
Steve Quayle #fundie stevequayle.com

“Pastor, we are here to request that you marry us in your church. When can we schedule the ceremony?”

“But, first gentlemen (or, alternatively, ladies), I must say that I don’t think we have ever met and I don’t recall seeing you at our Sunday services.”

“No, we don’t belong to your church, but we are demanding that you perform our marriage, just as you do for straight couples. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Well, yes, in fact I do have a problem with marrying you, with all due respect. Our church is based upon and ruled by The Bible. God created marriage between a man and a woman. He decided the issue of marriage 6,000 years ago. We’ll not be contradicting what God has said. We—.”

“Stop right there, Pastor. In case you haven’t noticed, the supreme law of the land now is that the states must issue marriage permits to same sex partners. So, therefore—.”

“Let me stop you, sirs. We are not the state. We are a private church whose head is Jesus Christ. We will not bow to any order that we violate God’s word in how we operate our church.”

“Are you living in the dark ages, Pastor? Didn’t you follow the test cases over the last two years where florists and caterers who refused to do business with same sex couples were fined and even had their property seized? You didn’t speak up and organize then, did you? Your church uses the public streets and utilities. Your church gets special tax treatment by the state. Your—.”

“Taxes? What do taxes have to do with—.”

“You don’t pay property taxes. Your congregation gets to deduct their contributions to you. You have become creatures of the state. You can’t discriminate against us any more than you can discriminate against people based on their race.”

“But, uh, we just won’t do it. We won’t marry you in this church. That’s it. Flat. End of discussion. This meeting is over. I’ll show you the door.”

“Fine, sir, fine. We’ll leave, but you will soon learn how this country has changed. The next people who will contact you will be agents of the Department of Justice. Churches which refuse to comply with the law will soon find that either the church will obey the law or the pastor will be jailed, and probably the board of elders. If you still refuse to obey the law, the church will be closed by court order. We can’t allow homophobia to exist in this community. You’ll hear from the federal government, soon. Very soon.”

Judy #conspiracy stevequayle.com

No more just 'Made In China' but now owned, operated, and controlled by the Chinese. Lord have mercy!


Yesterday, my husband & I went to WalMart to purchase a lawn mower in the garden section. The one we wanted was not accessible as it was way up at the top of the shelves about 15 feet or higher. It required a hydraulic lift to access the mowers that were being stored near the ceiling. A young very polite well spoken black youth was manning the cash register. We asked for help and he said, "sure", he would get someone and it would take a few minutes. We said thank you and waited. It started to take a little long so he tried to pull out one of those very tall step ladders warehouse stores keep in order to access products that are up way too high to access any other way.

While the young black man was trying to pull out the manual ladder we heard the equipment that has the warning signal when it is backing up. My husband & I looked to see a Chinese man in his late 20's very physically fit, like a soldier, driving an automated lift. It was apparent that he was using more sophisticated automated equipment that the average employee was not allowed to use. It also appeared he was a man with authority. The average employee had to use the manual ladder. This Chinese man was clearly someone with more authority. He spoke English but with a VERY HEAVY Mandarin accent as if he just stepped off the boat from China.

My husband & I couldn't help but notice it appears WalMart is now operated by Chinese management, possibly even military management, that are still more out of site from the average American shopper. As if they are keeping them in the back. We sense it is only a matter of days before our local WalMart is completely and overtly run by the Chinese, possibly even the Chinese military. No more just "Made In China" but now owned, operated, and controlled by the Chinese. Lord have mercy!

We live in an area of Appalachia that is predominately southern anglo farmers. We would love to know if anyone else is seeing this?

God bless you for all you do to help us try to stay free, JUDY