
doma #fundie christianwebsite.com

Another reason this can't be true [that aliens exist] is that Adam had been given authority over all creation. How could God give Adam authority over other beings from another planet? He wouldn't, therefore there are no other beings. Another point would be; if there were other races of people on other planets, God would want them to know that Jesus came to earth to die for everyone, and that the gospel would need to be preached to them. Yet the Bible says preach to all the earth, not to all the planets. Again, there is noone out there, except angels and demons.

HisDaughter #fundie christianwebsite.com

[(posted by eyewtkas) My inability to disprove your hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it's true.]

Eye, it goes the same for us who believe in God. Our inability to prove our God exists doesn't disprove He isn't real!

Titus #fundie christianwebsite.com

Open letter to Satan

You have gained a foothold if not a stronghold here in recent days. You have pitted brother against brother, brother against sister, sister aganist brother and so on. You have sewn division, suspicion, jealousy, rage bitterness and more, AND IT STOPS NOW. SATAN I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. YOU HAVE NO DOMINION OVER THESE BOARDS OR ANY MEMBER HERE. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I BIND YOU AND CAST YOU OUT OF THESE DISCUSSION FORUMS. I CAST YOU OUT IN JESUS NAME!!!

doma #fundie christianwebsite.com

As far as I can tell by scripture, science, and faith; all the physical universe can be touched by man. Here is some evidence, stars are dying, because of Adam. Before Adam sinned, there was no death. meteors crash into the earth, before Adam sinned the earth was protected. So things in space were affected by Adams sin, if not, we could go in space and stop sin. Then space would another way to perfection, instead of just Jesus.

jpholding #fundie christianwebsite.com

As I have already said, I have gone as far as defending you from charges of arrogance brought by others. I have explained to them that you are not aware of what you are doing and that they should cut you some slack, as we say here in the States. Unfortunately many people find that hard to do, and their only recourse is to fight fire with fire, or withdraw. You may consider that the reason many quit debating you is not because you have actually won the debate, but because they could not bear up under your (unintentionally) insulting demeanor.

doma #fundie christianwebsite.com

Some UFO's could be experimental government owned aircraft. Some could be regular aircraft or natural phenomena. But not in many cases, like my wife's story. I believe my wife saw a demonic manifestation or a real ship being flown by demons.

RevelationWatch #fundie christianwebsite.com

[On scientists getting annoyed from horrendously bad creationist arguments]I wouldn't read much into this, its only natural for someone who rests his/her faith in loosely held together ideals to become defensive when you come anywhere near their belief system. In Lurch's case, a theory that at its foundation, is based on circular arguments and "truths" that take more faith to accept than a belief in God.

sunday #fundie christianwebsite.com

I have no problem with theories, in fact, I think that SCIENCE is a powerfull tool at the disposition of mankind, of course, if used correctly to better understand our surroundings, however, i do have a problem with EVOLUTIONISTS and their MONKEY THEORIES, let me ask an EVOLUTIONIST, if mankind came from MONKEYS(PRIMATES, ECT...), then who or what created the MONKEY, and u will tell me, well PRIMODIAL SOUP, yeah and who created the PRIMODIAL SOUP, well, it was a FREAK ACCIDENT, really? A frek accident, that means that the whole UNIVERSE is a freak accident? I don't think so, that means GRAVITY is a freak accident? I don't tink so, that means, the billions of galaxies, spiral, elliptical, ect... stars, brown dwarfs, ect... are all freak accidents, I don't think so, the only FREAKS are the EVOLUTIONIST, that want to deny the truth, and that truth is ALPHA & OMEGA, the beginning and the end.......

romah #fundie christianwebsite.com

Besides no one really takes Darwin’s ideas seriously any longer – except those who still depend on those school science text books which haven’t been up dated in soooo long, Darwin might have been on some of their advisory boards.

sunday #fundie christianwebsite.com

Which came first, the UNIVERSE or EVOLUTION, can one exist without the other? In other words can the process of EVOLUTION have taken a foothold as per you EVOLUTIONISTS without the existence of the Universe......

romah #fundie christianwebsite.com

You say 3 months ago [he was a] creationist - now evolutionist? What was he 6 months ago? Sound like he doesn't actually believe much of anything and is swayed by a convincing argument..." "Didn’t visit the site [with scientific evidence], sorry but don’t need to visit sites which will probably change again if they really changed so easy before.

