
Scriptures For America #fundie scripturesforamerica.org

If there is an Israel truth, then there is an Israel lie. Moreover, the lie becomes apparent in light of the truth. If the truth is that the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, and kindred people are the twelve tribes of Biblical Israel which have been dispersed abroad (James 1:1), then it is apparent that the people who today call themselves Jews--who clearly are not numbered among the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic, and kindred people--are not Israel.

Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr #fundie scripturesforamerica.org

It is the proclaimed aim of world Communism and its traitors within the ranks of Christendom, to demoralize the Christian world, and thus destroy all opposition to communism.

The conspiracy against the Christian World comes direct from the Communist camp, but was initiated in the "Synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9), we know as International Zionism.

This plan is to so cripple the fighting spirit of North-American Christian anti-communists in particular, that they can bring this nation of ours within the sphere of their Satanic influence. In other words, it is intended to cripple the defensive power of the Israel nations we call Christendom, so as to pave the way for the ultimate triumph of anti-God Talmudic Communism.

Of all the reactionary systems which have been developed during the 6,000 years of written history for the destruction of moral values, Talmudic communism ranks first. It is without doubt the most perfected, the most efficient and the most merciless system the world has ever seen and the most successful. Already, in a matter of some 70 years, it has subdued over 1/3 of the earth and subjected over 2-billion people to the most merciless dictatorship in the annals of history.

Scriptures For America #fundie scripturesforamerica.org

You are further warned not to assume that, just because a people are non-violent, peace-pursuing, and lawful, that they are pacifists. The Scripture declares that the Christian who fails to provide for his own is worse than an unbeliever, I Timothy 5:8. Protection from physical harm is an integral part of provision, and the true, Biblical Christian stands ready to protect both his own household and other Christians, using any and every means at his disposal.