
CM Sturges #fundie apocalypsecometh.com

“Not all women are like that.” Hate to bust your bubble player but they are and nothing you can do in this society will ever change that. Why do you think the Muslims treat women as property? Because given their propensities, civilizations will fall if they are given any role in society other than property. Funny thing is, Muslim women poll as being the happiest out of all women. Biological imperative and all that crap that no one wants to acknowledge anymore.

CM Sturges #conspiracy apocalypsecometh.com

That’s pretty telling. Someone who has access to Hollywood CGI studios and is an assistant director for one of the most popular movies series these days indicating to the sheeple what the elites have planned for us. Kind of makes you go hmmm.

And I swear, look at the guy, father is a studio director, kid drives a BMW, and is attending a school that’s piled full with Cali city college sluts. I don’t believe for a moment that this guy couldn’t get laid. Shit, when I was his age, I looked like the south end of a north bound donkey and I didn’t have any problem getting laid and I drove a rusty POS. Plus, the video is too polished, his demeanor seems to me like he’s acting and his body language and hand motions don’t exhibit any overt signs of the magma hot anger that courses through the veins of young men who are really socially ostracized.

So, I call bullshit.

And then there’s the issue of the slant of media coverage surrounding this alleged event. Remember the media hysteria surrounding the supposed Sandy Hook school massacre was entirely focused on gun control and drugging so-called “aberrant” young men who exhibited, “anti-social” behavior? Not a peep from the MSM about guns or anything else that promoted that narrative this time. What they have focused on is his posts on various forums like PUAHate (which has been taken down so no link forthcoming, Google it, plenty have saved his posts) and associated forums that dovetail with the new narrative and there’s a very good reason for that. The new narrative is spreading and to the elites it’s a trend that they in no way can let grow:

Men are waking up; as a matter of fact more men have woken up than they projected. And it scares the shit out of them.

So, I call bullshit on this obviously staged so-called incident. Look, if I were to consider anything like this, and I were the self-declared virgin that he purports to be, and I had a pretty good idea that I would die while perpetrating my sick plan, I’d make sure if I was a virgin that the prettiest bitch I intended to kill, I’d fuck first. That’s just me, but back when I was younger, and the Cold War was in full swing, me and my friends used to ask each other what we would do if the missiles launched and we only had an hour to live given we all lived twenty miles from a nuclear submarine base. To a man we all said, “I’d find the nearest girl and fuck her.” Me too.

If you’re a virgin and you know you’re going to die why not fuck that bitch you want to kill first? I would.

But that’s just me I guess. I’ve got no martyr issues dying a virgin.

Seems to me a waste of a perfectly good opportunity. Especially if you’re going to end up dead afterwards.

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