
tifferoo #fundie hometalkers.com

Maybe, just maybe, when NASA goes into outer space, they are disrupting the heavens some kind of way... He may allow some things, like a space shuttle exploding, to happen to keep us humble so that we know He is in control... In God's infinite wisdom, He knows that if He placed us on Earth, that's where we should stay until death. Humans are too smart for their own good sometimes. All that cloning and open heart surgery, I don't believe that God intended it to be that way. Sure he allows us to do it, but eventually, we will know when we have made Him angry.

tifferoo #fundie hometalkers.com

If I woke up and saw that [extraterrestrials] on the news I would immediately think that the AntiChrist has come with his demons. I don't believe in aliens, I don't believe in dinosaurs and I don't believe in other God's besides the God the father, God the son and God the Holy spirit.

tifferoo #fundie hometalkers.com

In the Bible, when they were building the tower of Babel trying to reach the heavens, God gave them all different languages so they couldn't communicate with each other. That could have been considered cruel too to those who could no longer communicate with their families.

tifferoo #fundie hometalkers.com

Why hasn't NASA sent humans to these other universes if a human can survive elsewhere? I think everytime a space ship blows up, that's God's way of telling us to stay our behinds on the earth where He put us. Going in space is just disrupting the heavens.

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