
Salvador #fundie atheists.org

No ashtoreth, you wouldn’t have a problem using a sacred monument as museums, social clubs, sex clubs, estacy clubs, or for any other degenirate activity because all atheist are sodomites.

In fact, a leading atheist advocate and friend of Richard Dawkins, who is embraced by the atheist/communist community world wide, Peter Singer, suggest that beastiality is a moral activity. Rememher, this is a spoke person for your so called movement.


So there you go.

Again, that you’re not even bothered by the hypocrisy that one of the world’s bloodiest political systems, Atheism (aka Communism) would emphasize the Spanish Inquistion, (which happend no less than 500 years before), just shows where your moral compass is.

javier #fundie atheists.org

Its in human nature for people to want others to be like them, so it follows that gay's would like everyone to be like them. No human race, selfish. How do you know there are always going to be plenty of straight people, over the last few years there seems to be more and more gays, if they keep "coming out " at this rate how long before they outnumber straights. Or are you saying it will slow up and stop at a certain point. Mind you its only an observation, I don't realy care, by that time I will be dead and then I'm out of it, or if the belivers are right I'm really in it. Either way they can fill their boots, or anything else as I won't be here to see it.

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