrounding Keira Bell is one of racism (removal of her reproductive organs), misogyny and tokenism. Foster children are defenseless, what better group to target for the trans cult?

The article mentions that trans are a "small part of the population" so why do they also mention the fucking miracle that is thousands of trans in the US military? we all know they are there for free cosmetic surgery. They aren't there to serve anybody but themselves.

Big Pharma is definitely mad. Take the free money away and the number of the trans diagnosis will drop like like a stone. None of it was real.


( pennygadget )
I would 100% believe that foster kids are groomed into the gender cult. They don't have stable families to protect them from creeps. Most of them are damaged from trauma and abuse (both physical and sexual). And many of them are desperate to find a place/community where they can belong. They are prime targets for trans groomers

( SarahWilliams_13 )
In regard to the military aspect, my therapist recently asked me how I felt (she’s GC and pretty open) about it and I asked her: well, is gender dysphoria/ dysmorphia a mental illness?

She said good question. She then said that they are currently trying to change the DSM to state that it is not a mental illness. They want all that removed, so there’s no aspect connected to mental health.

I haven’t had a chance to run it down, but she’s no conspiracy theorist and is very concerned about these things.

( OneStarWolf )
Haha wow. So they want to pretend it’s normal for people to threaten suicide if they don’t get to cut off healthy body parts and induce hormonal disorders??

But of course they still want medical insurance to be forced to cover all their cosmetic surgeries and drugs, even though it wouldn’t be considered a mental health condition any longer 🙃

These entitled assholes just want preferential treatment and free rein on surgery and drugs on their say so, no medical diagnosis needed at all! Make it make sense! You can’t, because it’s backwards cult logic.

variuos commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: By barring trans women from women’s sports, NCAA sides with bigots

( OneStarWolf )
It’s the complete opposite, you gaslighting poor excuse for an article. Biology is a bigot then. But really, the writer of this article is a raging, bigoted misogynist piece of crap that really thinks women’s reality is not worth respecting as long as a man’s feelings aren’t put first. Fuck off, dude.

( worried19 )
I wish MSN had the comments open. No way they would have been favorable to this idiot.

This level of delusion takes some work. I know the author is trans identified. Has he truly convinced himself that there are no physical differences between male and female athletes? Or he knows there are differences and just doesn't care?

( Lillith )
If he didnt think there were differences, he wouldn't insist on accessessing women's spaces. It would be all the same.

As it is, he knows that women are weaker and make an easier target than say, the male twinks that he may (also) be into.

( Terfisnotadirtyword )
It's so funny that comments for every pro trans story are turned off. It's almost like they know that people are massively against it and will say so! But how insecure that they can't even allow a conversation to happen.

( DurableBook )
I mean sure, I bet there are some bigots who happen to agree that transwomen are men. There are also lots of bigots who agree that it's cold out in the Midwest right now. Is the National Weather Service "siding with bigots" if it issues winter weather advisories?

( asmahan )
And vegetarians side with Hitler. I am glad to see that this particular line of "reasoning" is starting to lose its power a bit.

( Arenlaef2 )
We don't care, lol. That word holds no power anymore. Personally, I think it's pretty bigoted to tell women to be quiet and smile when cheating men take their spots on teams and awards, or walk around with their dicks out in their locker rooms but I consider women to be human beings worthy of respect, which TRAs do not.

Anyway 8 out of 10 people are bigots then. And the extra two can scream and stop their feet and tear out their hair but women's sports will continue to be for women. Have all the tantrums you want. No one cares.

( TheSimbul )
Reality is a bigot, then.

( Itzpapalotl )
Reality, nature, biology...All bigots!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Turtlefuzz )
First they came...
First they came for the cheating males, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a cheating male.

Then they came for the rapists, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a rapist.

Then they came for the child mutilators, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a child mutilator.

Then they came to me, and told me I could live my life again. And all my sisters spoke out-

Because now we could.

( MagnificentMildew )
I was actually literally just thinking about this yesterday, about how fucking gross it is that wokies have been using this quote in regards to Trump's EO about TIMs.

Libs, banning cross dressing perverts from beating up and raping female athletes and prisoners is not remotely similar to how Jews and communists/socialists were treated by Nazis during the fucking Holocaust. The fact you shitheads even think such a comparison is remotely appropriate is proof of how fucking out of touch the left has become. Like seriously, get fucked.

( SarahWilliams_13 )
I’ve heard them say that trans people are experiencing genocide.

No, Bill, it’s not genocide that you can’t wear a wig and use the woman’s locker room.

( littleowl12 )
I really hate that poem now because I can see it for the tyranny that it really is.

"YOU have to protect ME because THEY hate you even more than I do."

( DarthVelma )
My issue is that they've been coming for women's rights for my entire 50+ years and none of these people who want my help now ever gave a shit. They're not coming for TIMs "first". It's self-centered, ahistorical nonsense to pretend they are. They're literally the people at the end of that poem where there's no one else left to help them because they never bothered to give a shit and notice, much less help, the groups that were already being "come for".

( Turtlefuzz )
I've been seeing a lot of posts in online LGB spaces with the quote from pastor Martin Niemöller in regards to Trump's Executive Orders.

I am not Jewish, but the constant comparison to the Holocaust is insulting and disturbing.

I made this post to remind all the boot-licking, dick-pandering handmaidens that this is what you are saying we should defend. This behavior, this anti-woman sentiment, this atrociously MALE movement.

Thank you for reading.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

If you’re against males in female spaces then you obviously disbelieve all female victims too

( mathlover )
But they do harm women by their violation of women's spaces. They terrorize women.

A fox in a henhouse is a predator even if it never touches any of the chickens. The fox never belongs in the henhouse; it is a predator just by being where it will never belong.

Men never belong in womens spaces no matter how they "identify" or what they do, or don't do, to their bodies. They are always predators just by being - even just by wanting to be - where they will never belong.

( BlukBerry )
That's what these men don't understand or don't even care about.

The very presence of a man in women's spaces is violating, no matter what he's doing or not doing. Donning lipstick and a wig (or, thanks to self-ID, doing nothing at all) doesn't make a man a woman and it's absurd to argue otherwise.

( Lemon_Quiche )
It's funny because TRAs don't believe the (largely female) victims of TIMs.

To the OOP (if you happen to rage-lurk this site): I believe women AND I'm against males in female spaces, and those both come from the same place.

( pennygadget )
Wait. When did Nancy Mace go after a real woman for using the ladies room because she thought it was a TIM?

( marciekr )
I can't remember her name but there was an overly-stylized Republican woman that Mace called a trans woman which was in the news for a day. The woman just laughed about it IIRC.

( TrappedInACar )
I’m not sure she did. I’m not American so I might have missed something but I’m pretty sure I would have heard of that. Cool story to talk about an imaginary TIM who could have died though, right?

( drdeeisback )
I think he's literally saying an actual woman might 'lose her life' if she were 'accused' of being trans...because you know women murder other women in bathrooms all the time for no reason at all. And (contrary to any actual statistics) TIMs are being murdered right and left for no reason at all.

various commenters #racist #transphobia ovarit.com

As Ground Shifts, ‘Flailing’ Democrats Struggle to Find Footing in Diversity Fight - The New York Times

( crodish )
Get fucked, all of you who ever supported and enabled this insidious movement and shamed women who spoke up about it.

If you want to know why Trump is in charge it's because there WERE no left leaning parties who stood up to this shit.

( Peppermint )
Sounds like the official end of the democrats. If they keep at this, I will actually vote Republican next time.

( LunarMoose )
This really makes me angry: > But Republicans soon tapped into a backlash, turning a once-obscure academic concept, critical race theory, into a rallying cry against what they portrayed as reverse discrimination, and laying the groundwork for Mr. Trump’s more aggressive push against diversity-related efforts.>

It is not 'obscure'. Nearly all of my childs HS teachers use this in the classroom as FACT. How did the students react? The students all tried to identify out of their race/privilege. How'd they do that? The same way my graduate class did it. Some 'came out' as mentally ill (depression, anxiety and more). Others revealed they were poor and had few resources at home. And others talked about their families 'lack of privilege'. Many id'ed as 'non-binary' or 'trans'.

CRT is not obscure. It's taught EVERYWHERE. FWIW, It belongs in the world as a theory. It does NOT belong in HS taught as absolute fact. And it for sure doesn't belong in grammar school.

( ProfTerfMom )
They’re not flailing; they remain willingly chained inside the Allegory of the Cave celebrating their shadow reality.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

California parole agent allegedly tricks transgender woman into leaving home, leading to arrest by ICE agents

( Mizuna )
Remember that infamous "Kamala is for they/them" political ad where she supported transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants? This is a real life example of what Harris advocated for.

( Lipsy )
Not just Harris on this one. Expediting the whole asylum process for "LGBTQ refugees"—which, realistically 98-99 percent of the time, is going to mean "recidivist violent perps who realize that this isn't just a dream, and that they really might just have green cards handed to them on platters simply for saying the magic words at the border" (with profuse apologies to the MAYBE 1 or 2 percent who are actually genuine homosexuals, and therefore actually genuine refugees)—was actually a plank in the published Democratic party platform for both 2020 and 2024.

