BillSPrestonEsq #fundie
maybe you need to research this claim better before you mock too much . I know 2 guys there who climbed it [Mt. Ararat] and have compelling photos, some from the inside of the [Noah's Ark] structure.
maybe you need to research this claim better before you mock too much . I know 2 guys there who climbed it [Mt. Ararat] and have compelling photos, some from the inside of the [Noah's Ark] structure.
why doesn't anyone who thinks bc is ok use scripture?
God is Sovereign in birth. He opens & shuts the womb; He blesses with children."
"Procreation is part of God's design and was commanded by God at the creation: Gen. 1:27-28"
"The Bible nowhere encourages B.C., but everywhere condones fertility!"
"Can someone please explain how birth control is possibly a good thing... because if it does not please, honor, and glorify God, then what buisness is it of the Christian??
Also, world population threshold smeshhold, ever crossed this country in a car and seen the teeming masses in iowa? this world can support far more than we dream of. besides bc [birth control] is a new concept in the course of history.... ever think of that?
Of course the Bible hasn't been 'proven historically true in every detail', It has not been proven false in any detail either.
I watched a video today on abortion and the woman that was speaking mentioned that she was glad Christians don't have as many abortions as non-Christians and that we reproduce more than non-Christians, because we will have more people to share the Gospel with the world... yet we prevent birth or the possibility of it by stopping conception...
That B[irth]C[ontrol] is a sin is the FACT that scripture in the NT uses the word sin when referring to Christians who sin, the Greek word when translated literally means "to miss the mark."
By not trusting GOD utterly I am "missing the mark." Sinning.
By using BC, I personally don't feel that I trust GOD's judgement on when to use my body to create life. I am telling Him, "I don't want kids now Lord!" Just because it's not my timing never means it's not GOD's.
Name one 'Holy book' or religion, including yours, that explains the creation(or evoloution, your call) of all living things in the correct scientific order other than the bible.
You've never studied Genisis and held it up to scientific facts, have you?
I was wondering why YOU were making such a fuss over it. As the latter comment, Nothing has yet proven (scientifically/arcaeologically) that the Bible is false.
I have never heard a non-selfish biblical reason that supported birth control. Even if the Bible did not consistantly encourage children as blessings from God I would just look at the world's stance on this issue and run hard the other way!
Luke 16:31
"But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.' "
"Moses and the Prophets" refers to the Scripture. Therefore, by Christ's words, the Bible is the best proof of Christianity. Christianity is true because the Bible says it is.
What about the fact that people that don't belive in His [God's] existance are afraid to examine any evidence with an open mind?