Could Satanist and Atheist be the same?
This thread is not intended to offend anyone but to merely examine the common elements between the two subjects. Please respect one another's beliefs.
As I have examined different beliefs and I have found two that strike me as eerily similar and yet strikingly different.
From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil.
Could Satanist and Atheist be the same?
No, simple enough for you? Here, lemme splain: Atheists don't believe or worship any deity, god, demigod, or otherworldly being. Nuff said?
Satanists worship Satan as their god.
Atheists are godless (that, in fact, is what the word 'atheist' means).
Why is it so difficult for you guys to wrap your brains around the concept of someone having no god whatsoever?
From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no... devil.
I think you answered your own question there.
From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil.
At least Jackie got that part right.
also depends on what he means by satanist
LeVeyan Satanists dont believe in satan,and many very well could be atheist, its more a lifestyle of living life to its fullest and doing whatever the hell you want within reason
if he means true satanists,those who believe satan is supreme (or in the case of african satanists who worship him out of fear) then no,no way in your hell satanism and atheism are the same,or even similar
Well the fundie is not too far off the truth but not for the reasons they think. Most Satanists (specifically members of the Church of Satan) don't 'believe' in Satan they use him as a symbol.
"Satanism begins with atheism. We begin with the universe and say, 'It’s indifferent. There’s no God, there’s no Devil. No one cares!'”
High Priest Peter H. Gilmore
There are however groups of Theistic Satanists who worship Satan as the opposite of the Christian God/Jesus etc., who do not identify as Atheist in any way.
That does not however imply that all Atheists are Satanists. I would assume that there are very few Atheists who adhere to LaVayan system of ideas.
"Could Satanist and Atheist be the same?"
No, they really couldn't, that's why they have different names.
"From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil."
This is true. And how could I really worship the devil if I don't believe he exists?
Basement cat is obviously a more pressing concern.
You know what atheism is "eerily similar" to? Non-belief in god/s. That's it! The whole story! No further conclusions can be drawn about atheism than the non-belief in god/s. It does not make us satanists simply because your god is on the extensive list of gods we don't believe in.
BTW. Theistic satanists do believe in your god. They just consider him to be the bad guy, not satan.
Okay, depends on your definition.
Anton Szandor La Vey, founder of the Church of Satan, referred to Satan as merely a symbol of the rebellious side of human nature, which he believed should be celebrated, he didn't believe in a devil or worship one, despite the name of his movement. It follows therefore that "satanists" of La Vey's tradition are atheistic. Other Satanists actually worship a "dark" god of some description (Satan, Set, Lucifer or whoever).
Most atheists don't perform rituals, none believe in or worship a devil, it would be totally illogical.
"From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil."
Your understanding is correct, but it should be clear that if we don't believe in any supernatural being, such as Satan, we CAN'T BE SATANISTS.
You have nothing but prejudices. Satanist, if they exist, they worship Satan(Whatever deity it is). Atheist means NO DEITY WORSHIPED. The meaning of the words itself is patently clear. Now, if you're going to tell me that not worshiping God means Satanism, 2/3 of the population, including the thousand denominations are.
It is true that LaVeyan Satanists only use Satan as a symbol, they don't actually believe in him, so it could be argued that they are in fact atheistic. However, this does not mean all atheists are Satanists because we would all have to subscribe to the LaVeyan belief system - following the dark side of human nature - than actually just not believing in any diety or following a particular belief system. Many atheists get on just fine without needing a belief system. They just live.
The only reason Atheism and Satanism seem alike to people like yourself is because you hate them both equally and tend to simplistically lump all your enemies into one vague, evil entity. Apart from evoking the same general reaction in fundies exposed to them, they are utterly dissimilar.
sort of killed his own argument there.. satanism implies belief in the devil and presumably.. hell. yet he says about atheism:
"Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil."
so, how can atheism be like satanism in atheists don't believe in the devil or hell?
satanism's closer to christianity if you ask me
"From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil."
The gap in Jackie's understanding is that she doesn't understand what she just wrote. There is no 'eerie similarity'.
From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil.
And the thing about Satanists, in fact, their defining feature if you will... is that they fucking believe in Satan! Atheists don't.
How simple do you need it?
No, they can not be the same and are not the same.
If you've truly examined atheism and satanism, you wouldn't even ask such a fucking ridiculous question.
Atheists do not believe in god, which by default means no belief in anything biblical, including satan. Period. End of story. You keep trying to make more of that than there is, but seriously, it would be much easier on you if you'd just take it at face value and stop spending so much energy trying to turn it into something else.
I don’t object to very much in that post, except for Jackie’s assertion that two things can be “eerily similar” and “strikingly different” at the same time.
By her own admission, atheism and Satanism are not the same thing.
From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil.
And the thing about Satanists, in fact, their defining feature if you will... is that they fucking believe in Satan! Atheists don't.
How simple do you need it?
"Could Satanist and Atheist be the same? "
No, Satanists believe the same things that Christians do, they just pick the other God.
We don't believe in any Gods.
It's like asking a water drinker if they prefer coke or pepsi, and when they tell you they only drink water, you respond "So you must like pepsi, eh?"
"From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil. "
sure, an atheist could be a satanist.
satanist =/= satan worshipper. the same way christian =/= jesus worshipper. this means you don't necessarily have to believe in satan or jesus to be a satanist or christian. this is contrary to the belief of most so-called christians (and many so-called satanists).
satan represents rebellion and free thought, jesus and his [original] followers were rebels and free thinkers. a real christian would be one who believed in or lived by jesus' teachings, without necessarily knowing it, but not worshipping jesus as a god. since jesus would have been just about everything satan represents, a real christian would have to be a satanist.
Satanists are Atheists... the fundie has it right. Satan is a metaphore for human nature.
Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification. (#8 of the 9 satanic statements)
Actually this isn't totally crazy.
Satanism is different than Satan worshipping. Satanism also doesn't believe in God, nor does it actually believe in Satan. It's just a worldview that says that between God and Satan, Satan's the one with the right idea. It's a philosophy of self-fulfillment first and foremost.
One could perhaps say that Satanism is a type of Atheism, but you wouldn't want to because the fundies would call it a concession and run around proclaiming that "Atheists worship Satan!"
Well from what I've been told Satanists don't worship Satan. He's just the guy who got us out from under the big mans thumb by giving us intelligence.
But atheists don't even give the bible that much credence. So, no we are not the same as Satanists.
Could Christian and Satanist be the same?
From my understanding so far, Christians and Satanists believe in life after death, god, heaven, hell and the devil.
Unlike Atheists.
Oh, he's talking about LaVeyan Satanists. Nope, still more similar to Christians.
From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil.
exactly. what's the problem with this?
Okay, I'm not getting the logic--so, atheists don't believe in the devil, therefore, they must worship him?
How do you worship something you don't believe in?
"From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil."
Is further studying needed to figure out what else Atheists don't believe in?
From my understanding so far, Atheist believe there is no life after death, god, heaven, hell or devil.
From my understanding so far, Satanist believe there is life after death, a god, heaven, hell and the devil.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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