
JohnL #fundie #homophobia thechristianbbs.com

Homosexuals complain about christians putting the pressure on them, but the shoe is on the other foot now, with christians being thought as narrow-minded, and many of the political, media, and entertainment leaders supporting greater freedoms of sexual deviations. But have those involved in sexual liberation, considered that occult forces might be infiltrating, and taking captive of their souls?

A possible explanation for babies born with homosexual tendencies might be the sins of the parents, just as cocaine addiction or AIDS is sometimes transferred to the child. The sexual revolution may’ve seemed like fun without a price, but homosexuality, divorces, abortions, and other social traumas, may’ve been a result. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

helpforhomeschoolers #fundie thechristianbbs.com

there is probably not one of here posting that considers themselves to be "religious" or to practice "Religion"; Relgiousness and religion to a born again Christian is a term that refers to us speaks of the pharisee - those who looked the part on the outside and had not a clue about God in reality... those who had faith in their traditions and rituals and even in their own ability to keep the Law and follow the rules and not faith in the Living God. So it is kind of insulting to call a born again Christian religious or Christianity a religion.

We believe that we are born again children of the Living God creator of heaven and earth and that we walk in a familial relatiohsip with HIM; we do not practice a religion.

becauseHElives #fundie thechristianbbs.com

Posted by mikerica (Member # 1499) on May 19, 2003 08:38 PM : I want to see this movie but I'm worried that some might say that this is blasphemy. I can remember when I was a child, I used to wish that I had God's power. Who hasn't wished that? But because the movie has Jim Carey doing stupid things that obviously God wouldn't do, I'm worried that people might say that I'm committing blasphemy by watching this film. [Eek!] My husband has told me that God knows what is in your heart and that's the most important. But I don't want to be like some who praise and worship behind close doors then goes out and sins against God. [Eek!] I'm so paranoid that God will become angry at me because of something I consider funny. [1zhelp] What's your opinion? [youpi]

Posted by Cameron (Member # 1090) on May 19, 2003 09:59 PM : I don't think that God is going to get angry at you for being amused at something. Take the movie as it is intended...as entertainment.

Posted by becauseHElives (Member # 87) on May 19, 2003 10:56 PM :
God (YEHWEH) is not amused at the entertainment of today, Mocking HIM, just the title is enough for anyone with a reverent fear of the LORD to know they should stay away.

Just a little poison every day is all it takes to kill someone