
A British Man in London #racist abritishmaninlondon.blogspot.co.uk

First, who is an alien? Any 'human' staying in Europe not of entirely European ancestry. European Jews are allowed to stay provided they do not advocate ideas hostile to the health of Europe. In addition there are exceptions available under certain circumstances. Examples include, a license to operate a take-away restraunt for a limited period or in the case of the advanced east-asians, co-operation on scientific and engineering matters, and finally guest University lectureres.

There are several million colonisers and invaders in Europe and they must be removed.

Broad Options Available

1. Forced deportation to their racial homelands. For economic reasons it might be better to dump them all in sub-saharen Africa. In the case that the alien has money he may be given the option to pay for his own transportation to his racial homeland. All other wealth of aliens will be confiscated. This option is the most extreme.

2. Full sterilisation OR deportation as above.

3. The legal enforcement of a 1 child per alien couple rule. This is an enforced demographic collapse rather like what is actually happennig to the native European folk.

4. Tax incentives for employment of native Europeans. Effectively a tax against employing non-Europeans. This would force a large proportion of aliens out of Europe. Naturally all welfare would removed from alien recipients.

How to deal with mixed-race 'persons' (aproxmiately 1 million in Great Britain alone)
1. Sterilsation
2. Reproduction allowed provided with other mischlings but only 1 off-spring permitted.
3. Deportation to an island or possibly sub-saharan Africa.

How to deal with race mixing Europeans?

They should be offered the opportunity to renouce their behaviour.
Failing that they must have the same fate as their alien partners. We do not want them, they are a subverting force.

A British Man in London #racist abritishmaninlondon.blogspot.co.uk

[Discussing his co-workers at a bank]

Yet again, I have another new team sitting behind me. The leader is a raceless whiteman of irish background whose accent has almost been completely erased by spending too much time in new york. He's in his 30s but has the sophistication of a 12yr old. His only function and purpose in life is selling swaps and trying to figure out hte effects of rating agencies downgrades for his clients and products he sells. His team make me feel ill.

2 are Chinese, recruited in the place of English lads. 1 is remarkibly a Negro. He apparently advises them on legal matters. I noticed that the few blacks you come across tend to go into the legal side of matters - less cognitive I suppose. There is also a muslim with a semitic nose. Lastly there is a swarthy english lad, or at least I think he's english.

A British Man in London #racist abritishmaninlondon.blogspot.co.uk

This morning a middle-eastern type came cycling down the path whilst I walked the dog. He went to one side and refused to move and so did I. In the end i moved and then he began to criticize me for not moving. I saw red and said 'fuck off you bloody immigrant'. He couldn't believe his ears and it took a few moments for him to realise what I said. Then he launched into a tirade about my mother - a very alien line of insulting. I laughed and told him to 'fuck off' and called him a 'wog'.

In hindsight I am tempted to say I should have beaten him. He was older than me and incapacitated somewhat on his bike. He does not deserve an honorary fight between equals. What I find outrageous is that he can come to my country and behave like this with so much self-righteousness. I should have smashed him in the face, taken his bike and thrown it into the bushes.

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