( Carrots90 )
Couldn’t they have put an envelope labeled ’tween porn’ or ‘lesbians who want girl c*ck’ on the end of a fishing line

Then trapped him with a big net when he ran over?

( sylviasmushrooms )
This is exactly how I pictured it.

( Peppermint )
This was the only way I imagined it could have happened.

( Mirren )
I'm underwhelmed by this whole episode. Person who served time for murder got caught by the police for committing another crime (being in a foreign country illegally)... am I supposed to give a toss? I don't give a toss.

If this person had been trapped by a bear trap or forced out of the house at gunpoint or something violent... I might have given half of one per cent of a toss.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Thousands march at trans youth rallies opposing Queensland puberty blockers ban, organiser says | Transgender | The Guardian

( FemmeEtal )
Like Helen Joyce has said, the parents will be the last ones holding out worldwide. They can’t stop pushing because if they do, even for a moment, the reality that they destroyed their child because they fell for something completely stupid and illogical, will come down upon them like a ton of bricks.

I had a lady at work yesterday who’s transing her 12 year old daughter. I about bit my tongue off trying to stay quiet, and still couldn’t. I managed to say that testosterone was incredibly dangerous for females. Then she went on to assure me the doctor tells them all the potential side effects so they’re informed. ??? WTF… are you not listening??

( OnlyHuman )
Being aware of the side effects means they will never happen, somehow

( FemmeEtal )
Exactly, and survivorship bias. “No medication a doctor prescribed has ever collapsed my endocrine system so this one won’t! Even though that’s the MOA!”

The conversation started because she was complaining that the hospital called to say they need to change treatment because of the EO. (I had to poker face my relief) Then went on to say they were just going to finagle some work around loophole so the prescription can be filled elsewhere

( legopants )
The biggest cosplay of a civil rights movement to date.

( Ladylucy )
The problem is that there is no evidence based trans healthcare. There have been zero long term, controlled studies on the use of puberty blockers or cross sex hormones in children. Sorry, TRAs.

( solitaire )
The crazy thing is Queensland is one of the more conservative parts of Australia, but there’s still clearly a lot of people there that have drunk the gender ideology Kool-Aid.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

US judge temporarily blocks transfer of incarcerated trans women to men’s prisons | US news | The Guardian

( OneStarWolf )
Why wasn’t there a judicial block to stop these assholes from being put in to the women’s prisons from the very beginning? Like wtf? No one cared???

And now they’re being blocked when sanity says to fix it and return them to keep women safe. What a joke.

Put these male bastards back in their prisons and have them petition for protective wards just like any other vulnerable males might have to. Mentally ill men in prison are no more special or vulnerable than any other weak man in prison.

( Ladylucy )
I was thinking a while back about women’s prisons and TIMs in them. After WWII, we signed the Geneva Convention, and a section stated that POW camps had to separate men and women. Women should have their own sleeping areas, restrooms and showers.Now, maybe I’m being ignorant—always a possibility—but why wouldn’t PRISONER of War prisons apply to the prisons of the countries who signed? American prisons are allowing men in women’s prisons—violating women’s rights to safety, privacy and dignity. I know this is not a war situation, but I would be interested in anyone out there with a legal background giving your opinion. Can the two be equated?

( pennygadget )
This has always bothered me as well. Housing males and females together would be a war crime if we did it to literal terrorists. But not when we do it to some woman who is in jail for shoplifting or check fraud

( Lillith )
Oh, I think the Geneva Convention would be overruled for a crossdressing terrorist, if it's any consolation.

( Iota_Aurigae )
These assholes only think rape is bad when it happens to a man.

Housing men in women’s prisons is such cruel and unusual punishment that the Geneva Convention outlaws it.

( Ariti )
From what I’ve heard, the Trump admin legal team agrees with the judge (risk of harm to the trans women). And the Trump team failed to argue harm to the female inmates (justifying transfer of trans women). This is precisely the thing that worries about leaving this battle in the hands of the Trump admin and EOs - I don’t trust them to mount a cogent case. They certainly didn’t here.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

They really do tell on themselves

( Lipsy )
Not to be mistaken for an opinion on Project 2025 as a whole, but—— ❤︎❤︎❤︎ I love that paragraph so much. Every single word of it, just YES.

111 words of poetic, aspirational, beauty—thinly disguised as stolid, moralizing prose—written by someone who has clearly listened, thoughtfully and critically, to the concerns of radical feminists and Women in general.
Thank you to both /u​/civillycrass and @​NastasyaFilipovna for the unexpected little booster shot of gratification from reading these lovely words again.

( RusticTroglodyte )
I like it too but it's based on religious beliefs. Nobody who wrote this listened to radical feminists or women. The idea of the Heritage Foundation and it's ilk listening to radfems a pipe dream

( Iota_Aurigae )
The conservatives think that transgenderism doesn't oppress women the "correct" way, which is why so many of them are against it.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
It's like they are calling a spade, a spade. Totally see what's underneath the UwU mask of this trans insanity

( vulvapeople )
Likely the single good thing in that entire document, and TIMs are having meltdowns over it.

( Mandy )
Why would banning pornography cause real harm to transgender people? It certainly wouldn't cause real harm to real women.

( Evileine )
Where would the trans community be without sissy porn?

( Mignonette )
Of course they're upset. That's their entire lives on the line. I mean what's next? Redefining what it means to be a woman by claiming women aren't just sex toys? /s

pennygadget , WrongToy & Cattitude #transphobia ovarit.com

Republican introduces Tim McBride as male on house floor

( pennygadget )
Good! I love to see powerful TIMs get a taste of reality. Timmy McBride isn't having as much fun now that the Biden family is no longer in power and forcing everyone to kiss his ass.

( WrongToy )
Tim McBride himself is proving he can just go forward with his speeches and other house functions regardless of whether he is called a “him” or told he can’t access women’s toilets because he is a him.

( Cattitude )
What makes me snort about this is that McBride is no gentleman. No crossdressing pervert is.

Jennifer Bilek #transphobia jbilek.substack.com

The Gender Industry: Deconstructing Reproductive Sex

Continuing to frame the gender industry as "woke" political ideology run amuck, a medical scandal, and a social contagion, ignores the enormous power and money behind what is now an industry in deconstructing human reproductive sex.


The gender industry is, at core, a technological enterprise, one intent on removing humanity from its roots in the natural world, and toward greater fusion with technology . It markets the idea that we can transcend our humanity through technology, that we can change our sexed reality, embedded in every cell of our bodies.

While transsexualism and the macabre surgeries attempting to alter human sex, were made manifest in the bowels of the medical industry, with the help of sexologists, this paraphilia has been normalized and industrialized by the tech industry because it deconstructs womanhood. It reduces female reproductive biology to merchandise for sale. The normalization of this paraphilia of adult men, grooms the public to adapt to technological reproduction processes that remove men and women, as whole human beings, from reproduction.

This grooming process is particularly important for the youth, who are learning in schools that they can be created through technology, that their reproductive anatomy is both cordoned off from the rest of their bodies, and that compartmentalized, it can be treated as mix and match commodities for expressing oneself.

The gender industry is fundamentally a technological castration cult, which has been inserted into the market. It indoctrinates children to offer themselves as sacrifices to a technological god as an initiation rite toward transcendence from flesh. The destruction being meted out by this cult is happening because it attacks the nucleus of our humanity. If we continue to address the many fronts of damage it is manifesting, without addressing the monetized power at the root, we will be helpless to end the carnage. It may be possible to drive back some fronts, but overall the LGBTQI+ political apparatus, where gender ideology is being funneled into society, is extremely powerful and intent on advancing the rights of same sex attracted individuals to have their own biological children, with their partners.


littleowl12 , MatchaMeercat & Leithriel #transphobia ovarit.com

When you try to speak sense to the volontairement stupide!

( littleowl12 )
Tolstartheking is an all-star moron:

Have you ever read “first they came”?

I've come to hate this poem. It locks people into supporting things that they don't believe and may even harm them, and it honestly feels like a cult-coercion tactic. "Take my side or they'll come for YOU. You must obey me, because the rest of the world hates you more than I do."

Lethonal's response (I used only this part):

Believe it or not, abortion access is not the priority of every woman in the United States at the moment, some women believe being able to organize and define who/what women are in law is, because you can't write laws that protect women if a woman cannot be adequately defined in law. Conversely, laws cannot be written that harm women if women cannot be adequately defined in law either unless you do the patriarchy a solid and only attack women on the basis of their reproductive ability. Are you really going to fault feminists for playing chess on these issues when everyone else is trying to make them play checkers?

Abortion is a very big deal, but I like his analogy that we now have to play chess instead of checkers.

( MatchaMeercat )
Also there is only so long the Democrats can dangle that particular carrot without actually doing anything to enshrine reproductive rights into federal law before their “protection” rings hollow.

( Leithriel )
I don't disagree. But how can one defend women's reproductive rights without language that allows us to protect women? I get what they are saying but I agree that abortion access is a paramount issue for women.

