
Gregory Reid #fundie gregoryreid.com

That’s one of the aspects of all this no one ever discusses. The satanic underworld is much worse than the mafia in the way they deal with their traitors. You take an oath that if you ever talk, you die – by suicide (preferable) or by them. I have internet sites that tell you how this is done, by people who know how to do it. In addition, all your family is ID’d. They die too. So even if someone goes to prison for a crime carried out on satanic orders, they will likely never talk. A murderer in New Mexico who killed a pastor in cold blood in church was apparently well-connected but took the fall rather than talk. An El Paso schoolteacher-child rapist and satanist hung himself the day before his trial rather than let the details of his life and his connections – which those of us who were involved in the case knew but the public didn’t – go public. An accomplice in a horrendous slaughter of a young woman in Odessa Texas put his head under a pumpjack right after leaving the police station after questioning, where he told the investigators he had been with the other man in custody when the murder took place. He accidentally called the man by his “coven name” in front of the officers, and knew apparently that his life was over, for his cohort was according to him, a high Satanic priest who had done the murder to elevate himself in the priesthood. (The murderer is alive and well, by the way, since the DA ordered him shipped out of state because he didn’t want to deal with this “Satanism crap.”)

Oh, the stories I could tell. Stories that the public has never heard, that the media will never cover. Stories that only those of us who have been on the front lines of the real war against satanic crime can ever tell. I’m sorry most won’t, because most of the original soldiers retired, burned out, were fired, threatened, scared off – and many have died, taking their legacy and their indisputable accounts with them

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