
Jackie #fundie forum.gateworld.net

Could Satanist and Atheist be the same?


This thread is not intended to offend anyone but to merely examine the common elements between the two subjects. Please respect one another's beliefs.

As I have examined different beliefs and I have found two that strike me as eerily similar and yet strikingly different.

From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil.

WingedPegasus #fundie forum.gateworld.net

[when confronted with the "We Have The Fossils, We Win" JPG]

You have the ancient pig's teeth, the bones of an old man with a rickets that made his skeleton look ape-like, chemically treated skulls that have teeth plugged with bubble gum, and millions of MISSING transitional skeletons that should be all over the earth.

Somehow I doubt the validity of Darwin's theories.

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