
Move_Zig #fundie sayanythingblog.com

[The gay rights movement is] about the suppression and destruction of Christianity in America.

It’s about the suppression and destruction of long-established moral values.

It’s about the destruction of the long-established concept of the father-mother-children family.

Let those who have eyes, see.

Let those who have ears, hear.

The warnings are out there on a daily basis.

Restore homosexuality as a mental disease or disorder in the DSM.

Re-criminalize public displays of homosexuality.

robert108 #fundie sayanythingblog.com

We wasted 14 months getting to Iraq, while Saddam bloated himself and his UN associates with more “Oil for Food” money, and while he [Saddam] shipped his WMD out of the country so the Dems and the MSM would have some ammo for their propaganda campaign to aid the terrorists

robert108 #fundie sayanythingblog.com

Consider this, moron: Before feminism ruined things, a husband could support his family, so he paid for the wife’s medical expenses. This is only an issue because you assholes have driven a wedge between men and women; divide and conquer is the old commie strategy. You leftie women want to be independent, fine; just pay for what you use, and quit whining.