Glen #fundie
Over the last number of months, I continue to see a vision of a dark cloud moving over the entire Earth and covering it. I've received this vision so many times that I'm finally writing it out because I'm not sure if it's God giving me this vision or if it's just from me. I repeatedly see a dark cloud coming moving over the whole Earth and turning light into darkness. The cloud casts a shadow as it moves over the Earth. I wasn't going to mention this until I just viewed a video where a fellow sister in Christ described the same thing! This was confirmation for me that I should at least share it. I don't know when the Rapture by Jesus is going to happen but there are increasingly many signs. Things seem to being moving very quickly. The world continues to be on the brink of WW3, there is the real possibility of Economic Collapse, the ObamaCare, the bizarre weather patterns and natural disasters, strange sounds being heard in the sky around the world (i.e. trumphet sounds), fish and animals dying for no apparent reason, increasingly paranormal events that make it seem like the evil forces are being given more freedom than before, etc. Again, I don't know the timing of the Rapture but I will tell you for certain it is going to happen. Furthermore, the signs around us are pointing to any moment. There is absolutely no other event that is necessary for the Rapture to occur. Jesus himself said that He will come "like a thief in the night." First, receive Jesus as your Savior and put all your trust in Him. Second, keep watch for Jesus and pray that we will be accounted worthy to meet Him in the air when He calls us. God bless you all