
The_Real_DerekFoster #magick reddit.com

(submitter’s note: these are just two comments in a longer thread)

Your proposition is the Acme of foolishness but I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it. Do you think Lucy is going to come palling around with you because you gave him a cookie? You’re like an ant screaming at the sun – inconsequential. Even minor demons are tens are thousands of years old and are the incarnation of wickedness. If you managed to touch one’s mind the best case scenario is that they’d talk you into a murder/suicide, or if you were unlucky they keep you around and harvest your terror. Hopefully you won’t act like a retarded 12 year old girl and do in the name of Slenderman. If you think I’m being mean, you’ll never have the willpower to stand up to a demon. I’m the only one on this sub being nice to you by telling you the truth, which likely means I’m the only one with any experience. I met a minor demon once and needless to say, it did not go well. I survived because I’m fucking stubborn.


If it hadn't happen to me, I wouldn't believe it either. Those memories sit like an island, totally separate from the rest of reality. Laugh all you want, if you ever meet something like that, know that you can't run. Time and space mean nothing to these creatures. You have to stand and fight. Laughter is the best defense, make fun of the thing, they are 'usually ' haughty made corporal and are unable tolerate a joke at their expense.

Now, you still think I'm joking? It got bored when I enjoyed the pain and terror and it left for easier prey. It still checks on me every few years, it even had a servitor to report the moment of my death but I dispelled it. Cats are magical creatures. A hundred years to them is like a week to us. If you really piss them off, they'll just wait until you die. There's a particular moment on death where we are extremely vulnerable. Can you hear me now?

Venerable Tosspot #ableist youtube.com

At this point I’m sick of hearing people say, “I’m extremely autistic” every time they step in shit. If you know that about yourself, why so much confidence in how you go about things? It makes you so obnoxious. Maybe rely on others to help guide you in the social situations you have such difficulty with rather than arguing with them at every turn because your precious ego can’t take a blow. It’s hard to sympathize with people who use autism as an excuse when they can’t stop acting like know-it-alls who yap themselves into stupid situations and then expect autism to be a “get out of jail free” card when their arrogance and narcissism gets them in hot water.

Rage-Boy #wingnut #transphobia youtube.com

This is a response to the people trying to “correct” people on what Jerry’s pronouns are.

No one is entitled to respect. It doesn’t matter what your race, sex, or gender is. Respect is not given, it’s earned. And Jerry has certainly not getting any respect for what he did. Plus, it’s not inaccurate to refer to people by who they really are. No amount of delusional thinking or surgery is gonna change the fact that Jerry was born a man, and will die a man. End of story.

On top of all this, I and many others in this comment section DO NOT want to respect a predator. I am uncomfortable with respecting a predator in anyway shape or form. And it’s pretty hypocritical to call out Jerry’s horrible behaviour, before turning around and defending his bullcrap right to have pronouns. If you think defending Jerry’s pronouns is more important than calling out Jerry, you’re either being willfully ignorant or your priorities are out of wack.

Frosty-Palpitation66 #wingnut #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Leftists are overgrown children

One thing I've noticed about leftists, and one of the reasons I hate them so, so, much, is that many of them just tend to say feel-goodism platitudes, rather than explaining why you should agree with their viewpoint.
They just say things that sound nice:

"Insert group" rights are human rights!

Ok? What do you mean by that? Right to do what?

"From the river to the sea!"

Assuming you even know what river and what sea you're talking about, do you know what you're actually advocating for by saying that?

They routinely advocate for free this and free that without suggesting how we go about funding that without insanely high levels of taxation for your average citizen or government-forced labor.

This is how a young child thinks. "Just print free money and everyone will be rich"

This is also reflected in their intrests, hobbies, and the way they use infantilizing speech. All baby shit.

I beleive my this is broadly supported by the HALARIOUS and ironic fact that most leftists are, by their logic, some of the most "privileged" people on earth. Upper middle class people that live in rich western countries.

This has lead me to beleive leftism is a mental disorder caused by never in your life facing adversity and maturing and growing up.

creekbluess #fundie #kinkshaming reddit.com

Purity culture is good actually

I think when men and women didn’t have sex until marrying, times were better because they really loved each-other for their mind and personality, true love is dead nowadays. The whole act is degrading, disgusting, inherently wrong and men know it, that’s why saying “suck my d*ck” is used as an insult. I honestly believe people should only be allowed to do it in the dark for reproduction if they want (after marriage).