ProxyMusic #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Weird argument from a Democratic friend about Trump's EO on sports

Today a friend said that what's wrong with Trump's EO is: "It's one way, and that is unfair. It bans transgenders in women's sports but not men's sports." After I pointed out that "the order bans MALES in women's sports, not trans athletes..." her reply was that the EO, by saying only women's sports needs protection, is casting women as vulnerable helpless creatures and Republicans as their great protectors and she finds that false and offensive.


A new memo seems to gone out from TRA HQ to all Dems and trans "allies" in the USA advising them to use this line of reasoning as a new ploy. Coz I've seen the same exact nonsense today on a sports forum where I post.

The new line of reasoning they're using seems to be based on the assumption that there's something weak, deficient and shameful about being the member of a group that benefits from laws and policies that provide protections against

By their logic, all Americans should be embarrassed by the protections provided by the First Amendment, by the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and by the Environmental Protection Agency - coz they show us to be creatures who are weak and vulnerable. By their reasoning, laws that provide workplace protections mean everyone who works for a living, or has ever applied for a job, is weak and vulnerable; and wearing protective personal equipment or using a seatbelt is a sign of weakness and helplessnessness too. Having a homeowner's protection policy or product warranty means you're weak and helpless. And so on...

It's all nonsense.

Also, the only reason that the female category of sports needs protection is that boys and men and the gender idenity supremacy movement have mounted a full-scale attack and hostile takeover attempt on girls' and women's sports and spaces. Armed with phony baloney claims about gender identity, legions of aggressive, pushy, grabby, entitled, colonizing boys and men have plotted to pull off a full-scale invasion of the female category; and with the help of their "allies," males have attempt to colonize the female category and call it their own. The fact that the female category needs protection against boys, men and the GI supremacy movement as a whole reflects more poorly on them than it does on us.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Weird argument from a Democratic friend about Trump's EO on sports

( Hollyhock )
Trump said he would protect women regardless if they want it. So, she's just using this thing he said and applying rather than look at the actual reasoning for why men shouldn't be in women's sports.

Just ask her, "Do you think men should play on all women's sports?"

( astro_terf )
These terminally online women don't want to admit the reality that men are stronger period.

As for trans identified females, it depends on whether or not they have taken testosterone. If yes, they have essentially doped and can only participate in the men's category. Same applies to the trans identified males. Only the women's category is protected. The men's category is open.

( pennygadget )
I've heard this argument before. Most of the people who make it haven't played sports since middle school and don't understand what they're talking about or why Title IX was created to begin with

I like to ask these people this: If physical differences really don't matter, why not campaign to make ALL sports co-ed instead of maintaining male and female divisions?

The answer: TIMs don't do it because the colonization is the point. Its no fun if the sports teams are all sausage fests (which they would be if all sports were co-ed)

( syntaxerror )

lefty women can get upset by any attention to the athletic difference between men and women.

I understand the impulse to bristle when someone points out the true fact that women are physically weaker than men. I hated it for years when I was younger. However. I had male friends that proved to me from a young age that men are (easily) stronger than me, and I feel like that’s an important lesson for young girls.

Trying to pretend like these differences don’t exist will only harm girls and women in the long run, clearly.

Is it fair? No. It’s not fair that women are weaker, have to bear children. But it’s how it is, and we need to work as feminists with this in mind.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Exactly. It's a very important lesson, for their own safety. We need to learn that when it's important, we need to fight dirty.

That's why I hate these new superhero movies which ridiculously shows women beating men twice their size just by training harder. That's not how it works. Size difference is massive.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com


( Mandy )
How will witholding hormones from men who claim to be women prevent women from getting the treatment they need?

( Alias_Rosie )
I really don't understand the logic leap here. It can be hard to get a diagnosis and treatment for endometriosis, but that's because a lot of doctors are misogynistic and/or undereducated in women's health, not because of executive orders and legislation. Like...what?!?!?!

( pothosvari_ )
It’s forced teaming again. They’re labeling treatment for endometriosis “gender affirming” I’m assuming which is incredibly disrespectful and condescending. Laparoscopies, birth control, vaginal ultrasounds etc aren’t “gender affirming”. It’s needed sex based care for a condition that affects women.

Ah yes, the notoriously under-diagnosed and under-researched pretty exclusively female sex-specific, often debilitating condition with very few treatment options available except cutting out tissue in severe cases. Imagine what might be possible with just a fraction of the funding that's getting thrown at gender ideology if it got put towards endo-research, potentially making a huge difference in quality of life for approximately 10% of women around the world. There might even be medical care to offer women beyond over the counter painkillers, heating pads, attempts to stop the menstrual cycle, or a hysterectomy after years of excruciating pain!

( shewolfoffrance )
I honestly think they especially enjoy extracting concessions from women who are already vulnerable or struggling. Women in DV shelters, female prisoners, girls and women in states of undress, etc. It's sadistic.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Think for many, part of their fucked-up pathology is a need to be seen as the biggest victim in the room, so they target those women and then demand they grovel put their real problems last in order to validate, validate, validate how much more important it is to give TIMs whatever they want.

( shewolfoffrance )
That's how they get power (on the left, at least): sitting on top of the victim totem pole.

( OwnLyingEyes )
They definitely exploit it, but think many of them get off on it too, whether sexually or it scratches some other mental 'itch' for them...or all of the above.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

What to know about Trump's ban of transgender women from sports - ESPN

( Eava )
Transgender women aren't banned from sports. They can compete with the men.

( notsofreshfeeling )
It's interesting how liberals will say, "So few female athlete will be affected, so what's the big deal?" and in the same breath, "It's an absolute travesty of justice that these few transgender people can't play sports!"

Why is it that a few women do not matter, yet a few men matter enough to have a complete meltdown?

Edit: I'd encourage people to say in response to these meltdowns, "It's such a small minority of 'trans people' who are affected, so why do you care?" Just like they said to us.

( Itzpapalotl )
Not read the article but...what is there to know? No men in women’s sport seems pretty cut and dry 🤷🏻‍♀️

( Peppermint )
I came here to say this. Who other than someone with an agenda would make an article like this? The only thing to know is men aren't allowed in women's sports. Period.

( Pickles )

At the NCAA level, president Charlie Baker said at a congressional hearing in December that fewer than 10 NCAA athletes used the association's transgender athlete eligibility policy. More than 530,000 athletes compete in the NCAA.

Yep. It's pretty fucking wild that so many people in charge thought it was OK to remove access to safe and fair competition for over half a million girls so that fucking ten men didn't have to hear "no".

Sure, you can try to spin this as "hardly any men choose to make use of this wildly irresponsible and unfair abuse of the rights of women and girls", but i see it differently. Anywhere that allows boys to identify their way onto girl's teams is telling girls "you can have your own leagues if every single boy decides to let you retain it. However if even one boy want to take that from you he can."

( notsofreshfeeling )
Oh no, where will all the mediocre male athletes on wrong-sex hormones compete? So awkward! Female athletes don't need fair sports; we all know women just want to "be kind" and have everyone walk all over them. It's our nature!

Arenlaef, vulvapeople & crodish #transphobia ovarit.com

Democrat AGs tell doctors to defy Trump's orders and keep giving sex change surgeries to trans kids | Daily Mail Online

( Arenlaef )
I think the Democratic party may actually be fully irredeemable now. I was hoping after the election they'd cool it, but that one guy in Massachusetts tried by saying he didn't want boys on his daughters' sports teams and his own staff organized a revolt against him.

Republicans are never going to be women's friends or allies, but we clearly can't move forward with this current iteration of "left" either. We are well and truly trapped right now.

( vulvapeople )
All they had to do here was defer to the feds, and, if they're really dedicated to the trans cult, to lie in wait for the next four years. I guess it's good for the terven cause that they're showing voters who they really are.

( crodish )
so are "trans kids" getting surgeries that can't change their sex or not. I was told no "trans kids" couldn't be operated on until they were of legal age

but go ahead and insist you be allowed to multilate children

various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy ovarit.com

Trump Education Dept to probe SJSU, UPenn for potential Title IX violations after trans athlete scandals | Fox News

( marmaladestripes725 )
I hate that we’re having to deal with everything else Trump and Musk are destroying to get a win on this.

( Arenlaef )
I agree but we're going to have to learn to get over it. The Democrats have betrayed women and nothing they've said since the election has indicated they're going to stop anytime soon. If they were in power we'd probably be reacting to Harris signing a bunch of laws making it basically impossible to fight this battle.

We have got to take wins when they come. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans care about women's rights until it can get them elected and positive attention. We have to use them when they can help us and fight them when they won't. They're not here for us.

Consider the possibility that the media that tried to convince you that men are women may not always be honest in their coverage of Trump and Musk.

( Riothamus )
You're right. I hate it. I think the 2015ish AP Style Guide revisions that led to this (calling men women, refusing to report trans crimes, etc) were specifically created to destroy the public's faith in the press as a neutral institution.

( Riothamus )
There's really not a whole lot these schools' legal departments or outside counsel can do for them at this point. They blatantly forced young women to endure exhibitionist voyeurs and publicly fellated themselves for being so "inclusive".

