The_Real_DerekFoster #magick
(submitter’s note: these are just two comments in a longer thread)
Your proposition is the Acme of foolishness but I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it. Do you think Lucy is going to come palling around with you because you gave him a cookie? You’re like an ant screaming at the sun – inconsequential. Even minor demons are tens are thousands of years old and are the incarnation of wickedness. If you managed to touch one’s mind the best case scenario is that they’d talk you into a murder/suicide, or if you were unlucky they keep you around and harvest your terror. Hopefully you won’t act like a retarded 12 year old girl and do in the name of Slenderman. If you think I’m being mean, you’ll never have the willpower to stand up to a demon. I’m the only one on this sub being nice to you by telling you the truth, which likely means I’m the only one with any experience. I met a minor demon once and needless to say, it did not go well. I survived because I’m fucking stubborn.
If it hadn't happen to me, I wouldn't believe it either. Those memories sit like an island, totally separate from the rest of reality. Laugh all you want, if you ever meet something like that, know that you can't run. Time and space mean nothing to these creatures. You have to stand and fight. Laughter is the best defense, make fun of the thing, they are 'usually ' haughty made corporal and are unable tolerate a joke at their expense.
Now, you still think I'm joking? It got bored when I enjoyed the pain and terror and it left for easier prey. It still checks on me every few years, it even had a servitor to report the moment of my death but I dispelled it. Cats are magical creatures. A hundred years to them is like a week to us. If you really piss them off, they'll just wait until you die. There's a particular moment on death where we are extremely vulnerable. Can you hear me now?