I know people have their opinions on porn and whatnot, but all ideologies aside for a second, and ignoring the fact that it encourages the mistreatment and objectification of women which has a broader effect on society: what the f am I looking at? In my 18 yrs of life, I have never intentionally watched it only when I get those ads on free movie sites because I’m a cheapskate. Don’t even get me started on the “barely legal” content, it’s legit thinly veiled pedophilia. Truly mind numbing stuff.

Ashamed-Success-3826 #sexist #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Incel's aren't that bad, actually.

First off, an "Incel" simply means, involuntary celibate. All of the so called "misogyny" that happens is added on or tacked on. And secondly, most of what they have said is fairly accurate. The "blackpill" is commonly associated with it. It states, Looks matter, along with your entire bodily concept, much more then personality or any other external factor. Height, Penis Size (Yes, I am serious.) and Frame are important factors along with your core Face. But there is more to the "blackpill" then just that, such as the importance of teen love, household treatment, and people treatment as well, such as the halo effect. Most women deny this with their whole personality shtick, not realizing that this function of picking out men is ON A SUBCONSCIOUS and UNKNOWABLE level. You cannot understand it, or prevent it. Your brain is doing more work then the words you spread with your tongue.

These are not bad people, I would consider them good people. Women just have incredibly high standards due to them knowing about genetic potential and superior men. Before anyone tries to pull the same card on them, most of them would settle for their "looksmatch". Which essentially means, someone equal to or below their looks. If a 5 got with a 5, for example.

Ratings overall, aren't NEARLY as important as the women themselves, analyzing their bodily anatomy towards you and other men, facial expressions, and gestures are much more important to knowing if the female in question actually gives two rats ass about you.

Sir Netflix #fundie #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger youtube.com

A classic Athiest moment. Talk about their moral superiority, when really, they have no basis for their morality.

An athiest can’t say incest is wrong because they have no basis for that statement other than their own opinion which can be considered wrong. A Christian, Muslim, etc. can because those are the rules of the faith. They DO have a basis to say it’s wrong.

And if he wants to discuss deaths caused by religious fanatics, how about the deaths caused in athiestic countries like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and North Korea along with China? Yeah, guess he forgot about those places that easily dwarf any numbers by Catholics.

Also, Catholics created universities and hospitals.

Book Thief #transphobia #psycho kiwifarms.st

Earlier this year, I met a tranny,
Who said, "put your cock inside my fanny,
"And while you're at it, suck my dick,
"Or else I'll call you transphobic."

But I had no time for this crossdresser.
She seemed confused, misguided, God bless her.
I knew exactly what had to be done,
And thought I'd have a little bit of fun.

I said, "I'm not interested in your fetish,
"Your shoulders are broad, your face is blemished.
"I know this response will inspire your fury,
"But you're just a dude obsessed with yuri."

"Don't kid yourself, women don't have a dick,
"And demanding sex makes you a prick.
"Straight men don't want to have sex with dudes,
"You've confused reality with your futanari nudes."

"Porn is just art. Not real, it's fiction,
"But you've made it your life, a total addiction.
"And you act like your vices are moral fiber,
"As you inject yourself with more sissy cider."

"You seek out kids like the sex offender watch list,
"While telling us, 'we won't hurt them, pinky promise!'
"Then you convince them to join your cult,
"Where drugs and mutilation is the end result."

"When other catch onto you and become smarter,
"That's when your start acting like a martyr.
"You feign victimhood and cry 'genocide'
"To get unsuspecting Samaritans on your side."

"You'll harass, dox, and seek to cause harm.
"Funny, isn't that what you accuse the Kiwi Farm?
"You're nothing but bullies and sexual predators,
"And you diddle more kids than the average Senator."

I opened my eyes as I finished my speech,
Expecting to hear a tranny's vile screech,
But for the sanctity of my ears and to my surprise,
The tranny had already met her demise.

I looked up to examine a nearby lamp.
Swinging from a rope was the manly tramp.
In her pants, she had pitched a large tent,
As she finally became the Forty-One Percent.

krausyaoj #ableist #psycho reddit.com

CMV When parents murder a disabled child it is justifiable homicide

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justifiable_homicide

It differs from other forms of homicide in that, due to certain circumstances, the homicide is justified as preventing greater harm to innocents.

Families with disabled children suffer from poverty and stress. The parents are often forced to give up their careers to care for the disabled child.

The stress on the family due to a disabled child often results in suicides of the caregivers, http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2012/03/27/disability-advocates-parents-kill/15248/

Social supports don't reduce this stress but only spread it out to more people.