( MaryDyer )
They literally enabled sexual harassment and assault of every single woman on those teams.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Given the treatment Lia Thomas' teammates have described, this is extremely overdue and hopefully should be a slam dunk.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Riothamus )
Will the Trump DOJ go back to publicly linking transvestic fetishism with pedophilia and other criminal behaviors?
Trump could score serious political capital to shore up his poll numbers as he dismantles the federal government. He just needs to release the TIM crime/prison stats and he can severely damage an entire generation of Democrats for going out of their way to enable obvious pedophilia and serial killer behavior.

And the fact that the government hides these stats from us only further justifies conservatives' distrust of it. Ugh.

Seeing the DNC election clown show made me wonder what it must have been like for a hypothetical Washington Generals fan to watch them rehearse the ladder play with the Harlem Globetrotters. This is not a serious party and it will not provide serious competition.

( Itzpapalotl )
I hope so. SO many serial killers, pedos and rapists exhibit transvestic fetishism. They’re all a bunch of pervs and freaks and I’m sick of society pretending otherwise. Trans is just a men’s rights movement for some very fucked up men to parade their sexual fetish around and force everyone to play along.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
30 years ago they made a Oscar winning movie about this behaviour. Now with the porn brainrot, I bet this phenomenon is only intensified.

( Elizabelch )
Will it actually help anything if they do?

Will it further women's rights?

Will it fix the economy?

Will it even make trans "go away" or just make them martyrs and push them further up the Oppressed Chain?

( Cattitude )
Reassociating male transvestism with other criminal paraphilias it clusters with must be a good thing. It's a massive red flag and should be recognised as such on all levels.

( OwnLyingEyes )
I would argue that the suppression of being able to 'name the problem' is always a women's rights issue, under any political climate.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

CDC orders mass retraction and revision of submitted research across all science and medicine journals. Banned terms must be scrubbed.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
According to the article, these are the banned words :

- Gender
- Transgender
- Pregnant Person
- pregnant people
- transsexual
- non binary
- amab
- afab
- bio male
- bio female
Found this linked in the TiM sub, they are making it about erasure of transgender from "academic literature"


( crodish )
oh my god this is so fucking refreshing to see. FUCK all this noise i'm so glad it's getting removed

sighing a bit that LGBT is getting dragged down again with this shit, drop the T already

( CryingInYourInbox )
Not so fun having your language policed and erased huh

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Feel for the students who got their grades demoted for not adhering to this nonsense. A LOT were punished to even use the words like biological woman when submitting a paper about gender ideology

( sohh )
This was me! I made a post here two years ago venting and asking for guidance when faculty tried to fail me in a class during my very first semester of grad school.

It’s been so tempting over the last ~year to email the professor and former TA as the TRA house of cards has collapsed in slow motion.

( CryingInYourInbox )
Well now we can just say male and female. No "BiOLoGiCaL" disclaimer needed

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Yes, I had to argue hard against a peer reviewer to even include the distinction of biological sex; they were pushing for the more LGBT-friendly gender. Those using biological sex in papers are generally TERFY.

( vulvapeople )
There's a post on Reddit from someone claiming to work for the CDC describing their LGBT boss (all the letters even though she's a woman married to another woman) crying over the loss of "pregnant person" and similar language. It could be apocryphal, but, if it's true, it demonstrates that this "inclusive" language wasn't just about being nice to TIPs. These are dedicated cultists.

( crodish )
That lady should go up to a transwoman and gently apologize for this injustice done to 'her' 🙄 fucking handmaidens.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Nancy Mace uses repeated t slurs on house floor

( velvetpaws )
Personally I'm a fan of the trans + goon "t slur", but to each her own!

( Cattitude )
That was my favourite, too.

And none, none, of these supposed slurs carry any real weight. Women expressing contempt for men is not a threat except to their egos.

( ProxyMusic )
I think Nancy Mace's supposed "rudeness" is exactly what's needed. The whole trans and gender identity supremacy movement is about men controlling and dominating women, defining us out of out legal existence, stealing our identities, colonizing our spaces, taking away our hard-won rights, denying our experiences, beating the shit out of us in our own category of sports, robbing us of privacy and dignity, pushing us aside, lording it over us, bullying us by making up misogynistic rules, making it verboten for women and girls speak the truth, constantly telling us to STFU and sit down, and shaming us into silence.

BTW, people who considere themselves part of the "trans community" use the T word that rhymes with canny all the time.

TIMs use all sorts of dehumanizing slurs for women - vagina havers, cervix owners, menstuators, non-men, birthing people, birthing bodies, bleeders. They describe us and our bodies in the most demeaning terms imaginable. Yet we're not allowed to say anything that causes them offense or ruffles their feathers. It's just another case of the same-old double standards.

ETA: Whilst the thread titles says

Nancy Mace uses repeated t slurs on house floor

In fact, Mace uttered the naughty words in a House committee room. I believe this happened during a meeting of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

( sylviasmushrooms )
Seriously though, adding “-y” to a noun is like the most toothless slur ever. The worst slurs I can think of off the top of my head end in menacing-sounding consonants like “-t”, “-r”, and “-k” (phonetically, I know there is an e at the end of a particular anti-Semitic slur and also a lesbian one.) The “-y” suffix (outside of obligatory adverbs)usually turns a noun into an adjective (ie “bready”, “sandy”, ”cloudy”) or makes a word sound cuter (see “baby”, “mommy”, “girly,” “dressy”, etc.)


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Nancy Mace uses repeated t slurs on house floor

( TinyAngryLesbian )
It might be petty, but I genuinely struggle to give a shit about the T getting called slurs. Thanks to them, I could never get my former workplace to stop calling me the homophobic Q slur.

( crodish )
fr. I cannot get over that straight girls who cut their breasts off are absolutely okay calling themselves twink gay f4gg0t queers on twitter. PROUDLY. I can't deal with this fucking earth

the demographic that has NO right to fucking reclaim anything is PROPAGATING it as a slur in the name of progress. it's so many levels of fucked.

( OneStarWolf )
I personally don't use that word, but I know it wasn't really considered a slur until the last 10 years or so. I'm all for calling them what they are: transvestites, transsexuals, perverts, fetishists, mentally ill

( Freyja )
Lmao what a queen. Professional? Of course not but seriously fuck these guys. Her lack of fucks to give reminds me of when Lily Cade finally stopped GAF too.

[foul language, NSFW] https://web.archive.org/web/20211102173139/https://www.lilycade.com/where-are-these-childrens-mothers/

The chair awkwardly avoiding the situation by saying he's not up to date is so funny. It feels like all the guys in the room know full well they use that word in private with each other and that the admonishment is a total farce, except the guy calling her out who comes across as a true believer.

( CuriouslyObvious )
I love Nancy Mace. I hope she says it a thousand times over. We need more women willing to stand up to these men that want to tell us to shut up and act with decorum when they don't care about dicks in our faces.

( Womanwithopinions )
This damages her credibility. I don't use this word. Just saying MAN is enough. It's the truth. Next some of them will start using the n-word if this doesn't get clamped down. She shouldn't have done it.

( Spinster_core )
Except black people have actually faced centuries of oppression and are still being denied job opportunities, housing, fair treatment by law enforcement... while TIMs are worried about not getting to creep on women and girls in public restrooms.

The "t slur" is not on par with the n word. It's more like a demeaning nickname for car guys or frat boys or something. They still hold all the power.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

“Do you have family who can hide you?” 😂

( CruddyMuddy )
Bloody hell. Cosplaying women isn’t enough, now they’re pretending they’re Anne Frank.

( FernLady )
Dr: “we are no longer going to prescribe this unproven medicine for you.”

TIM friends: “it’s not safe there!! Do you have someone who can hide you?”

What the heck lol they want to be victims so badly

( atomic_brunette )
Yeah I wonder what the real reasons were for the doctor discontinuing care. He mentions chronic health problems so what are the odds cross-sex hormones are causing him problems? Or doctor did the math and decided it was too much liability.

Iirc one of the EOs makes it easier for detrans patients to sue so some doctors will be getting out of the biz for that reason.

( Spinstaa )

Why are they like this?! No one is rounding up TQ’s to commit a genocide, even though that’s what they talk about constantly. It’s just not happening.

Also I find it funny that they are obsessed with a Hitler-like figure starting another holocaust where they would be the victims , and these TIPs always admit to having a neo Nazi phase. [...]

Like Read. The. God. Damm. Room.

( shewolfoffrance )

No one is rounding up TQ’s to commit a genocide

Seriously. Before they leap to hiding in an attic, might I suggest wearing a disguise when they're forced to go out in public? Perhaps clothing that aligns with their biological sex? 99% of the time, no one would even suspect they had ladysouls.

( mathlover )
They can "hide" in plain sight. Wear pants. Get a short haircut. No makeup. Stop the estrogen. Get all their ID changed back to reflect reality.

( blibberinghumdinger )
They don't even have to do most of this. Be a man who has long hair, wears makeup and non-masculine clothing. Pretty much nobody gives a shit. Just stop lying and trying to force everyone around you to lie about what sex you are. They literally act like they're going to die if they aren't allowed to grow tits and lie. Lmao

( mathlover )
Good point. They could keep playing dress up as long as they never ask anyone else to go along with the make-believe, including the phony pronouns, and they stay out of anything specifically for women only.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans girls to be banned from female sports in US schools and universities

( crodish )

Trans girls


( Mignonette )
If it doesn't matter because it's rare, then surely telling those boys "no" isn't a big deal? Funny how they always know who the girls are when it's time to tell someone to "just be nice" and put others first.

