
brisbeethewhite #sexist brisbeethewhite.livejournal.com

[…]I'm sorry, but those that said that there was very little difference between the way that men and women think ... HA! And HA again! Yes, men and women think very differently! Of course, personality traits are on a spectrum, and individuals will fall in different sides of the spectrum. But it's a fact that more women tend to make decisions on emotional reactions while men tend to work more on logic. It doesn't make one 'better' than the other, but I won't deny that my emotional involvement with my dogs colors my judgement on how I train my dogs. If I were more 'logical' about our training process, I would probably be more 'successful'. However, let it be said I like my mushy female brain and I don't want to trade.

Next, men, in general, are more competitive than women. Once again, not a good or bad thing, it just IS. Doesn't mean that women can't be competitive, but your average male will be more competitive than your average female. Call it social conditioning, a sex trait or what have you, men are just competitive. Combine that with a logical and focused method of training, the right dog, and I can totally see how this would end up with more successful male competitor. Compare this to the woman that is it in more for the 'relationship' with her dog and doesn't care much about winning. I really think that men and women tend to use different measures for 'success'. Men want 'concrete' accomplishments while women tend to want to 'feel good' about what they've done.[…]

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