
Jeremy G #sexist #fundie headcoveringmovement.com

[…]They see males and females worshiping together as equals. On top of all that through head coverings our women show all present that their position as a woman is also redeemed. No longer are they at war usurping and longing for the man’s position of authority (Gen 3:16). Instead they’re content in the role God ordained for them in Genesis 2.[…]

andresno2028 #sexist youtube.com

(Video about should the age of consent be lower)
If you consider science, specifically biology and psychology, 12 or 13. Intergenerational relationships are natural. It's better if one partner is older in case of pregnancy. The older partner has more ability to take financial or at least behavioral responsibility. If you make it a taboo and force it underground, then that's when it creates problems like prohibition.

throwaway-owl2343, mdzeeshanansari, #sexist reddit.com

(Okay I was wrong. Not the whole comment section is crazy.)

Bro I agree the law is wrong. Aisha was 9 but Aisha hit puberty exceptionally early, not to mention she was born 1400 years ago. 3 year olds back then were toughening up in the desert not watching baby shark.

Most 9 year olds today don’t have periods and aren’t psychologically mature.

you are projecting things

Western hypocrisy

teenagers are having tons of abortions due to casual sexual intercourse and you are here preaching that it is pedophilia ?

it is marriage and it is good to be married young

throwaway-owl2343 #sexist reddit.com

(The whole comment section is crazy)

Even in this very day and age there are many societies. Young girls in remote African villages work and are mature, while their western equivalents still play games.

Islamically a girl can marry once she’s hit puberty and is mature.

She must consent to the marriage, and the father must consent.

In the west a child is allowed to cut off their genitalia because it’s their choice, they can have group sex as teenagers and it’s legal, but God forbid a teenager wants to get married to a mature man and every party consents. That’s immoral!

Gjgp27, those_eyes #sexist comicvine.gamespot.com

The ultimate take down of feminism, hehehe.
But seriously, tell me of the several successful matriarchies who are not only well known, but had lasting influence and power for generations. Tell me of the communities full of women that are boomingly successful. There's so many, right?
Meanwhile, I can tell you of several instances where matriarchal influence has done nothing but hinder a society or group.
The effiminization of the Christian church is what led to the downfall of its substantial impact, also displayed in its push for emotionalism and lack of intellectualism. For instance, go to a Christian bookstore and what will you see more of: group 1; Christian historical books, theology books, hermeneutics, and apologetics, or group 2: women's devotional books?
The black community is notorious for being filled with and ran by some of the most bottom barrel women, and is it doing any better for reversed gender roles and shaking off the patriarchy? Hell, some ghettoes look like third world countries.
In the white world of Dunham esque liberals, stats show kids become better not only with fathers, but that single fathers produce better kids than single mothers. Also, many women who choose to shrug off traditional family values engage in acts that get them several unsavory "accomplishments": tattoos, bastard kids, shacking up while complaining that their man "won't marry them", and getting relationship advice from women who have no men, can't interact with men, and or hate men.
So, feminists, tell me again how going against the Patriarchy is good for society?

Women act like men should automatically respect them but they don't realize they need to earn respect.

tomofukuoka #sexist comicvine.gamespot.com

America and a lot of the West is in end times, enjoy your days because big change is coming when Rome burns

very few West nations are making babies, the women are just getting older and angrier, too much decadence, corruption, multi culturalism, lies and loss of overall value

If you look at humans as a pack of dogs or monkeys or whatever animals then you must give the more primitive cultures credit....look at humans and look at your own people objectively.....primite culture they do basic thing. Take some people like Burundi in Africa and all the ethnic wars or extreme Arabs or ISIS in the Middle East.....they breed a lot, they also hate the other group or they kill or a war with everone else.....nobody beats them and as long as they keep poping out more babies than their enemy, if they can keep poping our kids to replace the lost soldiers they will never lose

Eventually all this will fall because the West can't keep doing charity and Empire building forever....and all these places Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Egypt....all these places will fall when the West can no longer hand out aid and chairty....for the past few decades the West has been fighting against mother nature....but eventually all these numbers come back, you can't argue with figures and facts and eventually mother nature will re-balance itself

I find it amusing how most Femenists target Western men, when Western men had done lots of things for womens cause and womens lib....at the same time these same Femenists refuse to fight real women haters and women killers like ISIS and the extreme arabs of the middle east....they would rather bash the western man, a much softer tamer more civilized target […]

Super Adam #sexist comicvine.gamespot.com

Matriarchies don't work because of simple natural selection. Natural selection picks the civilizations whose women do absolutely nothing but pop out babies 24/7 as the ones to produce the next generation of humans. Virtually any social movement that was against reproduction ironically was wiped out within a few generations.

@cable_extreme said:
@superadam: how are matriarchies agaisnt reproduction?

