
Robert Lyte #fundie robertlyte.blogspot.com

I See young people, they are more interested in having chat times with all their young friends than they are to actually following Jesus. They are too busy being silly with each other than they are to be following Jesus. They are not serious. They are just following the world. They love the world and all the wonderful sins of youth which are passing anyway and fading away very quickly. Dear friends, we cannot be like this. We have to have ourselves absolutely and completely separate all the time from those silly paths. Young people have to be separate. No time to just hang around with your friends and be stupid together. It is time to separate ourselves to the Lord and become his follower where we actually do walk the narrow way like the disciples did.

The foolishness of youth isn't worth missing out on the eternal kingdom of God. We can put aside the foolishness of youth so we can enter the kingdom. We cannot enter the kingdom while we are just laughing at the jokes the world laughs at. While watching the same TV the world loves. While we are following the sports the world chases after. One champion rises, another one falls. One is winning, another one is losing, it doesn't matter, it's world. Why do we care about those things? We are here for the kingdom of God not for these worldly things. Many Christians adamantly come against me if I say these things. It is because their hearts are dark and they're loving the world, and they don't want to turn away Sent from my iPhone

I can do it, so can you. While people just follow their foolish youthful ways, there is no way they're going to be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. What's the point of just having all your cars, and having all your fun, and talking on all your mobile phones, and having good times with all your friends everywhere, when you just simply don't follow Jesus? This world is completely deceptive. If you live in Babylon like the big Babylon cities of this world, like New York, or any of these big cities, you're going to be amongst all this rife, foolish, worldly paths like Lot was. It will be very hard for you to enter the kingdom if you are following them. So we got to be separate.

We got to be separate from all this whole system of sports and attainment, parties, and worldly chasing, and being your 'best person now.' Thrill seekers say to live life to the fullest. Some die trying. Some of them say to live life to the fullest or die trying. Some do die trying and somebody says at least they died doing something they love doing. Fool! They ended up in hell. In hell they are crying out, “Please warn my family that living a foolish life like that ends in hell!” Like the rich man did, and Abraham answered the rich man saying, “Son, they have the prophets in the Bible to listen to,” Moses and Elijah, about hell and Jesus. “If they can't listen to them, they won't even listen to anybody sent back from the dead.”That is what Abraham was saying. And the rich man in hell was crying out in torment saying, “Please, please, please warn my people.” They didn't know that a thrill-seeking life just ended in hell so suddenly. So on earth the people are saying, “He died doing something he loved doing,” and all are happy about it because they are so deceived. And then under the earth in hell that very same person is crying out in torment now, his chances are over. No more salvation for him. He can't be saved, finished. Done. His foolish life ended in smoke. 

You know, there is a verse in the Bible that says that the folly of the fool is destruction. Fools folly is destruction. You live a life of foolishness with the foolish youth of this generation, your folly will be destruction. That's what it comes down to. You go join them, you will join them in hell too. Who are we going to join?Are we going to join them and end up in the same fire that they are headed to? Or are we going to walk the narrow way and be separate away from the ways of this generation! Christians are so busy being on the broad path and being blinded by this world and by satan, that when they hear these truths they cannot accept it.

They say, “I can watch my baseball, I can watch the footy, I can go and join in on soccer there is not sin in that.” But that's because they're following the Broad way and everybody's on the Broadway to destruction. 

Jesus said, “Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many are those who go by that way, and narrow is the way that leads to life and few go that way.” It is because few will decide to do the words of Jesus. And what did he say? He said, “Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me.”Jesus even said if anybody loves his life on this earth he will lose it, but if anybody loses his life for my sake he will find it. Do you hate your life for the sake of the kingdom? or do you love your life?What is it with you today? 

Most Christians love their life too much. They love their footy. They love their soccer. They love their baseball and love the Super Bowl. They love all these sports.They want to turn the TV on and want to love all the ungodliness that this generation talks about and say it is not sin. Well, guess what dear friend, it is sin, because it's on the broad path of destruction. And you also, if you follow them, are on the tide with the world to hell directly, Christian or not. And that's where they want to believe all the deceived preachers who say, “It is all find, you are saved brother, because you believe in Jesus.” And then they end up in hell just like the rich man.And who's going to be laughing then? the devil or you? The devil will laugh at you. That is why we have to be completely separate and not be deceived. Instead of mocking the preacher who tells you to leave your sports and all your ways of the world, you should be accepting what he says and believing that these words Jesus said are true: “If you love your life you'll lose it, but if you hate your life for my sake you'll find it.” They are true. 

Just supposing those other words are true as well where Jesus said,“If you love your life on this earth you will lose it, but if you hate your life for my sake you will gain it.” Just supposing Jesus is speaking the truth when he says in Matthew: “If anybody wants to follow me, he must pick up his cross, deny himself and follow me.”

Just supposing that's true! Just supposing the words of Jesus are true where he says: “The person who hears my words and doesn't do them is likened unto the man who built his house on the sand, and the winds come and the flood comes and the destruction of that house is great.”Just supposing the words of Jesus are true where he says, “The man who does my words when he hears them, he does put them into practice, he shall be the one who built his house on the rock and his house shall not be destroyed.”