
nikkicompanies #fundie nikkicompanies.stumbleupon.com

When will people learn? Homosexuality is wrong, won't make people happy and is a manifestation of a corrupt and sinful society. It is not something to be proud of or to flant.

P.S. Equal rights, not equal things (that's socialism, not a republic). They have the right to marry, for pete sake. If they want to marry the same gender, go to England, don't change this country! As Prop 8 showed, people like this country the way it is!

nikkicompanies #fundie nikkicompanies.stumbleupon.com

[review of a site called 'Evolution for Creationists']

No! Evolution and Creationism are mutually exclusive! The six days in the Bible are literal. And evolution (molecule-to-man theory) is NOT fact. SOME scientists just interpret the actual facts wrong. Pople just made the story up so they could shirk their responsibility to God, their Creator and Savior.

nikkicompanies #fundie nikkicompanies.stumbleupon.com

[review of a scientific study entitled 'Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?']

That page is so messed up! They shouldn't even be doing a study remotly like that! Any intimate stuff should stick to the marriage bed of a husband and wife! The doctors are messed up, the participants are messed up and the whole experiment is! All around evil! I can't see any good that can come out of this!

And this study only shows results with immoral people, because no person with any kind of morals would ever agree to be part of this. It doesn't apply to the general, moral public.