Raising disabled children's causes a great deal of stress, http://www.disabilityscoop.com/2009/11/10/autism-moms-stress/6121/

EDIT: My view could be changed if it was shown that these parents are a danger to the community.

Bozza_Nova #enbyphobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger reddit.com

Just a reminder that "queer" doesn't really have anything to do with being homosexual or bisexual. The Marxist commies themselves call it "an identity without an essence", or in other words, it's more of a social and political outlook based on opposing "norms" than anything that can be measured.

Support the existence of L, G, B, and even certain aspects of T (it's complicated) if you want, but remember that Q is just an ideological insert used by Marxists to divide society and create the conditions necessary for a communist revolution, which is what this subreddit claims to be against.

testcriminal #wingnut #dunning-kruger reddit.com

God bless our country if Kamala wins. I’m not the biggest fan of Trump but I cant believe there’s a person in their right mind who out of the two candidates would choose Kamala. Just the blatant distrust with the Democratic party lying about Biden not being in end-stage dementia while running our country and then sneakily replacing him with Kamala with months left is all I think anyone should need to see.

ClownfishSoup #racist #dunning-kruger reddit.com

The reason [the n-word] persists and is so terrible is because black Americans use the word constantly and it’s not a bad word among them. However it is absolutely for forbidden for any non black personal to say the word this giving it immense power and offense when actually spoken. It would have died out decades ago if black people would let the word die by not using it.

Sin Shadow Fox #wingnut #dunning-kruger youtube.com

(submitter’s note: Gael’gar is a video game character)

I just realized that Gael'gar is the perfect representation of a woketivist. Someone that aims way past equality into oppression in the other direction due to a past slight and is incapable of accepting reality so much so that they'd rather self destruct in order to hold onto their beliefs.. At least Gael'gar was actually oppressed though so the analogy isn't 100% perfect.

Toaster Bath #fundie #dunning-kruger youtube.com

It’s B.C, not B.C.E. It’s exactly the same calendar, it’s just that those who choose to use the incorrect term of B.C.E only use that term because they have an irrational disdain for Yeshua and the fact that the calendar is loosely based around the years of his life. The pathetic thing about those who use B.C.E instead of B.C is that they’re completely ignorant of the basic fact that both terms use exactly the same calendar, it’s just that those who use B.C.E and C.E think they’re somehow edge lords by suddenly using these 2 terms for no intelligent or factual reason whatsoever. If you want to use B.C.E and C.E come up with your own goddamned calendar because the Gregorian one we use is B.C and A.D. And it”s pronounced "HIT-TITES, not the "HITEETEES" FFS.

ultrasissydreams #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger reddit.com

I wonder how long she practiced that for? She argues with a sense of pent up rage and open indignation, resulting in a clear hope to present some measure of authority on this subject. However, her argument is not balanced, because she leaves options off the table that are inconvenient to her personally biased assertions. For example, she may not agree with the concept of Free Will, but it is a core principle in relation to any discussion on the existence of God. Additionally, she completely ignores the fact that she COULD be wrong. Instead, she argues from a narcissist’s pulpit that she is blameless in her actions for God is at fault or simply cannot exist. My critique of her argument is not to favor whether God does or does not exist, but rather to point out her horribly flawed exposition of her philosophy. A very flawed philosophy at that. My gosh, she doesn’t even mention Pascal’s Wager.

Cassandra MacDonald #sexist #wingnut twitter.com

It's so weird that Kamala has no children. Too busy ladder climbing I guess.

I don't believe people without kids should be running the country. No actual skin in the game.

All the Dems who just learned tonight that George Washington didn't have kids are replying.

Ok how is this -- Women shouldn't even be politicians. Women who give up on having children for their careers even more so.

Ghost #ableist #wingnut #dunning-kruger ghost.report

Whenever I sit and truly think about the current social landscape in America, I ponder on where all this lunacy leads. Both Millennial and Gen Z generations have falling way behind modern expectations and their maturity levels are the equivalent to a petulant child who refuses to grow up. When the adults in the room finally die and all that is left are these manchildren and their larva, do we truly think these weak, feeble, gullible wasted generations have the ability to sustain this great country?

This is a very serious problem that not even a minority within these generations are addressing. I think the problem is a lack of shame in this country. Look at how People today have no respect for their physical appearance, they go to job interviews in old t-shirts and flipflops or they dress to emulate their manchild obsession (video games, cartoons, etc). And ridiculing these obnoxious evolution throw backs does nothing because the Internet gives People the opportunity to find communities that embrace and promote whatever manchild bull shit and/or sexual perversion imaginable.