( pennygadget )

Funny how they always know who the girls are when it's time to tell someone to "just be nice" and put others first.

Young TIMs should feel gender euphoria right now. They're finally getting the genuine female experience of being told to shut up and gracefully put everyone else's wants and needs before their own!

( CrimsonSoleil )
And who to bully into silence

( OneStarWolf )
I really wish journalists would stop with the Orwellian speak.”””Trans girls””” uwuuu. It’s not clear writing that conveys what’s going on, it obscures the facts. Boys and men who identify as transgender to be banned from female sports. Done.

( Dressed2K1ll )
That’s literally it. Keep men and boys out of women and girls’ sports. Period. Everything else is just misogynistic gobbledegoook

( Freyja )

Democrats argued that the measure was cruel, and addressed a problem that was exceedingly rare. “How many transgender athletes are you aware of?” Dick Durbin, a Democrat senator for Illinois, asked Baker during a Senate judiciary committee hearing in December. “Less than ten,” he said.

Gotta love the hypocrisy as always! 'Too rare' to care when it's women & girls being harmed by male encroachment but it's a number one life-and-death priority when they argue why men need to break those boundaries.

( OwnLyingEyes )
And it's always 'how many trans athletes?' and never 'how many women and girls are being impacted by this?' which is a much, much larger number.

( atomic_brunette )
The fact that the Dems don't care about girls' welfare and safety even when TIMs are physically harming them in contact sports like volleyball or soccer tells me all I need to know about their commitment to women's rights.

( Artemis_Lives )
An extreme minority of males matter more than half the species....

( PerenelleFlamel )
"trans girls"

I hate this.

MEN. They are MEN.

various commenters #transphobia #interphobia ovarit.com

Trump Can Ban Transgender Birth Certificates

( Eava )
I think they're on weak constitutional grounds to think the federal government can impose this in the states. It's funny to see the WSJ pushing federal supremacy, they're usually anti-federal power and pro-state's rights.

"True intersex conditions, which result in genitalia that appear ambiguous or mixed, affect less than 0.02% of the population." Does he not consider CAIS an intersex condition? The genitalia is not ambiguous at all. He's wrong that definitions aren't needed. You can't pass a law categorizing all people when you know there are people who fall outside your definition. It doesn't help to create a definition where people with DSDs end up in the wrong categories. It might be necessary to have a list of DSDs and whether individuals with those conditions are male or female, and there has to be a process to correct birth certificates for people with DSDs.

( SatanicPanic )
People with DSDs are still male or female. There is no third sex or "in between".

( Eava )
So what is someone with CAIS or someone with Swyer? My point is there is a subset of DSDs where the "developmental pathway" criteria doesn't really work either.

( amethyst_sky )
Both DSDs you listed are males. The presence of the Y chromosome, regardless of it being active or not, means a person is a male.

Chromosomes are the instructions for what development pathway your body was supposed to go down, regardless of whether or not it did. A Y chromosome means a person is a male.

There is no such thing as a DSD that sits completely “in the middle”. All people w DSDs are still male or female.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
You must be relieved that the EO was rooted in biology in regards to DSDs, then.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Americans, how did you vote? I’m just curious.

( momofreyrella )
I voted for Trump, and I changed my voter registration to Republicans. As a radfem and a Jewish woman, I am done with demoncrats.



( NoDayForADo )
I have to admit I voted for Trump. I wasn't going to vote at all but I was driving home that day and an ad came on for Harris and abortion rights and I just got so pissed off at listening to her pretend to be standing up for women when she won't even commit to defining what a woman is that I literally drove right to the firehall and voted for Trump.

My state went very solidly for Trump so it's not like my vote is what sealed the ticket but I have to admit to feeling weird about the whole thing. I don't know why I didn't pick another candidate, I was actually so pissed off I didn't even pay attention to the other options. But dammit that ad really put me over. Whatever else she stands for, I'm just sick and tired of politicians pulling out the abortion card every 4 years and acting like it is the only thing that matters to women. I felt like all I heard in her ads this cycle were promises to protect women's rights and lower the cost of groceries which... she was VP for the past 4 years. If the president could fix that, why didn't her and Biden fix it?

I really don't think I would have gone in to vote if it hadn't been for her commercial.

( ProfTerfMom )
I voted for Kara Dansky as a write in, hoping that Democrats would examine the data to find out why they are losing support. My state went for Harris (easily).

Unfortunately, the Democrats only seem to be doubling down.

( Women2Women )
any individual or political party which is so easily manipulated to believe the extremist belief that biological sex doesn't exist and that language, policy and laws must now reflect the truly illogical, dumb, harmful, woman hating and child safeguarding ignoring "trans/gender i.d" religion, can NEVER be supported in any way by me, and certainly should not be anywhere near power. That covers the Democratic party for me, and my trust has been shattered for them as a party for pushing this horror like a drug. They learned nothing. I'm done.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Opinion | What’s Lost if the Government Pushes People Like Me Out of the Military - The New York Times

( Peppermint )
There is a huge trend for men to go to the military just so they can get free cosmetic surgery and access to women's spaces. As soon as that is over they won't be going to the military anymore.

( Uber )
And to be able to legally kill other people

( samsdat )
You’re not a SHE, Bree. You’re a colonizer.


( OwnLyingEyes )
"Resilient, resourceful, empathetic, authentic, trustworthy, honest" none of these are words that come to mind for describing this cohort of self-absorbed full-time liars who constantly threaten to shatter into a million pieces and constantly threaten other people if anyone looks at them in any way other than through a stack of pre-specified 'filters' and who are notorious for demanding that everyone else should pay for an infinite stream of elective surgeries as well as their living expenses because they're just so stressed out by not being able to control other people completely to handle their own shit.

( vulvapeople )
There have been at least two military TIMs who gave military secrets to third parties. Apparently, the old stereotypes about crossdressing men being untrustworthy, especially in a military context, are true.

( Killer_Danish )

The REAL Reason Trump Banned Transgender Troops.

Did I hear him right? Up to 15,000 TiP are in the military? And almost none of them are deployable in to war zones because most are life-long medical patients. How can the US military justify investing so much money towards soldiers who will either be permanently desk-bound or on leave for nearly half their contract due to trans surgeries? That's a TERRIBLE return on investment!

But see how quickly TiP dragged women down with them? The hard right conservative would say that transpeople AND women should be barred from serving in the military (trans has consistently shown itself to be the cement shoes on women and LGB people, taking all our hard won social gains with them in to the abyss...)

pennygadget & Riothamus #transphobia ovarit.com

Is the horror of child transitioning finally coming to an end?

( pennygadget )
It had to end at some point. If Trump's EOs didn't do it, the inevitable lawsuits & deaths certainly would have forced the issue.

The cult has been desperately covering up the impacts of these treatments for years. But they can't keep people like detransitioners and whistle-blower medical professionals silent forever. They can't silence the loved ones of the young people who died in their 20s despite receiving "life saving" gender affirming care. The dam was going to burst at some point. Trump just hastened it

( Riothamus )
I'd say it was always destined to burst by the 2024 election. Childhood transition didn't catch on until roughly 2014 and that's enough time for the horrible permanent side effects to manifest.

various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia ovarit.com

N.Y. Hospital Stops Treating 2 Children After Trump’s Trans Care Order - The New York Times

( limoncello )
"Gender-affirming care." 0 for 3 there. I'm not holding my breath on seeing it properly called child sexual mutilation but I cannot WAIT until their preferred euphemism stales into "gender intervention treatment" or some mealy-mouthed slop.

( carbon0va )
This headline is constructed to push the idea that a negligible number of kids are getting this treatment. You have to read deeper to start seeing the truth:

A pediatrician at the state-run University Hospital of Brooklyn, Dr. Birnbaum said he saw roughly 75 trans patients, including many teenagers.

75. One doctor.
Who also said this:

“I’m willing to go to jail to continue to provide your care,” Dr. Jeffrey Birnbaum said he had been telling his young trans patients and their parents since the executive order.

🙄🙄🙄 Go then. It is where adults who mutilate children belong.

( DurableBook )
Wow, and here I was happy with the two. Two kids spared chemical castration. Two kids given a reprieve, however temporary, from the current lobotomy fad being inflicted upon the nonconforming.

Here's hoping it is a lot more. And here's hoping that Dr. Birnbaum's name is forever recorded along such greats as Walter Jackson Freeman II and Carl Clauberg.

( hard_headed_woman )
Non-binary bullshit?

Seriously, one of these kids identifies as non-binary?

( Lipsy )
Lots of the underage Girls who've had Their breasts hacked off have been "nb".

Could even be a majority, just because there are so many more "nb" than "trans men".

