
Dr. Robert Foley and Dr. Michael Ferber #quack #conspiracy angryvet.com


First let me say that we do believe in certain vaccinations in certain scenarios as stated above. Vaccinations can be a powerful tool in disease prevention. They are not however without significant risk.
1. Vaccine Sarcomas: This is mostly a problem of our feline patients (although there have been reports in at least one dog). It is a well known phenomenon that is rare but does occur. Cats that have received (we believe) either ADJUVENTED feline leukemia and rabies are at risk. The sarcomas or cancer that develops at the vaccination sites of these animals are highly aggressive and require aggressive surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Often times we can’t cure these cats. If you are considering vaccinating your cat, limit to two or three kitten boosters and one year from the last kitten booster as recommended above.
2.Immune mediated disease. Vaccination by definition stimulates an intense immune response. Often times this can result in the body’s immune response turning against itself. The rise of immune-mediated conditions such as thrombocytopenia (body destroying its own platelets), hemolytic anemia (body destroying its own red blood cells), polyarthritis, glomerulonephritis etc. have all been linked at times to vaccination.
3. Allergies, licking paws, chronic puritis, and inflammatory bowel disease—all have a POTENTIAL link to vaccination. This has largely been disproven but more research needs to be done.
4. Acute allergic reaction, fever, pain and swelling at injection site, hives, and DEATH are all potential consequences of vaccination.
5. There are MANY diseases in people that are either known to be caused by or are speculated to cause a variety of diseases.

Bottom line:

Vaccination has a place in veterinary medicine. Vaccinate minimally— general rule: three vaccines as pup/kitten betwen 8 and 20 weeks and then one booster at one year from that. Many advocate not vaccinating for more than one disease at a time. Don’t vaccinate for diseases where the disease itself is not that serious (coronavirus etc)—don’t vaccinate for diseases (lepto and lyme for example) unless there is a large endemic risk in your area and you have done your homework that the benefits outweigh the risks.

Focus on targeted vaccination ,good nutrition, good husbandry ( a clean environment for your pets) and minimal exposure to various disease carrying ectoparasites and rodents.

Understand that some veterinarians (who make their money by bringing patients in for “yearly vaccination”) and drug companies who sell the vaccines don’t readily disclose any of these facts and will often present only one side of an argument.

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