
Carolyn Hamlett #conspiracy beyondthephysical.blogspot.ca

Yes, and even the people who bought my childhood home once contacted me to ask me if I had ever seen any "UFO's after they, formerly being unbelievers, experienced something that they claimed had been an alien saucer shaped craft at that house.

I don't talk much about this. As I mentioned earlier, the organization that is implementing the NWO has two major divisions of operation, one involves the physical workings of "The Plan" and the other involves the supernatural. I was trained and worked in both areas. It is from my experience that I can tell you that there are demons and there are other evil "principalities" who are not demons. I know the Greys to be an evil principality. Unlike demons, Grey's are biological life forms that can freely interact on this 3rd dimensional level. Because they are biological entities, they do indeed need and have physical crafts. The Greys have been around for a very long time, have shared technology with the US military and can not be trusted. The last I knew, the US military was working with the Greys on a now near future mass abduction of a selected group of individuals and some entire families. The major center is an Air Force Base in the western USA, which I do not want to specify right now.

Are Greys real? Yes. Does the military want to cover this up? Of course. Will the organization behind the plan for the NWO fake an invasion? They are prepared to, but this doesn't necessarily mean that they will go through with it.

Incidentally, I do have on my right thigh a deep indentation that is now covered with scar tissue. It originally resembled a deep tissue punch biopsy. I have no idea how it happened. I woke up one morning when I was in my preteen years with the deep hollow puncture on my leg. Though it was alarming to suddenly find this, I never told a soul. Years later, as I was flipping through the TV channels, I saw pictures of the same wound in the same location on others. It was a show on "alien abductees" who claimed that the Greys had taken skin samples. How did I get my wound? I don't know.

I also have a circular spot on my left hand just above my thumb and index finger. It is in the same area known as the "valley of harmony pressure point". It appeared over night about 20 years ago. It looks like an age spot, but is the only one I have. I have seen pictures of the same thing in the same position on the hands of people who claim that they were abducted by the Greys and marked. Sounds hokey even to me, but I do not dismiss the slight possibility of me being purposely marked by someone.

Carolyn Hamlett #fundie beyondthephysical.blogspot.ca

At this point I have no memory of witnessing any human sacrifices. I do remember some horrifying occasions where animals were slowly tortured to death as a part of the trauma based mind control.

Separate from this, in my early adulthood, I did have close friends who were practicing Satanists and sacrificed one human that I know about. I didn't witness it, but I might as well have because of the very graphic details I was given. I only knew about that sacrifice because my friends came home to warn me that the police might be paying me a visit to ask me questions. During the time of the first sacrifice, the second one to be sacrificed, a young woman, had managed to escape. As my friends had feared, she was able to contact the police, which soon led to their arrest. After a huge publicized trial, the high priest was jailed for the murder.

Since I worked in both the supernatural and the physical divisions, events took place in both the physical and the supernatural.

The mind control, human experimentation and torture took place physically.

There were quite a few physical places where rituals and "teaching" or "programming" by way of Satanic rituals took place. I am pretty sure that MacDill Air Force Base is one place. I have memories of Satanic rituals that took place in basements. There were very few basements in my area, so I am pretty sure where these events took place. One place was a school and one was a hospital (I know the names of these places, but I am not going to say here). Some events that involved trauma and rituals took place where some people affiliated with the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus assembled.

In the supernatural, we held numerous ceremonies for various occasions. Some were in a physical place like a physical headquarters, a cathedral, and sometimes at the ruins of an ancient temple.

Sometimes we met in other realms.