( hard_headed_woman )
I just can't imagine a parent letting a child destroy her body for "non-binary." What a freaking fad.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Federal employees told to remove pronouns from email signatures by end of day - ABC News

( littleowl12 )
I wonder how many people are relieved. "Thank god I can just blame it on Trump and I don't have to do this anymore. Can we abolish lanyards next?"

( NastasyaFillipovna )
And that's how he won the election. Just because someone was banned from talking, didn't mean they stop existing

( Lipsy )
Reddit supermods discovering their ban hammer doesn't extend to the ballot box: C:\Desktop\memes\shocked_pikachu.jpg

( Lillith )
I'm getting whiplash from how quickly this is happening.

( LunarMoose )
just saw a clip of my representative crying about what is happening.

sigh. This is all great, but the fight to convince the TRA's will take....time

( Lillith )
Well they didn't wait to convince everyone else before they shoved it down our throats. Turnabout is fair play.

( sensusquaeram )
Well, scream in people's faces for x years about horrible research, non-science, and "cis privilege," then stalk, dox, and harass them, get them fired, halt the actual research and publications they're working on, and also show up to literally punch them, thrown shit on them, and threaten them in public, all while grooming kids for horrendous surgeries and lifelong medicalization and invading women's bathrooms, changing rooms, and shelters, having already endangered LGB gains while conflating fetishism with orientation . . . and empathy is likely to become a little . . . uh . . . scant.

( Tallemaja )
It's about time something went in our favor. I just hope the ball keeps rolling.

( Pas_Une_Parisienne )

The mandate is the latest effort in the Trump administration's push to end DEI.

Said by the people who imperiled DEI by making it mean including males in women's reserved places !

( PinkPeoniesInTheRain )
The timing sucks -- and is likely deliberate, as others have suggested, to distract from actual important stuff -- but I'm happy to hear this. SO tired of all the pronoun shit.

mathlover , Leliana2e4 & NastasyaFillipovna #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: White House removes T from LGB for Travel.gov

( mathlover )
Thr T can immediately solve all their problems by ceasing to make believe they are the opposite sex anywhere outside of their private lives with willing participants.

( Leliana2e4 )
No, The T should be removed, and I've no opposition to the LGB portion being removed as well[...]

Firstly, even though I support the Republican's executive orders (on all gender ideology + freedom of speech + illegal immigration) and a few things that they are doing, I'm not under the illusion that they care about the LGB (which ironically might have been somewhat hypocritical if they really did care). These are just cosmetic changes to comply with the executive order for anyone to see.

And secondly, even though I don't like homophobia, women like us have learnt to watch ourselves a very long time ago, and not constantly expect the world to validate us. The other posters have said it right. The Transgenders are not stupid. They are only behaving incorrigibly, crazy and in other mind-boggling ways, because the Americans, the English and Western Europeans will allow them to get away with it.

They will not pull the same stunts deep into Middle eastern territory or any 2nd-3rd/4th world homophobic country. They will simply remove the costume and travel as a normal dude, or if they really "do pass", they will suddenly develop decency and behave like a normal human being to blend in.

OP, I feel like this a blind spot. You are doing the "be kind" thing and thinking they are babies that need coddling. While they are fully grown adult men and women, and the AGP men are extremely strategic and merciless in whatever they do. Because this is the kind of thinking that has landed us in this position to begin with.

( NastasyaFillipovna )

I would have added that many countries view "identifying as the opposite sex in passports" as falsifying information.

And one of the most common ways to don a disguise I might add. You enter as a male, commit crimes as a "woman", and fly out as a male again. If I am the government, I for sure would like to know "all" your identities.

They already do this in the news, crimes committed by males in a dress are being reported as committed by "women". How is the public on the lookout for someone who they don't even know what to look for?

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: White House removes T from LGB for Travel.gov

( Lillith )
Im bringing the same energy that they do.

"Its ok for TIMs to be in womens sports because there are so few of them." and "That never happens."

So I say that there are so few of them that the government doesn't have to address it on the travel websites.

Also, since no one can tell without genital checks, then they should be fine.

Since they never cared when women's health sites started saying "menstruators" and "uterus havers," it's hard for me to care when website terminology changes might negatively affect them.

Additionally, many of them can just take off their costumes. I wouldn't expect the government to have a special travel section for cosplayers.

Right now, I have 0 concerns about this, but I'm open to learning new things which could change my mind.

Edit: And if they really are men and women, as they always say, then why do they need special considerations?

( real_feminist )
If they want to mention the T at all then it should be a separate section to show they are distinct group that has nothing to do with LGB.

( syntaxerror )
Yeah I mean I don’t really care either way, but in the sake of being completely “fair” sure, include some info that most countries are not interested in playing make believe (and that there may be severe consequences for doing so).

It is supposed to be an information hub, and to be fair, that is good info for those who are trying to pass themselves off as the opposite sex.

But keep that separate from the warnings for gay people.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Gay people not doing PDA is vastly different from a man barging into a woman's toilet. The second was sexual assault some 5 years ago

( salamander )

I still feel it's important to save people from themselves when necessary.

I see where you are from.

I don't think it's really necessary, tbh. TIPs who insist on their identity being "respected" are usually very sensitive to power dynamics. They make unreasonable demands in western liberal countries because they know they can get away with it. They are not that stupid to try it in Saudi Arabia.

Minors might be naive enough to truly believe others see them as their "gender". Hopefully their parents know better.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Nancy mace and reduxx host a space tomorrow 1/31

( shewolfoffrance )
It's so refreshing to see a politician who's making an actual difference on the trans issue talk to feminists instead of Matt Walsh or Jordan Peterson. I'd love to see Jennifer Bilek get a boost for all the good work she's done.

( pennygadget )
Reduxx is getting a shout out from a member of CONGRESS! This is wonderful news! I can't wait for this Q&A!

Love her or hate her, Mace is doing good by giving GC platforms and people a larger platform

( twinklebarbie )
Just amazing! Said from the beginning that this is what they need to do. It’s so easy for people to say, they are just 1% of the population, or that we are fear mongering, but reduxx exposes how silly those statement are.

( SaladSparklz )
This is amazing! Go Reduxx! Go Slatz! ❤️

( Lilith-Fair )
Everyone who will be joining the Q&A, please ask her to introduce legislations to make those WH orders on gender affecting women into actual laws. Otherwise those EOs will last only 4 years and can be terminated by the next Democratic president. We need those laws on the books and now is the best time to make it happen while there's widespread backlash.

( Feerique )
It's true the current unholy alliance between conservatives and TERFs is pushing many radfems to the right but I have noticed some Republican women also going more left on women's issues as a result. I hope this happens to Mace and Reduce doesn't just go full alt right mouthpiece.

Janice Turner #transphobia thetimes.com

Sports edict makes Trump a feminist hero

As a crowd of female athletes and little girls in tracksuits clustered around his desk, President Trump seemed unable to believe his luck. “What a nice picture this is,” he declared, signing his executive order entitled “Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports” to a trilling chorus of “thank you, Mr President!”.


Yet here was Trump applauded by women, and not just Republicans but lifelong Democrats or previously apolitical sports stars like Riley Gaines, who turned campaigner after being forced to race 6ft 1in trans swimmer Lia Thomas. At the White House, Trump recalled watching that race: “It was ridiculous, frankly.”

And the nation agreed. A New York Times poll found 79 per cent of Americans (including 67 per cent of Democrats) thought men didn’t belong in women’s sports, making it probably the most popular executive order ever. “My administration will not stand by and let men beat and batter female athletes,” said Trump. “It’s common sense more than anything else.”

[…] So why did it take Trump to say this, and why did the Democrats gift their worst enemy such an easy win, allowing Trump — who in another executive order just banned all federal funding to abortion services — to be hailed as a feminist president?


The Democrats listened only to the extreme activist lobby, like the American Civil Liberties Union and GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, who spun science-denying sophistry to “prove” putting males in women’s sports was fine and might even improve female performances.
For a quiet life, governing bodies, colleges, coaches, corporate sponsors, broadcasters all fell in line. But now Trump, the impudent boy, has broken the spell.


In his speech, Trump announced that all males hoping to compete in women’s events at the 2028 LA Olympics will be denied visas. It will not come to that. The International Olympic Committee presidency is being contested and all candidates, not just the trenchant World Athletics president Seb Coe, have vowed to defend the female category. They cite the Paris Olympics debacle, when outgoing president Thomas Bach said that holding passports stating they were female qualified two biological male boxers to fight women. Both won gold. The world witnessed sex denialism at its most dangerous, ludicrous and unjust.


various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Why I left the Democratic Party after voting for Kamala Harris — and why others will follow

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Dylan Mulvaney deservedly gets the hate he's getting.

But Rachal Levine must gate more and more hate. It should've been the straw that broke the camel's back, somehow it didn't. That guy is a clear male from 1000 yards, but still, we were supposed to say he's a woman? That too at one of the top positions in the country, a opportunity which real women were passed over for.

They were supposed to break the glass ceiling for women, they ended up creating a steel reinforced one instead. A male doing a womanface had more opportunities in the name of DEI than a woman who sacrificed her family for her career.