It takes a woman nine months to have a child. It takes a man five minutes to a couple hours. Because of this difference, women have to dedicate themselves to doing nothing but reproduction for a society to flourish, reproductively. Whereas men do not.

@cable_extreme said:
@superadam: for the 9 months out of thier lives that they are pregnant

Someone has to raise the child to adulthood, and that can take like 14-18 years. Its virtually impossible to raise a child and support yourself and the child, at the same time. That's why most single mothers are on welfare and collect child support. Its also very difficult to support yourself while your going through a pregnancy. Patriarchy simply makes the most sense reproductively.

Dr. David Menton #fundie answersingenesis.org


According to many evolutionists today, dinosaurs are really not extinct but rather are feeding at our bird feeders even as we speak. For many evolutionists, it would seem, birds simply are dinosaurs. With this sort of bias, it is quite easy for evolutionists to find supposed evidence to support the notion that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

But what does the Bible tell us about the origin of birds, and just how good is the scientific evidence that some dinosaurs evolved into birds?

What Does the Bible Say about the Origin of Birds?

Birds were created on Day Five and dinosaurs on Day Six.

In the first chapter of Genesis, verse 21, we read that on Day Five of creation, God created “every winged fowl after its kind.” This includes birds that flew above the earth (Genesis 1:20). Man and land animals were created on Day Six of the Creation Week (Genesis 1:24–31). Were there land birds that didn’t fly originally? I would leave open the possibility, but a discussion of this is beyond the scope of this chapter. Most ornithologists say that these birds are secondarily flightless (i.e., they lost the ability to fly). This would be due to variance within kind or to mutational losses since creation. So, the best possibility is that birds were created on Day Five as flyers, and some have lost this ability, but I wouldn’t be dogmatic.

Birds are of many different “kinds.”

Genesis 1:21 says that God created every winged bird after its “kind.” The following verse says they were to multiply, or reproduce; so the logical connection is that birds of the same kind can reproduce. The Hebrew word for “kind” in Genesis refers to any group of animals capable of interbreeding and reproducing according to their type. For example, all dogs and dog-like animals, such as wolves and coyotes, are capable of interbreeding and thus would represent one “kind,” even though some are classified today as different species.

This does not mean, however, that all birds represent a single created kind and thus share a common ancestry. The Bible tells us that there are many different bird kinds (plural). The Levitical dietary laws (Leviticus 11:13–19), for example, list many different bird kinds as being unclean. This gives further biblical support for multiple created bird kinds.[…]

Unknown #fundie answersingenesis.org

Why Birds Are Not Dinosaurs (And Why It Matters)

[…] Consequently, we have determined that they have interpreted the evidence of the so-called feathered dinosaurs through an evolutionary perspective.

Dinosaurs are land-dwelling animals. That means they were made on day six of creation (Genesis 1:24–25). Almost all birds are flying creatures to some degree, and they all have wings. Therefore, they most likely were all made on day five (Genesis 1:20–22).
Dinosaurs are land-dwelling animals. That means they were made on day six of creation (Genesis 1:24–25). Almost all birds are flying creatures to some degree, and they all have wings. Therefore, they most likely were all made on day five (Genesis 1:20–22). By saying or agreeing with the evolutionary claim that birds are dinosaurs or are most similar to dinosaurs, Dr. McLain is mixing groups made on different days of creation. Further, he is lumping groups that Adam would have been able to distinguish. Remember in Genesis 2 that God brought the animals to Adam to name. This implies that Adam was capable of both naming them and distinguishing between them by sight. There is no reason why dinosaurs and birds should be considered similar unless it is presumed a priori that some dinosaurs had feathers. If that assumption is rejected (as it should be), there is little similarity between an Allosaurus or Stegosaurus and a penguin or cardinal. This fits with the scriptural implication that Adam could visually distinguish between groups.

Few-Day-9744 #sexist reddit.com

Matriarchal societies don't exist, human society is by nature patriarchal.

its by nature neither, but patriarchy immerged with agriculture.


It's by nature since men are biologically dominant, physically stronger, historically leaders being the norm and women being the very rare exception, and men by nature being more active and able in situations of need, conflict, or distress than women.
If you don't like it then i guess you prefer your fantasy over nature.

Saying you studied something isn't an argument, so my point still stands.
Learn the most basic aspect of a debate you startrek loving onlyfans incel, I'm sure you, a poster of science fiction memes, is totally more educated in regards to human nature outside his mom's basement if you could only drag yourself outside of it.

Jinna #sexist womenagainstfeminism.com

The patriarchy is a child-centered society. It is interested in birth and survival rates of children, and that is why males were drafted. Male disposability led to more children.  The patriarchy comes from difficult times, it was born in hard times, it is a very social system, an efficient system, and it’s a survival mechanism.
We know it leads to successful societies because many of the major cultures that dominate the world today have a patriarchal history. And we can see this most clearly through the fact that the world’s major religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism all come from cultures which support the patriarchy. All of these religions and the cultures that support them speak of female obedience to her husband and male responsibility and dominance over to his family.
Most of the world’s major cultures have patriarchal roots, this is a map showing the major religions of each country as it was in 1960. It is taken from Hans Rosling’s talk on religion and babies.

