
Kaicie Boeglin #wingnut #conspiracy anchorweb.org

To be obsolete means that one has no ideals, imagination, ingenuity and overall serves no purpose. The art of being a humble human bound to a sacred code of morals, traditions and respect for life has become obsolete. The acts portrayed by the ruling class, regardless of political agenda, negated the nature of human thought, making the mind robotic and easily manipulated. For one select individual to have a unique self-thought process has become antiquated. The government is scared of the working class retaining any power thus promoting the obsolescence of humanism.

This year has been the catalyst for individuals to define normalcy in the technical age. When once humans were free to roam at and within their own freewill, now they see themselves on camera wherever they go. COVID schooling via substantial video calls, social media posts and news headlines, and 24/7 surveillance validate the coined phrase, “Big Brother is watching you.” Secrecy and prosperity of humanism are among many of the morals lost. People believe what they choose to share with the world is all that is seen- plot twist- it isn’t.

Technology destroyed traditions such as family dinners, game nights, grocery shopping, appreciation of elders, and basic conversation. Sentiments of the past such as handwritten letters, cursive, analog clocks, and staplers are beginning to disappear. 2020 has also attempted to integrate new monetary policies and shot a spike through the unemployment rate. Humans would rather live in their screens providing themselves with physical pain and stress, rather than enjoy life with everything the planet has to offer. Despite the current times society has been headed in this direction, and although virtual reality is contemporary, the outside world is monumental compared to the digital universe.

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