
Walid Shoebat #fundie therightscoop.com

This is a HUGE article in my opinion, especially if you are Christian. Walid Shoebat lays out what is to come as we watch the Middle East morph into an Islamic caliphate and how the nations are setting up for peace between theses Islamic nations and Israel. It seems we are rapidly approaching end times now and Walid has called it all the way.

The one thing I found especially interesting was that he seems to name the Antichrist, suggesting it is Erdogan of Turkey. He doesn’t say it explicitly as in ‘Erdogan is the Antichrist’, but he makes comparisons of Erdogan to scriptural references of the Antichrist (Gog) from Daniel and it seems to me he points the big prophecy finger right at him. A very interesting development.

As I said in the title, this is a MUST READ. It’s long but it’s fascinating and well worth your time.

Various conservatives #fundie therightscoop.com

Paul Ryan beard? To look more Muslim friendly or to hide his face?
@marklevinshow yes all that crap about paul Ryan? How could people think anything else. His Muslim beard a dead set give away.weak as piss
Traitor Paul Ryan now sporting a Muslim beard. Easy to see how him, Boehner and Obama always got on together
Paul Ryan calls for Donald Trump to step down over Moslem comments, then muslim sympathizer Paul Ryan grows a Muslim beard. PATHETIC
Paul Ryan fits right in with Obama in his New Muslim Beard. The GOP are Obama's Puppets. We need Trump who can kick their Ass.