Look at where all this bull shit has gotten us. We’ve got People creating new genders, we have an obsession on sexualizing children, we have People who allowed themselves to be injected with an experimental concoction for clout, we have a People who believe that being virtuous is creating a 45 second TikTok video about the top story of the time. Let’s not forget People hated the COVD19 lockdowns, masks, Anthony Fauci, etc. and yet are politically supporting the man that made all this a reality (Trump). Nothing makes any sense anymore!

I consider myself lucky because I’m old and will be long gone from this place to see the manchild induced, AI controlled totalitarianism that People are naively allowing into their lives without question. Because if you don’t think AI is being rolled out to subjugate and potentially nullify mankind, then maybe we deserve what happens to us.

So I guess there is nothing left to do but what I can, hope a few souls understand so they can change the plan for man.

Earsel Bill #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #homophobia youtube.com

Shew I get how this kind of humor isn’t productive, but at the same time the world really is too damn woke…I can tell just from playing games, and that’s a problem. Between the ugly ass women in Mortal Kombat, the changed dialogue in MARIO games, yes Mario games, and the….lets just say situation in SpiderMan 2…..ugh I’m so tired of the constant political mind set of both fuckin parties, liberals AND conservatives….like, omg I’d give just about anything if Obama and Trump BOTH were never a thing….mostly Trump, but seriously I’m tired of politics being so out of control that you can’t play a damn game without being reminded of it

Tru Trips #homophobia #transphobia #pratt twitter.com

(submitter’s note: in response to a post saying that it’s valid to be openly queer and it’s valid to be in the closet or still figuring things out.)

So this is Pride, are you proud of this? Absolutely VILE reprobates. Do what you want in private - STOP BEING P3RVERTS NAKED IN FRONT OF CHILDREN AND TRYING TO MAKE CHILDREN TAKE UNNEEDED MEDICATION!

J.K. Rowling #transphobia twitter.com

Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, let me explain, Joanne, what your books mean, Joanne, because, Joanne, here’s a Joanne quote that means men, Joanne, can be women, Joanne, and I hope, Joanne, you realise, Joanne, how very Joanne wrong, Joanne, you are, Joanne, and also Jo.

Bacon Sarny-Geddon #transphobia #dunning-kruger youtube.com

You realise that silencing anyone who doesn't share your 100% evidence-free, taken on faith beliefs (in sex-independent "genders") just makes you a religious authoritarian, utterly intolerant of non-believers, right?

How is it possible to protect the rights of same-SEX attracted homoSEXuals (note how that has NEVER been "same GENDER attracted homoGENDERuals"), when you prioritize an ideology that compels you to NOT acknowledge evidence-based, real-world bioloogical sex, in favour of the 100% evidence-free pixie-dust of self-declared "genders"?

You aren't JUST prioritizing your evidence-free ideology, above the protection of children... You are ALSO prioritizing the authoritarian enforcement of your faith-based religious beliefs, above the most basic rights of gays and lesbians, (evidence-based) women and girls,as well as anyone who values freedom FROM religion, and/or simple, evidence-based, objective truth.

Even the most hardline, fundamentalist Christians, Muslims or Scientologists aren't AS authoritarian and intolerant as you're being (by silencing non-believers, if they don't affirm your evidence-free beliefs as "truth", by submitting to use of compelled, wrong-sex pronouns. Enforcing a scenario where only those who share/PRETEND to share your inherently homophobic, misogynist religious beliefs, have the ability to speak/be heard)

nicoladawnli #psycho reddit.com

Why TF does my province use an emergency broadcast over the cell networks that is the exact same system used to give warning about natural disasters... Use it for a lost child. Like, stop the whole province, this is deadly serious, everyone could be impacted, by a lost fucking child. One minor, probably abducted by a family member, and my Tiktok has to stop. By disabling LTE you not only save battery, you usually won't get these interruptions. BUT you might miss those five minutes that could save your life before a tsunami hits. FFS hate society.

