
Shadowdancer Duskstar / Cutelildrow #fundie thelibertyzone.us

[On SJWs]

Ever notice how most of their pictures depict them with neutral expressions at best (I’m being generous) and most of the time, a sneer or some other ‘superior’ expression? Their default expressions aren’t pleasant either. Their general aura is sullen, unhappy, and they seem to expect offense at every turn so they can snap and snarl at the world because that’s easier for them than actually trying to be happy – and you can’t work at getting your happiness and joy if you don’t know what makes you happy. Which, I think sometimes, is one of the problems. They don’t have ‘true’ hardship so they make life hard for themselves and everyone around them, and call that suffering and martyrdom and victim-virtue. Don’t they realize that the reason why people admire the ones who survive horrible experiences is because they do it with determination (and unseen, have the dignity and self respect to weep in private!)

It is no virtue to be a victim, to have no power. They who have put victimhood on a pedestal, wrap it around themselves like a comforting blanket, tell themselves only lies “I have no power, it is not my fault my life is a cesspool of misery,” and use those lies as an excuse to lash out and think that the repulsed recoil gives them power.

The only power they have is to drive people away.

Shadowdancer Duskstar / Cutelildrow #sexist thelibertyzone.us

See, that’s what I said, when I started seeing how insane other women behaved as a young girl. My determination to not be a psychotic cuntbucket continues to serve me well to this day.

I celebrated it by doing something transgressive to these collective craycraybaskets. I spent time with my husband, and we made our children happy and had lovely family time.

Actually, I forgot about the women’s day thing, because it’s not something that matters.