
Ezidi Kurd #racist assyrianvoice.net

Ancient old prophecy, the GOD’s will, is becoming a reality. The return of the Medes is a FACT! It is God’s will and nobody can act against GOD. After the genocide in Shengal/Ezdixan Tause Melek is accelerating the will of GOD and that is the free independent GREAT Kurdistan, with Ezdixan a federal region within Great Kurdistan, from Amed to Kermanshah.

There is no force/power in this world who can stop this divine process and act against the will of GOD. And definitely not subhuman Turkic Mongoloid or Arab Semitic moneys. Turks and Arabs are nothing but sh!ttttttttttt. They can do nothing, just useless bunch of subhuman monkeys.

The Kurdish ARYAN Phoenix is awaken!!

Ninveh #racist assyrianvoice.net

Well i don't know about global domination, but they are certainly making sure to wipe clean the name Assyrian and anything related to that name.

at this day and time if the jews are still preaching and I quote " forget what Hitler did to us, forget all that others made Israel suffer, but never forget what the Assyrians did to us" If they are trying to make it look or sound like they are interested in assyrian history then there is something behind it because not long ago at my first year at uni while I was telling people about my culture and history and who the Assyrians were, my archaeology lecturer was teaching thousands of student that the Assyrians are extinct and they no longer exist.

These are first hand experiences I had with jews, so you can call me ignorant or what ever you like I got my facts right and evidence handy.

A2reta4Eternity #fundie assyrianvoice.net

God is the single creator and a divine sphere and unseen.The creation of the GOD AND SON imply a person that’s distinct from the father (as becoming a human being of blood and flesh) and yet so closely akin to him as to be from the same substance with him meaning GOD as a divine sphere. Because GOD is divine he chose Virgin Mary to incarnate his persona in a human being as I mentioned above. Jesus was God’s creation to humanity as a prophet and savior.

Jesus IS NOT A JEW. Meaning Jesus Christ was ”Created” human for the sake of earthly existence so he could communicate with people in different ways. Jesus wasn’t created by a sexual interaction, meaning a sperm and an ova that make him eligiable to inherit his mother’s or father’s genes to belong to a ceratin race. The register of Jesus Christ forefathers in the New Testament is the background of his ”earthly parents”. JESUS is NOT Jewish.

I'm entitled to express my views without limitations, like you did, that's why it's called DEMOCRACY, right? Different point of views!

A2reta4Eternity #racist assyrianvoice.net

There are numerous restrictions surrounding us in order to organize a gradual obliteration of the rich history that make us clearly noticeable from other communities, culturally, historically and ethnically. Ever since the establishment of the independent liberal Jewish State in the Middle East, unfortunately the Jewish population especially POLITICIANS are striving to increase the worldwide attention on the current political arguments, spreading the destructive actions that were done against them in the Nazi-Germany because of their background and beliefs.

Unfortunately our population is emigrating from motherland to western socities and are constantly failing to receive recognition and attention from the most powerful countries in the world. Because the majority of Jewish population reside in the United States Of America they’re powerful in the politics and unfortunately are striving to have the main attention on their situation and convince the Americans that they’re the ultimate ingedious population that is existing in the Middle East.

I analyzed and understood their ideology which is to create a worldwide mission statement to create political problems in motherland so our remaining population their will constantly try to emigrate because of persucations and unstabil life. My dear fellow countrymen, this is the JEWISH PLAN! They struggle to convince nations that they’re the only indegious poulation remaining on this planet. They’ve powerful political positions in countless constitutions to monopolize political decisions.

It’s essential to keep in mind my fellow countrymen that Jewish people until this day haven’t forgotten and will not forgive us for ”Babylonian captivity” that was the creation of Nebuchadrezzar.

Don’t dare to say that I hate a specific group. I’m stating facts and I’m reflecting on what’s really happening under the TABEL!

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