Carolyn #fundie beyondthephysical.blogspot.ca

I explain that it was a group effort that actually began the first day my husband and I went to the occult church back in 1978. The people that became the group were the very people I mention in the last interview whom my mentor had told me the ascended masters had sent her to recruit. In my last interview I go into detail about how my husband, myself and 3 other individuals just happened to enter the church lobby at the same time for the first visit ever to that occult church. All of us had felt drawn to attend that church that Sunday and just happened to all walk in at the same time.
It began so innocently. My mentor was the most sought after person in that occult church because of her psychic abilities. When she quietly singled the few of us out of the crowd to give her undivided attention to, it was quite an honor. I don't think any of the church goers were aware of the special attention she was giving to the five of us. On Sundays she secretly passed to us almost like a dope deal, cassette tapes she had made of her teaching for us. No one seemed to be the wiser.
She began by teaching us some of the Bible. As far as I know we all had the same lessons, but she supplemented other teaching to us on an individual basis according to our level of understanding and according to what she was trying to work in each of us. She didn't want us to read the Bible for ourselves. She told us what the Bible said and we were tested on what she said the Bible said.
Soon she was teaching about Jesus Christ, but it still was not the Jesus Christ as Savior that Christians believe in. She led the small group in a mock salvation experience. Why would she do this? Because the members of the group had been introduced to the true Christian teaching of Jesus Christ at an early age. It was like a dormant seed in them that could grow if they actually heard the truth in a real Christian church. You can't infiltrate a Christian church with people who are not secure in their own faith..in our case...a Luciferian New Age "higher thought" version faith which our mentor had to establish in all of first.
My mentor had to do delicate surgery to teach her students about Jesus Christ from the Bible, to make it look like it was Christianity and to convince them all that they were "born again" so they would never think that they were not "born again". Therefore, they would forever think they were "born again" and "saved" and that no Christian had anything to offer them. She convinced our small group that our profession of faith to her version of Jesus Christ was salvation and therefore what the church offered was just a lower version of what each person in our group had already done.That is a very deceptive tactic. From that point, my mentor could slowly move the students away from the truth of who Jesus Christ is and back into more solid Luciferian lies all the while they continued to believe that they were "born again", but just more enlightened than other Christians.
When our mentor felt sure she had done her job with us, she told us about a charasmatic church she had been scoping out.

Carolyn Hamlett #fundie beyondthephysical.blogspot.ca

The Greys":

Both of my parent had seen crafts. My father had at least one close encounter of the 3rd kind.I go into some of the details from my first abduction.

- I describe a little about that craft.

- I mention some about the different types of Greys on that craft.

- I mention some about cloning.

- I mention some about the telepathic operated computer system.

- I describe some of the hybrids.
- Using the name of Jesus Christ to stop an abduction:
There are many reports of people thwarting their abduction by calling on the Name of Jesus Christ. Daniel Duval shares a story of one such event. My friend Todd whom I mention in the program has also had people tell him that they have thwarted their own abduction by saying the name of Jesus Christ. If you are not able to speak, try thinking or saying in your mind, "In the Name of Jesus Christ!" Will that stop every abduction? I don't know, but I certainly would encourage you to try that.
Prayers intervene and circumvent before things can happen.
Before you go to sleep at night, pray.

Carolyn Hamlett #fundie beyondthephysical.blogspot.ca

The "Ascended Masters"are not what they claim to be.
They claim to be highly evolved spiritual beings that have moved beyond the earth’s total cyclic law of karma of birth and rebirth. Some of them claim to have come from stars, some from other planets, and others claim to have come from other realms or planes of existence. Their proposed ‘benevolent’ purpose is to raise the unified consciousness of mankind to a higher spiritual level and to bring about an era of global peace and equality.
Their true identity and purpose is revealed only to top initiates who have risen to the highest level of ‘enlightenment’. Initiates must also have been proven to be loyal and trustworthy to the organization and to the proposed Plan.

It is at this final stage of illumination that one is shown the pure truth, That it is Lucifer who sits on the seat of authority and that the ‘beloved’ ascended masters are masters of deception. They are the enemies of the Righteous Creator of the universe and all that is Pure and Holy.

They are dark stars, fallen angels, all of them. Their “Plan” has never been about raising the spiritual consciousness of mankind. It has always been about power and control.
While they would have you believe that the body is a curse, they crave the pleasures of this physical world and lust after the power it affords them.
The era of global peace and equality that they promise is candy coated poison.
They are the authors of The Plan for the New World Order, a plan that has been in the works for many generations.

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