Since people who share the same religion also often share common cultural practices with respect to structuring family life, and the cultures associated with the major religions in the picture above are all patriarchal, we can see that the patriarchal way of structuring society has had a lot of success.
What happens in such a society is that men do not take care of or even know their kids. Women work and take all the steady, easy and good jobs. Men, who only need to take care of themselves, take the unstable and unreliable jobs, the hard jobs.

Got Questions #fundie gotquestions.org

The idea that Yahweh started out as an Edomite, Midianite, or Canaanite deity is a modern myth promoted by secular scholars. The starting point for these theorists is an anti-scholarly bias against the possibility that God is who the Bible says He is, namely, the one-and-only Creator, Author of life, Judge, and Savior of the world (Genesis 1:1; 18:25; Acts 3:15; John 3:16). Rather than acknowledge that God made man in God’s image (Genesis 1:26–27), they assume that man made God in man’s image. And when you begin with a premise that is an error, you’re guaranteed an invalid conclusion.[…]

Busters #fundie demonbuster.com

"PARENTS BEWARE!" Demon images are taking over the Toy Departments and the cartoon programming on your television! These images show up in the forms of Charms, Trolls, Monsters, and violence...signs of Pagan Idolatry carefully camouflaged...like Trolls with Demonic faces...but dressed in cute little "dolly" clothes to be accepted as a toy and hugged and loved by a child.

Let's examine the origin of Trolls. Where did they come from? These cute, ugly Demons that have captivated American children epitomize today's delight in "new-paganism" when joined to popular ideals. While the "Trolls of Scandinavian Fairy Tales would uproot trees, enslave beautiful ladies and turn people into stone with cruel spells, the toy makers are quoting poems and sayings to try and seduce and deceive the REAL origin of these Demons. For Example: "There was a time...when waters were clean and forests untouched...When ancient legends spoke of "Guardians of the Earth."

In Scandinavian lands, these mysterious creatures were Trolls...and were known to guard what was left of the Earth's natural treasures. This theory of fantasy can only help to encourage "New Age" thinking...like "Mother Earth...save our environment"...as if God would create anything that would not last, until He was ready for it to disappear. But, if our little children are introduced to these myths at such a young age...as they grow...satan can introduce this fantasy lie and encourage it to be accepted as truth.

It was said the "trolls" were rarely seen, people believed and pretended. Isn't it strange today these nearly forgotten Demon creatures are once again in our midst...working their Earth magic to help Humans? More of Satan's lies flowing out to capture the mind and control it."

Just found this in our BIG dictionary:

"In Scandinavian folklore, any of a race of supernatural beings, sometime conceived as giants and sometime as dwarfs, inhabiting caves or subterranean dwelling. [1610-20; <ON troll demon]."


No-Breath6663 #sexist reddit.com

5.5% is NOT low. That's RIDICULOUS.

Fbi data showed 7% of rape allegations were PROVEN FALSE IN COURT. It is literally harder to prove allegations false than prove a real rape happened. And the rate of conviction is 10%. False rape allegations are literally more than TWICE as likely as the 2nd most likely false allegation, which is false accusation of theft.


think about that. The proven rate of false allegations is 7% roughly. Compared to about 10% conviction rate. Somewhere in the middle is the rate of actual rapes, and likely has a strong bias towards false allegations as they are so freaking hard to prove to be false in court.

It is NOT low. It's REALLY high.

LaloTwinsDa2nd and No-Breath6663 #sexist reddit.com

Women are simply lying about this pretty consequential thing
Reason #1762 I’m not a feminist

In 2005-2009 they released metastudies where the data clearly demonstrates that the MINIMUM number of false accusations were between 2.1%-10.9%

And feminists used this data to conclude that the MAXIMUM number of false accusations were <1%

They built a culture around it, modern day society is built of this intentionally misleading interpretation.

Most women here probably just believe it. Every time you’ve ever seen someone claim it’s a fact that false accusations rarely happen they were lying.

It’s not a fact it’s a hypothesis.

Sure it’s based off these and now hundreds of studies findings; that the rate of false accusations they know for sure are false are low (around 5.5% consistently)

But those are the ones they know for certain are false.

If you genuinely believe false accusations are low as fact, you either don’t know you’ve been lied to or are a liar.

