
Art Nickel #wingnut merriam-webster.com

Words can change and the people who used to use that as a derrogatory term for abolitionists are the Snowflakes of the 21st Century. Today it simply means a crybaby, snotnosed, Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrat (PLSD; see Urban Dictionary) or someone who has mass but no substance. A person who can't take the heat. A person who is a perpetual victim. And, worst of all, a person who believes in the economic slavery that is socialism, including welfare, public housing, and government-paid medical for all on the backs of those who work hard. Snowflakes, in perhaps the closest sense to the 1860s use, are also those who want to support all the world's rejects even when they don't come here legally and who recogize the only "religion" in the entire world that mimics Naziism in its desire to rule the world and its willingness to kill all who don't join in and worship allah.