
Americanrock61 #fundie christianwebsite.com

[Replying to 'how is only accepting your knowledge from one source having an open mind?']

Good question, Camaban, however, God is all knowing, and if he tells me about it, whats the need to have more then one source when I already have a 100% reliable source? It takes an open mind to hear God, so as I said, in that way, my mind is open.

Americanrock61 #fundie christianwebsite.com

A note though, is that I have seen more closed mindedness in the atheists on this site then the christian extremeists I have seen. I stick to my theology, and I well hold strong to what I know unless God tells me otherwise. In that way, my mind is open.

Jacqueline #fundie christianwebsite.com

I have experienced things of God, that cannot be denied. I as well as many others have posted many testimonies on things we have experienced. I have experienced things that are not from God, rather from demons, and this is why I turned to God. [...]

I will add that i think that some people lie about some of their testimonies, but millions of christians don't lie about our testimonies.

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