And if you speak up, you get rape threats. How classic. Threaten a woman with her worst nightmare possible, just because you don't wanna see a dick

( NoName )
I voted for Kamala Harris this time, mainly because of the threat of Trump winning. He did win. If the Democrats are still clinging to gender ideology come the mid terms I will not vote. They do not get my vote until they drop this policy.

( OwnLyingEyes )
I became a registered independent before the last election for the same reason I'd leave any other abusive relationship. And what they've been doing to women/girls, and enabling to be done to women/girls, is abuse. Real abuse. I wasn't going to put up with it anymore in the naive painful hope that if I stayed they'd just stop on their own. And changing party registration may be a small thing, but it was still rooted in making the decision that they don't own me.

( WatcherattheGates )
He's not alone, and I think he's right to call out all those robots voting against barring men from women's sports.

( StrawberryCough )
That "genital inspection" talking point was so painful to watch

( atomic_brunette )
As if the entire goal of TIMs forcing their way into our spaces wasn't exposing "gocks and gesticles" to unconsenting women.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Matt Walsh is now attacking Nancy Mace

( momofreyrella )
Matt Walsh: where are the feminists?

Kara Dansky: why wont you respond to me!!

( pennygadget )
He also claimed that he consulted prominent GC feminists when he made that "What Is A Woman" documentary. But both Megan Murphy and Kelly Jay Keen say that he never contacted them (and those two have no reason to lie because they had done right wing media before)

( pothosvari_ )
Tbf, KJK isn’t really a feminist. She’s more of a right wing woman than anything.

( pennygadget )

Tbf, KJK isn’t really a feminist. She’s more of a right wing woman than anything.

Regardless of the labels people attach to her, she's one of the most well known voices in opposition to genderwoo. Anyone making a documentary about this subject should know who she is and include her

( Eava )
KJK is not gender critical.

( StrawberryCough )
She's pretty critical of gender roles, She supports abortion, and she's done a lot to change the conversation. Let Women Speak has generated hour after hour of amazing video of hundreds of normal women sharing their experience. Shouting "He's a man" at William Thomas was a major inflection point in this battle. I'm pretty far left of her politically, but, I'm thankful for the work she's done on this issue, and I'll definitely listen to what she has to say on this issue. If nothing else, she occupies a necessary extreme point on the Overton window. Sometimes I feel like a lot of women dislike her in large part because of her look. I wish she didn't like Jordan Petersen so much, though. Ew.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Nor a feminist, and that's by her own admission.

( Eava )
I dont think you can be gender critical and not be a feminist. Being gender critical is encapsulated in feminism.

( Iota_Aurigae )
Yes - up until a few years ago, it seems that gender critical was almost solely a feminist term. I still consider it to be a feminist term, though it’s seen a lot of conservatives adopt it because they mistake it with trans-critical. Gender criticism means criticism of all forms of gender.

KJK has openly stated before that she’s not a feminist. She’s trans-critical, but given that she partakes in femininity, I doubt she’s critical of gender roles which serve as transgenderism’s backing. I’d be happy to hear otherwise, though.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

Gay combat veteran reveals why Trump was RIGHT to ban transgender troops in the military | Daily Mail Online

( NastasyaFillipovna )
I think it's a good idea to not give advanced weapons and combat tactics training to the group which threatens suicide like its eating candy

( OwnLyingEyes )
Not to mention who constantly threaten other people over the faintest suspicion of wrongthink.

( FemmeEtal )
They also threaten mass homicide (“Kill all TERFs, Karens, trumpers, etc) and are routinely praised for it. We’re talking about enlisting terrorists against our own citizens, it’s madness.

( TheMothership )
Not only threaten mass homicide - COMMIT mass homicide- the trans school and/or mass shooter is a thing !

( catsrterf )
Yeah, I'm not surprised. We are talking about people that break down over every little perceived inconvenience. Then they have to take their hormones every day. The squad ain't gonna wait for Lilith or Aidan to do his estrogen shots out in combat.

I wouldn't be surprised if TIPs were using the military just so they can get their mutilations covered after medical discharge.

( Pointer )
Getting the gays to revolt against trans is key in dismantling this whole thing

( StrawberryCough )
That's so true. The pushback has to come, strongly, from rich white gay men, or it's not going to happen.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Please please please separate the LGB from the Ts

( Women1st )

In fact, gender dysphoria is not considered a mental illness in the traditional sense, but it is a recognized condition in medical and psychological fields.

Which is a sign of the TRA influence in medicine. Whereas all other forms of body dysmorphia are considered mental health conditions.

Either way, Smith argued that the condition further undermines the stability and cohesion of military units.

If undeployable and high cost for medical- what is the point of serving?

Killer_Danish, MarthaMMC & notapatsy #transphobia ovarit.com

Not the First Female President - by Heather Heying

( Killer_Danish )

“Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.

“Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.

LegalEagle (popular BreadTuber) suggests a flaw in the wording above since fetuses, upon conception, don't produce gametes at that moment in the growth cycle. I understand he's trying for a lesser known tactic than the usual TRA, "aRe YoU cLaImInG tHaT sTeRiLe MeN aReN't MaLe, AnD tHaT sTeRiLe WoMeN aReN't FeMaLe?!?!"

But I do wonder if that bit "at conception" might be problematic later on when the legal challenges come...

( MarthaMMC )
The wording doesn't say that gametes are produced at conception. Rather, that sex, determined at conception, puts you in a sex class which does produce either large or small gametes at the appropriate phase in sexual development, or would, absent disease, defects, injury or surgery.

( notapatsy )
Such a clear description of reproductive biology. That must be why TRAs can't understand it.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

After his executive order on sex, is Trump legally the first female president? | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Atleast flatearthers have "Earth actually looks flat" going for them. I don't know what Gendies huff tbh

( GoodGoneGirl )
They have this:

“Most scientists now reject the idea that sex is strictly binary. The likes of Nature, possibly one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world, has noted that “the research and medical community now sees sex as more complex than male and female”.”

Gendies are the flat earthers who successfully captured science and academia. That gives their beliefs some weight, for now. They think appeals to science will save them and their stupid ideology, I don’t think they have considered the possibility that they will drag science down with them.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah. Compared to gendies, flatearthers are downright sane. Earth looks flat, and until the first ship sailed all around the earth, there was not even witnesses to the fact that the earth is round, just the possibility to deduce that info. (And photographic proof only exists since space rockets.)

But also, I am not aware that flat-earthism in itself ever caused any harm. Presumably, flat earthers don't work as pilots or astronauts or in other professions where their belief could impair their ability to do their job. Genderism, on the other hand ... yeah.

( oneofthesesigns )
This annoys me so much as an argument. We discussed this "the undifferentiated fetus is female" concept in my developmental bio class over a decade ago. My super old male prof was like that is only true if you assume that the female is passive genetically, which is misogyny. We don't know what a fetus that doesn't differentiate looks like as an adult because that is most likely a mutation that is incompatible with life and would result in a miscarriage shortly after differentiation normally takes place.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

"scalling back rights or protections for one group hurts everyone"

( mathlover )
The whole Executive Order - everything it seeks to rectify - is caused by the T. The larping men insist that gnc women, lesbian and even straight, will suffer by being challenged when they try to use womens spaces. Nah. We just, have always, mentioned that we are women; it only takes seconds of interaction to confirm that women are women. And of course the idiotic idea that women will all need "genital inspections" lol. Guess that is the TIM dream come true, but there is never a need for it.

The public is gradually becoming aware of how toxic the T is. We need to keep shining the light until everyone - including captured woke religious lefty types - realize that the entire problem is caused by all the letters after LGB. All the rest is an alphabet shit soup, without which that Executive Order would not have needed to be written. The TQ+ whatever are entitled to compassion after they are safely defanged and permanently separated from any association with LGB. Until then, the TQ+ sre the danger to women.

( pennygadget )

....scaling back rights or protections for one group hurts everyone

It is not a civil right to have one's identity validated. Especially when that identity is objectively not real.

Also, as a Jew, I really wish TRAs would stop with the "first they came for..." rhetoric. Telling a man who calls himself "Cuntina VonSluttington" that he can no longer put "female" on his passport or get fake tits via Medicare is not the stepping stone to gays&lesbians being loaded into gas chambers. On the contrary, trans ideology being mainstreamed has actively harmed the LGB community (ESPECIALLY the L). And being tethered to the TQ has caused support for gay rights to go down for the first time in 20 years

( takshak )
..but scaling back the rights of women and girls is just peachy.

( DietCokeAddict )
“Rights aren’t pie! It literally doesn’t affect you if men in dresses stare at you while you undress in locker rooms! Why do you even care that your cellmate is male, and violent, and much stronger than you? Bigot” /s

( Lee-Side_ )
These weren't actual rights. They were privileges.

( Cattitude )
And they were at the expense of women's rights.

various commenters #transphobia #racist ovarit.com

RE: Will Democrats ever drop the ‘transgender lunacy’? - spiked (Kara Dansky)

( ThisReality )
Will Republicans ever want them to? If Democrats do drop it, will Republicans ever acknowledge that, or will it be touted as an ever-present threat, the new Red China or Cold War?

Transgenderism is a political boon to both parties. If one side decides to stop playing tug-of-war, the other side loses, too.