Americanrock61 #fundie christianwebsite.com

But in response, I have a little bit of knowledge of what evolution is (the big bang is associated with that theory) and it sounds corny to me. I don't know, it just sounds like some scientists can't look Jesus in the face and say 'I don't believe in you, so I'll come up with some other way to explain things'

Americanrock61 #fundie christianwebsite.com

[Responding to allegations he wouldn't accept ANY evidence because he's already decided evolution can't be real]

This is true in a way. I am 100% convinced that Jesus Christ was real, I well take God's word over anything scientists put out. Reason being, when we're all in the after life, science well be a faded memory. Something that helped us understand, but is now useless. Why should I bother learning something that well only help on this earth? God does tell us not to focus on this world

doma #fundie christianwebsite.com

these same beings [demons] are now [posing as extraterrestrials and] killing cattle in their lust for blood.

In the medieval times these beings came as fairies and elves. They would take traveling people into caves and prod them with magical wands............

Nobbynose #fundie christianwebsite.com

[On public school systems]

Through this the liberals have successfully dumbed down their constituency, but it has backfired on them. They do not know how to vote. It is too complicated for them considering the education they have received.
So in this case we let you shoot yourself in your own foot.

Americanrock61 #fundie christianwebsite.com

Projilly, the people that weren't at WTC on September 11 had "Christian" written next to their description for their job application. It wasn't Godless sinners that died during Sept. 11. However, the only people that lived were the ones that extended a hand to Jesus saying 'Help me here!'

keren #fundie christianwebsite.com

God is our creator and He has every right to do what is best in His intentions and for our sake. Like I said He is the creator therefore we are His creations. Hence He can do whatever He wants.

Besides you have only 2 choices go to heaven or be burnt for eternity. Would you actually like the idea to be burnt 24 hours a day non stop?

Jacqueline #fundie christianwebsite.com

[On The Little Mermaid]

This is an aweful cartoon, with spells and evil throughout! I have let them watch it.....so I am guilty of going against my "strict side" on this.

My kids will probably never go to Disneyland. I love amusement parks, but I have a hard time with all of their cartoons having witches, and sorcery.

Jacqueline #fundie christianwebsite.com

The scooby doo cartoons, the old ones...are fine. The ghosts are just some "old man or woman" dressed up as a ghost. The Animated movies are bad....in my opinion. I watched 10 minutes of one and it had a warlock casting a spell on the gang.

Americanrock61 #fundie christianwebsite.com

This problem indeed does not lie with the atheists to disprove God, because he can't be disproved by any idea you guys come up with. The proof he IS there is out there today. Take September 11. About an estimated 50,000 people work there daily. On September 11, an estimated 45,000 people were NOT there because they were sick, at a church meeting, getting doughnuts, etc., and a majority of these people were born again Christians. Coincedence?

erschiessen #fundie christianwebsite.com

Because Falwell and Robertson speak on issues Biblically, they are hate mongers???
I think you're believing the hype that surrounds these two. Hate? Nope.
While it might not seem that way to you, I believe that they do it out of love. Better to be seen as a fool for Christ than a wise man for Satan.

RevelationWatch #fundie christianwebsite.com

[After being asked why he even thinks the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics applies to evolution at all]

As a "professed" expert on the subject of evolution I noticed that you avoided some of the finer constructs of this thread. So be it. I have neither the time or desire to jump through your hoops or to satisfy your need to regurgitate your ideological understanding (or misunderstanding) concerning the laws of themodynamics.

Jacqueline #fundie christianwebsite.com

Our life here is nothing, I would rather be bit by a rabid dog with rabies.....than to pollute my mind. My soul is at stake putting "fantasy" or "witchcraft" in my mind.....pretty soon you start heading backwards from Christ instead of forward with Him. As a Christian I will not pollute my mind and risk my soul. I know this was directed at Keren.....but I agree with her. I am not saying that if you have watched or read H[arry]P[otter] that you will go to hell, I am saying one thing leads to another and another, then pretty quick you are away from Christ.

Jacqueline #fundie christianwebsite.com

[Replying to questions of whether she even studied any other religion]

I will not read or study (indepth) about other religions. I know the basic beliefs, but that is about it. I have too much to learn in the Bible.....you never learn it all!

Gregg #fundie christianwebsite.com

[On atheist parody webpages]

They will find out just how much God exists at the great white throne judgement when they are standing before God answering for their sins and rebellion. Then they won't think their humor is so funny.

keren #fundie christianwebsite.com

Satan will interfere to children's literature, movies and cartoons because their souls are vulnerable. The soul of a child is innocent while adults are corrupted. Innocense in a child is fragile because it has not matured, satan wants to break the innocense to corrupt it. Since satan is dirty, to him seeing something clean irritates him.

He needs to act so that he won't spend eternal hell with just a few numbers of his followers. He wants to try to get a lot of people as much as he can to hell. That is why he would do that. And he would do that by making you think that magic, fantasy, rock music, philosophy is ok. He does this through his creativity in making you think and see that the good in Harry Potter is through magic. He wants you on his side because you think what you see or believe is good. To him the more the merrier.