
Giggle #fundie homeschooldebate.com

Excuse me, what evidence are you talking about? There has not been even .0000000000000001 % of evidence supporting evolution (the one which says we all 'evolved' and the world happened by chance)!!!!!! And if you look at the facts every stinkin' piece of evidence 'evolutionists' use to support evolution is actually supporting creation!! And did you know that all the theories and proofs that scientists have put out in the world that say evolution is real, have been disprooven!

Giggle #fundie homeschooldebate.com

And fosil dating is a worthless piece of junk that someone came up with. It uses circular reasoning for one. And two it doesn't take millions or even billions of years for them to form. I remember somewhere (I do remember it was very credible though) that someone's grandpa had died and they burried them. 15 years later the grandma died, but when the went to dig the grave, the ground was soaked with water from an underground river/spring. So, they dug the grandma's grave soemwhere else, but when they went back to get teh grandpa he had fosilized!

Elif Tymes #fundie homeschooldebate.com

I have read a marvelous little book that explains how the enite Universe could have been made, in a mere six days, and still account for many things that evolution doesn't. For instance, the red shift. How do you explain the fact that it appears as everything in the universe is moving away from us?

Giggle #fundie homeschooldebate.com

I do believe that God created the world. And if you took the whole picture then you could see that there are still monkeys that die monkeys. And there that people don't turn into ferns. (Ferns have the highest chromosome structure, and if we were really "evolving" into the highest and most integigent(sp?) creatures on earth then we would eventually become ferns!)

Sarge #fundie homeschooldebate.com

It is true that we as humans share 90% of our Genes with Apes... But it is also true that we share 50% of of our genes with bananas. I hope I'm not half banana. Also we share 100% of our genes with... Dirt! the exact substance god said he made us out of.

Giggle #fundie homeschooldebate.com

Now, I don't know why you want me to 'proove you wrong' when you haven't even established that you're right! But I will do my best to explain 'why we would expect a more 'highly evolved' organism to possess more chromosomes.' Okay, first of all, if we Evolution then we would expect that the most 'highly evolved' creature would have the most chromosomes. Right? Then it would be logical then to conclude that, if we are truely 'evolving' then some of us would be ferns, since we would get more complex the more we evolve.

Menel-sere #fundie homeschooldebate.com

Another problem is that one of the ideas behind macroevolution is competition, or survival of the fittest. Different animals in a species compete for food, and whoever is the fittist lives, creating a stronger species. However, many animals are part of a symbiotic relationship which is the opposite of competition. Also, many animals live together and hunt in packs.

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