Arghoslent #racist #wingnut #homophobia metal-archives.com

(lyrics to “Fodder for the Shoah”)

Herded into ghettos, loathsome streams of insects
Cordon off the sewage, quarantine the Judah
Gestapo street-cleaner bulldoze sons of Zion
Hovels and shanties, cages for the rats of David

Gestapo boot stomping, strong-armed fungus purge
Teutonic sledge is law, propaganda chokehold
Ghettos funnel swill into disposal camps
Flush away the flotsam, excise the swarthy blemish

Rats in the well pollute the drinking water
Hebrew-rodents, Fodder for the Shoah

Boxcars of Semitic detritus
Gypsies and faggots ankle deep in feces
Barefoot siblings cry, urine soaked tattered frocks
Pregnant women retch, sweating and swooning
Wrinkled old men choking on stale air
Decomposing kin that expired between depots
Rats and beetles carry away sour morsels
Disintegration of the bubonic family unit

Undesirables and threats to the Reich
Sodomites, felons, and usurer kikes
Fodder for the Shoah

Laboring worms, stained industrial beetles
Factory larvae, slaves, emaciated mosquitoes
Fodder for the Shoah

Putrescent bog, decaying synagogue sludge
Judaic throng, inhumed beneath the rank mud
Fodder for the Shoah

Iron wheels thunder into the train yard
Cockroaches shoveled out of freight cars
Cold and imposing tuberculosis-blighted barracks
Crematory towers expel carbonized smog
Militant throngs in pressed uniforms
Barking orders, belting stragglers
Incise and drain the societal boils
Enforce the Nuremburg laws

Running through the mud in rotting shoes
Families wrenched apart, the fodder cues
Exhaustion plagues the limbs
To collapse carries a Luger casing
Small ones to the furnace
Old bodies to the bulldozer

MeltyTW #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #fundie kiwifarms.st

i never realized just how miniscule breadtube really was and how astroturfed the push for it from youtube to replace right wing content was. i checked their sub counts and i think donught operator alone probably has all of them combined counting vaush xanderhal even bigger ones like contra and hbomber maybe pushing it including philosophy tube. seems like any right wing leaning channel that wasnt banned for being too political too often is just leagues more popular. they dont understand the "rw pipeline" was just peoples natural preferences and the only artificial pipeline is breadtube and hasan where corpos try to lead their audience to tainted water and make them drink.

and even then hasans only popular for the same reason kpop stars are, and even then iirc hes starting to be eclipsed by people like kai cenat who openly hate trannies and tranny faggots.

edit forgot to say what prompted me to glance at views and subs was hearing alot about xanderhal only to see him with apparently under 100k subs.

edit edit apparently not homophobic just told some faggot to not mock christianity and some people got uppity because he almost said the faggot word, because someone can mock your sacred holy beliefs that inform your entire life and unites you and a community of worshippers but forbid you almost disrespect cocks going into bumholes. silly me i forgot that in current year words (like homophobia) dont actually mean things.

LordsOfLastLight #racist #dunning-kruger #fundie reddit.com

American Slaves had better quality of life than many free African-Americans do today

Under the Plantation Slave system the slaves were guaranteed productive employment, food, and shelter. Can people in modern urban ghettos say the same? Many poor African Americans today are obese, suffer poorly managed diabetes and other chronic conditions related to morbid obesity and poor nutrition. On the plantations the slaves got plenty of exercise and ate more natural less processed foods and were healthier for it. All the horrible street drugs that cripple with addiction and kill by overdose didn't exist on the plantations.

While disobedient slaves may be punished with a whip is that really worse than being punished with homelessness and years in prison? I don't think so. A wise Master would never seriously injure his slaves as punishment because the slave was an expensive investment. Today Police, even black Police, brutalize and kill African Americans quickly and with little consequence largely because they have no wealthy, influential Master who values and protects them.

In the Plantation days children were sometimes separated from their father due to him being sold, but there was still much less fatherlessness than there is among black families today. Wise Masters taught their slaves to be obedient, God-fearing Christians and live by Christian family values. Today the rappers glorify promiscuity, wanton hedonism, street violence, and indulgence in every vice. Today many African-American Churches are just schemes to provide the preachers with money and women. Many, likes the Black Muslims and Black Israelites, also encourage radical Politics and Black separatism. Nothing good can come of this ignorance and corruption of Christ's message! Also note that the Bible never explicitly condemns slavery as an institution, it just condemns certain specific slave-owners like the Egyptians.

[deleted] #psycho reddit.com

I absolutely hate children (warning, language)

I hate kids with a burning passion. They are the most disgusting little shits and they are some of the main reasons why dogs get murdered. The little bastards harass dogs and do shit that they don't like, then the dog retaliates and the dog is the one to pay the price by getting murdered by absolutely disgusting selfish idiotic breeders. usually when a child gets bitten, they deserve it. I made a resolve to donate money to a pitbull rescue every time a dog loses his or her life because of a stupid kid and their dumb ass breeder parents. The dog should not be killed because they couldn't be bothered to watch their kids or teach them how to respect animals. also if any anti-pitbull lunatics show up on my post you will be reported and blocked.

mjbnhang #ableist reddit.com

Ableism is such a bullshit word. NTA. I’m sick and tired of having to accommodate every little mental illness or disability for people who need to adapt to the world they live in. Sucks they got dealt a shitty hand. Deal with it.