( FrankieDuck )
There is a lot more to it then political parties posturing. If you go to reduxx.info you can see how depraved sex is a big part of the trans movement. Jennifer Bilek writes about the money behind this movement. It's not really a game.

( RNPhalarope )
As far as i can see, they are doubling down on this.

And they are doubling down on the excesses of DEI. It is really unfortunate when you can't admit that the ideology that says that all white people are racist, the written word is colonial oppression, and something, something math is bad, etc. is really out of touch.

I listened to a podcast featuring the top people from the Harris campaign about what went wrong and it was a pitiful performance without any reflection.

( SatanicPanic )
The "math is racist" bullshit really opened my husband's eyes. It's so amazingly racist. How the fuck can they say they don't think black people can do math to our faces and actually believe they're the good ones?

( PerenelleFlamel )
I spent some time on reddit to try to see where the left is headed after this, and man, it is brutal. They are still screaming "Nazi" at everyone, maybe even louder this time, and have no real understanding of how their extreme actions over the past 5-7 years have brought us here. Honestly, if the Dems didn't straight up, and I don't say this lightly, persecute Trump and make a folk-hero out of him, we would be living in an entirely different timeline.

And if the Dems didn't spend the last 4 years embracing absolutely bonkers positions like trans and mass immigration, straight up mocking their voter base, actively and obnoxiously alienating anyone who was wasn't a left-wing nutjob, blatantly censoring opposition, and openly supporting destructive and violent criminal activity and telling people they'd just have to 'deal with it' for social equity, they might have had a chance.

It is absolutely maddening.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Transgender inmates panic as Donald Trump's executive order sends them packing to men's prisons | Daily Mail Online

( pennygadget )
Maybe y'all should have thought of that before you committed crimes (most likely sex crimes, because you're TIMs).

No fucking sympathy for these scrotes. This policy lead to God knows how many rapes and pregnancies for incarcerated women. So I'm not shedding tears for these men. If they feel oppressed, they can remove the woman costume and use he/him pronouns again. Or request protective custody on account of being "at risk"

Whatever they decide, its not women's problem to deal with. Die mad, scrotes

( Arenlaef )
There's something so powerful about reading some form of "The trans prisoners are worried they'll be targets in prison" and just admitting that I don't really give a flying fuck, lol.

That's for male prisons to work out. We don't remedy that by serving these men up women on a platter for them to abuse.

( FloraFair )
Is it cruel for me to say they should be happy.

They'll be treated like the women they so desperately long to be. They'll have to fear everyday that they might possibly be violated at any moment. They'll always be looking over their shoulders & sleeping with one eye open. The fear will keep them awake until it starts to impact their health & they go insane.

Is this not what women feel? Do they not want the authentic female experience?

( Mandy )
What a shame they didn't push for trans-only accommodation when they had the chance.

( momofreyrella )
They didnt want that

( Smellerbee )
They didn't want it because it wouldn't be "validating."

( VestalVirgin )
And because they aren't really afraid. They just want to rape women.

If they were afraid, they'd pushed for trans only accommodation. (Someone told my mom a sob story about trans prisoners being beaten up by prisoners of the other sex that they demand to be imprisoned with. I'd very much like to know who, but I fear she might have drunk the koolaid, she always gets aggressive when I question her new beliefs..A shame, too, she used to be a normie Anyways, that sob story cannot possibly be true, cause if it were they'd wisely stay where they belong!)

( hard_headed_woman )
Reading that headline made me positively euphoric!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: ‘A Bounty on My Head’: Congress’s First Transgender Member Faces the Trump Era - The New York Times

( mathlover )
Men who say they are "women" - like Mr. McBride - are not even remotely vulnerable, though they have managed to bully and gaslight people into believing they are.

If these men want to wear dresses, wigs/long hair, makeup, etc and play make-believe "woman" in their personal lives, with willing participants, they have always been free to do that. The fact that they now can force the rest of us to go along with it, and to make women unable to keep these men out of womens spaces is not the mark of the vulnerable and powerless. They are sexually predatory authoritatian brutes.

( PeregrineWitch )
Seeing this man constistently called 'she' and described as a woman is an ongoing slap in the face.

You're the problem, New York Times. You and all the other misogynistic crap journalists, politicians and doctors who've peddled the male supremacist notion that being a woman is a feeling a man can have, and that pushing back against this insane, insulting attrocity is some kind of persecution.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think it's interesting to see which TiMs are quadrupling down and which ones are trying to rebrand as sensible moderates [...]. I suspect we'll be seeing quite a few of the latter in the coming months and years.

( [Deleted] )
All of them want to sound so reasonable and do a great job until they get to the bit where they have to say I know I’m male and I know I suffer from a mental problem called dysphoria…, x y z I still want to take large amounts of cross sex hormones which are ruining my health and costing the tax payer a fortune already and we haven’t even hit the mass early onset dementia tipping point because I have the only mental health problem which can be cured by reinforcing intrusive and delusional thoughts.

( shewolfoffrance )
Even if they're willing to give up a few things like men in women's sports, or cut loose the more the more disgusting AGPs; they all still believe in "true trans" for themselves. Blaire White still wants access to women-only spaces. Brianna Wu still wants to trans minors. Sarah McBride has backed off using the women's bathroom, but now sits on a committee for women.

( NO )
Maybe if you had not tried getting rid of the rights of half the population you wouldnt feel the hate of half the population.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: The Left trying to push all fetuses female line to get around EO text

( Itzpapalotl )
Whatever happened to "NO means NO"?

Why can't TRA's and TIM's hear women saying "NO" to their endless tirade of misogyny and colonization? NO! Males are NOT women, of any kind, they are men. NO! You are NOT welcome in female spaces.

"NO." Is a full sentence.

( babygrandpiano )
The fact that they don't understand that no means no just proves that they are very much male and always will be.

( kitkat )
What an embarrassing load of tripe. It still shocks me that the left has adopted this ridiculous anti-women and child damaging cult. It may go down in history as one of the most harmful and illogical things they have ever championed.

( hontrapoints )
TIPs: TERFs ignore trans men! They're transphobic and think trans men are just confused and abused girls and women! We need to destroy those bigots!

Also TIPs: "So, according to this definition, all Americans are female."


( notapatsy )
They have a history of twisting biology to fit their ideology, so this is just the latest twist. However, I doubt they will successfully argue their way into anywhere the EO bans them from by the strength of their standing at the door and arguing over the "meaning" of the text of the EO.

( ArtemisCitrine )
Let's say it's true that all fetuses start out female. What on earth is their point? The fetus would then develop into male and female by the time they're born. It's like when TRAs bring up intersex. How does it change anything if some people are born with birth defects on their reproductive systems?

( istara )
It doesn't really matter what a morula, blast, embryo or foetus looks like or what genitals it does or doesn't have.

By the time it emerges from the uterus, except in the case of a few rare DSDs, it will be absolutely, undeniably clear what sex it is and what its chromosomes are.

If it helps, I'm perfectly happy sharing a bathroom with a male morula if it wants to pop out for a visit. Just as most women are fine with young male children who are typically permitted in female facilities up to a certain age.

It's adult males that we prefer not to have in our intimate spaces.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Regarding recent EO recognizing the biological reality that is Sex, and the person who signed it

( Veneficca )
I think we all would love for this EO to win the war, stop the madness. I hate Trump and would happily give him credit for this.

But this changes nothing for most TRAs. If anything, they're doubling down. I was just starting to see doubt and backtracking, mostly around sports, and more LGB rolling their eyes and saying they were sick of trans. Now trans are sacred cows again, coddled by all good progressives. Any GC message is "transphobia" linked to everything else he does.

In essence, the Left needs to see the truth of gender ideology, not simply be overruled, or they'll start it all up again if they regain power. This is a lovely reprieve but not a permanent victory.

My biggest hope is that Dems will create workarounds like creating trans prison units that then are harder to argue against even when a Democrat is back the saddle.

( NoName )
Saw an X post yesterday where a woman from the UK was asking why the BBC concentrated on all of Trump's executive orders but for the sex recognition EO. I notice the Washington Post which used to run a pro trans article almost daily has had no trans articles in the past two days. Why?

Instead of walking their lies back, I think the media that lied and lied about trans ideology is maybe just going to go quiet. Pretend they never lied. It's only been two days though, I'll wait and see.

( RighteousIndignation )
I'm in the UK and I've noticed how none of the main stream news outlets have even mentioned the end of gender thing, only a few have mentioned the removal of DEI from government departments.

things like GB news tell you you the whole thing but the BBC, the newspapers do not. [...]

( MascaraRunsFree )
I feel this may just break down some denial in some Democrats. A bona-fide Enemy of All People Everywhere (okay too dramatic) -- maybe not -- has done something that is WILDLY POPULAR even with the vast majority of run-of-the-mill middle-of-the-road Democrats. They all KNOW, the ones promoting this in Democrat party/circles, that it's all bullshit! They know it! They know "Sarah" McBride is lying through his fucking teeth! And now finally the bubble has been burst, even if plenty of Dems don't want to say it. What? It's okay to tell the truth! Yeah you better before we get 8 fucking years of Republicans in power.