
Glen #fundie aliensrevealed.blogspot.ca

In my opinion, I believe that Obama Care is setting the stage for the Mark of the Beast. Thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I've always been able to see through this man's deception. Before I was saved, I was heavily into studying WWII history and more specifically - I was always interested in the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler. I have seen many similarities between Hitler and Obama. Keep in mind that many Germans viewed Hitler as the coming Messiah to save Germany and they viewed him as a man of peace. There are many red flags for Obama including the Nobel Peace Prize early in his term for doing nothing to deserve it. Some of the American people have called Obama their "Lord" and "Savior", their "Messiah", the "One" etc. The fact that Obama proudly accepts the worship is further proof in my mind that this man is very dangerous. I think Obama is more dangerous than Hitler. It just takes a few minutes of Nuclear War to have a greater death toll than Hitler's 50 million in WWII. A few years ago, I had a strong feeling that when you start to see formerly separate Health care institutions and Police institutions working together to become unified - it's being done for the Mark of the Beast. Whether Obama is THE actual ANTICHRIST as described in the Bible still remains to be seen. I have my suspicions but that's all they are - my suspicions.

Glen #fundie aliensrevealed.blogspot.ca

Over the last number of months, I continue to see a vision of a dark cloud moving over the entire Earth and covering it. I've received this vision so many times that I'm finally writing it out because I'm not sure if it's God giving me this vision or if it's just from me. I repeatedly see a dark cloud coming moving over the whole Earth and turning light into darkness. The cloud casts a shadow as it moves over the Earth. I wasn't going to mention this until I just viewed a video where a fellow sister in Christ described the same thing! This was confirmation for me that I should at least share it. I don't know when the Rapture by Jesus is going to happen but there are increasingly many signs. Things seem to being moving very quickly. The world continues to be on the brink of WW3, there is the real possibility of Economic Collapse, the ObamaCare, the bizarre weather patterns and natural disasters, strange sounds being heard in the sky around the world (i.e. trumphet sounds), fish and animals dying for no apparent reason, increasingly paranormal events that make it seem like the evil forces are being given more freedom than before, etc. Again, I don't know the timing of the Rapture but I will tell you for certain it is going to happen. Furthermore, the signs around us are pointing to any moment. There is absolutely no other event that is necessary for the Rapture to occur. Jesus himself said that He will come "like a thief in the night." First, receive Jesus as your Savior and put all your trust in Him. Second, keep watch for Jesus and pray that we will be accounted worthy to meet Him in the air when He calls us. God bless you all

Glen #fundie aliensrevealed.blogspot.ca

Most people are not aware that there is a "comet" (actually several) flying through our Solar System. I've been following Comet ISON for weeks now - researching it almost everyday. I'm no expert on comets and I'm actually learning quite a lot. Comet ISON is supposed to basically slingshot around the sun on approximately November 28th, 2013. There have been Astronomers following this comet for well over a year now. There are several red flags with this event that are worth mentioning. Let me first say - I've received absolutely NO message from God concerning this comet which has been called "The Comet of the Century". This comet may just end up as something to watch in the sky and then it's gone and nothing happens. However, there are some things that concern me. First, the majority of people do not know about this "Comet of the Century." Why not? This should be the top news story. Why is this not being mentioned that much? Second, this supposed "comet" is stunning even the most seasoned Astronomers. It's been changing shape and there has been bizarre behaviour. Third, Nasa was shut-down in October with the government shut-down. Furthermore, Nasa is an agency that has the best technology to show this comet and their images are of poor quality and basically an insult to our intelligence. Also, Nasa has been purposely downplaying the actual size of this "comet." ISON is much larger than they are letting on. Fourth, the U.S government is making some strange moves that make sense if there is some possible disaster involving this so-called "comet." The government has purchased over a billion rounds of ammunition (can you say Martial Law?) and massive amounts of food, etc. Not to mention plastic coffins. The chances of ISON hitting Earth are slim. Earth may get hit by some debris while going through the tail. From what I've seen, there is far greater risk of it possibly hitting the Sun or causing a Solar Flare. Again, maybe nothing will happen? Fifth, there appears to be possible crop circles and ancient art depicting ISON (crop circles are done by the evil spirits). THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ALIENS. I can absolutely assure you of that 100%. So dismiss the whole "Alien/UFO" idea because that is what Satan and his servants want you to think. Finally, I will share this with you and it always amazes me that the Astronomers cannot see it. I have seen close-ups of "comet" ISON. I have seen a few close-up shots. I can tell you honestly - I see hundreds if not thousands of demonic faces all over it. This is what really disturbs me along with the demonic crop circles. The close-ups of ISON that I have seen are absolutely covered (without any exaggeration) in evil demonic faces. I wanted to share this information. Nothing may happen. Personally, I think Jesus is coming earlier than most think (and NO, Jesus is NOT comet ISON). Jesus will come "like a thief in the night." God bless you. JESUS IS LORD AND ALL THE GLORY TO HIM!

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