
anscathmarcach #conspiracy anscathmarcach.tumblr.com

Conspiracy Theory #5377628
If China was already hiding the Coronavirus for months, there is NO way they could have prevented it from escaping into the rest of the world by the time the “first case” was reported in the US.
Many, MANY people reported illnesses with the same symptoms as COVID-19 in December-February.
The government/media predicted a sudden surge in infections that was supposed to have happened last week, but it didn’t.
Because at least half the population has already had it, recovered, and are now immune.
Now, mark my words:

The government is going to act like they’re stupid, betting on us being stupid, and take credit for the curve flattening “unexpectedly”.
They WILL use this as a precedent, after making us think all of their oversteps and dictatorship-like control worked.
Despite the fact that people are going outside and leaving their homes even more than they normally would out of defiance, just to see it, or out of fear that they never will again. And the fact that millions of people are still going to work and exposing each other.
We WILL be put in quarantine again, OFTEN. For any and all of the smallest things.
We’ve passed their test. They know how easy it is now for people to buy whatever words they say and just give up their rights at the drop of a hat. And they WILL take advantage of that from now on.

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