LordsOfLastLight #sexist #psycho reddit.com

Rapists are more worthy of respect than Prostitutes

Rape requires the rapist to either deceive his target or physically overpower her, a test of brain or brawn. All being a whore needs to do is find a bed and spread her legs to get pumped for a payday. Rapists are considered the worst scum by the public and Law system so it takes courage to commit rape. Whores know they hardly ever get prosecuted in most First World Countries, in some European ones prostitution is even legal, it takes little courage. Sure some whores and feminists will say they're scared a customer might get too aggressive but I think the sort of guy who would pay a whore is usually the sort of guy who hasn't got the spine to be violent. Plus whores can easily work with other whores or a pimp for protection.

Some of the bravest and most heroic men in history committed rape. The Red Army committed mass rape against the Nazi German Fräulein when they marched to Berlin, would anyone diminish those men who fought the Nazis in personal combat? Some people speculate that as many as 1% of the entire Chinese population have some genetic heritage to Genghis Khan the Conqueror because of his routine rape of those women he conquered. These are great men of history. When has a whore ever had a great impact on history? Cleopatra? Well she spread her legs for the Romans but I'd argue the fact they even were amiable to her whoring was prove they were on the decline anyway!

Rape represents masculine strength while whoring represents feminine wiles and treachery!

Tom MacDonald feat. Ben Shapiro #wingnut youtube.com

(submitter’s note: lyrics have been abridged to meet the character limit)

They call me offensive, controversial
There's only two genders, boys and girls
They can't cancel my message
'Cause I'm the biggest independent rapper in the whole freaking world
Claim that I'm racist, yeah, right
I'm not ashamed 'cause I'm white
If every Caucasian's a bigot
I guess every Muslim's a terrorist
Every liberal is right

I don't wanna talk to folks who don't get it
Go woke, go broke, no hope, it's pathetic
Pro-choice, pronouns, pro-love, you're progressives
But you ain't pro-gun, no one to protect it
Where the American flags at?
Remember when people would hang those?
They've been taken down
They all been replaced with BLM flags or a rainbow

This ain't rap, this ain't money, cars, and clothes
We ain't sellin' drugs, we ain't gonna overdose
We ain't pushing guns, ain't promoting stripper poles
We won't turn your sons into thugs or your daughters into hoes

I don't care if I offend you, I was put here to upset you
You can cry and you can scream, you can riot in the streets
You defunded the police, now there's no one to protect you
I hope I offend you, I ask myself, "What would Ben do?"
Let's just keep it real facts, don't care how you feel, man
If you want my pronouns, I'm the man
I'm the man that don't respect you

Let's look at the stats, I've got the facts
My money like Lizzo, my pockets are fat
Homie, I'm epic, don't be a WAP
Dawg, it's a yarmulke, homie, no cap
Look at the graphs, look at my charts
You're blowing money on strippers and cars
You're going to prison, I'm on television
Dawg, no one knows who you are
Keep hating on me on the internet
My comment section all woke Karens
I make racks off compound interest
Y'all live with your parents
Nicki take some notes
I just did this for fun
All my people download this
Let's get a Billboard number one

NoLoveDeepWeb #sexist #transphobia kiwifarms.st

(Submitter’s note: This is about a YouTuber who has been exposed as a serial sexual harasser. A deadname has been removed.)

I cannot fathom what Emile must be going through right now as some of his closest friends are turning their backs on him over virtually fucking nothing. No proof from any of the rogue's gallery coming forward to speak up against him and the laughably shit proof from the troon, and yet they're treating him like he went out on a raping spree or something. Fuck Masae, fuck AntDude, fuck Jon and Lucah for being backstabbing cunts, and most of all fuck [Emily]. More than anything, I really hope Emile isn't letting all of this bullshit get to him. These kinds of overblown accusations are what lead to autists like him an heroing.

Mark Wiering #enbyphobia youtube.com

Stop using the singular "they". It's confusing. Just say "he" or "she". Each time I think that you are talking about a group of people, but you are just referring to one individual. It's a pain to follow. Stop it. Just say "he" when it concerns a man and "she" when it concerns a woman.