Robin #fundie biblejournalclasses.com

For hundreds of years, fairies have been prevalent in fantasy literature and folklore. In the last twenty years, they are becoming more and more popular and even appear in Bible journaling. I've had concerns about seeing fairies on Bible journal pages. Call me overzealous. I don't see how this kind of folklore is of representative of God's Word.
What is even more concerning to me is when I questioned why we would want to merge God's Word with fairy creatures I was met with an amazing amount of resistance, justification, and eye-rolling. It is concerning when one is so in tune and defending using the "world's creatures" as representative of than God-given Scriptures there is a problem.

What Does the Bible Say?
Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness. 1 Timothy 4:7

"Silly myths" are false beliefs and practices. These concepts are not supported by Scripture; in fact, they contradict God's Word. They are the kinds of teachings that foolish people would debate, not devout Christians. Titus was likewise warned by Paul regarding "Jewish fables" (Titus 1:14). In his second letter to Timothy, Paul warned him about the same "fables" (2 Tim. 4:4).

Paul advised Timothy to stick to "the sound doctrine that you have closely followed up to this point" (1 Tim. 4:6b). He cautioned him not to "pay attention to falsehoods and lengthy genealogies" (1 Tim. 1:4).
According to the Bible, they (the fairies) are silly. Just as the easter bunny, mermaids, and Santa Clause are silly and not worth or time.

@MaryLynnJones-cl8cj #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

When covid vaccines were introduced. Everyone rushed off in fear to get their vaccination.
I prayed to God about what to do.
The answer came in 3 weeks.
I had 2 consecutive dreams over 2 nights. The first was about a spiritual elephant trying to catch me and squash the life out of me.
The second dream was about 3 very large rats with very long snouts. Two were running around the floor and a third was emerging from a hole in the wall. I caught one and it twisted around and bit me. Two neat holes on my wrist. The rat didnt feel like a rat but felt like a wooly lamb which to me speaks of deception.
I woke up and asked God what the dreams meant. After another 3 weeks i decided to get the vax. But immediately God brought to mind the meaning of the dreams.
The elephant was covid. The rats were the injections.
I never did get vaccinated as God was warning me not to.

matthewteichmann #fundie youtube.com

​@Jaisee14I grew up in a Christian household and we are told to fear the Lord. Why? Because the Lord loves us and wants us to do right. Guess what good parents do? They put fear into their children because they love them. I'm 31 now and I am happy to say that both my parents used physical discipline when they really needed to and because of that I learned quickly to listen and respect my parents. And so did my sister

Various comments #fundie youtube.com

(Comments from an “anti woke ad”)
5 days ago
Now that is a powerful ad! I’m so thankful to God that Trump is our new president is here to kill the woke virus.

5 days ago
From Paraguay, I am watching this. I wanted to make a comment to congratulate apple for this but its channel doesn't allow comments.

5 days ago
That would be wonderful. However, I suspect that it will just be in remission. It will still infect local and state governments. It will also continue to plague foreign hosts, some of which are already in the terminal stages. You need to look no further than Canada and the UK.

5 days ago
Yes me too it’s is such a blessing!

5 days ago
@TheYika1 AMEN!!

5 days ago
If you think Tump is for God you are deluded...

5 days ago
@thegiantcookie7614 and are you saying that the other candidate is ? She threw people out of a rally for taking God's name.

5 days ago
@thegiantcookie7614 keep crying kamala,

4 days ago
Before I read your comment I said Thsnk you God for letting Trump win. Its amazing how quickly things turned around.

4 days ago
That is why God put Trump in the position, because He follows God and he reads the Bible.

Anonymous #fundie dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com

Paul does not give us any clue as to what specific myths he was referring, but any fabricated fable, superstitions speculation, or imagination of the heart, is very detrimental to a Christian's spiritual growth, contradictory to biblical truth, and an obstacle to one's hope in the Lord.

Every culture and each generation has its own particular brand of magical folk-lore or frightening tales of the unexpected, which are satanically inspired, and give rise to anxious thoughts and fearful hearts. All are counter to the freedom we have in Christ and inevitably choke one's faith and enslave one's soul.

All forms of false teaching, whether fanciful myths, endless genealogies, cultish practices, false religions, Gnostic doctrine, or legalistic customs, are antithetical to God's Word of truth because they give rise to ungodly speculations and unbiblical philosophies. They are false teachings which cause untold damage in the spiritual development of believers while hindering the dissemination of the gospel of God, which is by FAITH.

The dangers of which Paul warned Timothy, are equally concerning in our time and our culture. May we take to heart this teaching on the dangers of all forms of apostasy, give heed all his instructions on godly living, look to Scripture as our plumb-line for truth, and translate it into our daily practice, for His name's sake.  

Heaven Updates, OlipahNalungwe, faith1222 #sexist #fundie youtube.com

{Submitter’s note: A fundie video and comments claiming women wearing pants is evil and cause men to lust (as if dresses stop some men from harassing us.)}



( OlipahNalungwe )
Alot of women wear trousers O Lord! Help the world before it's too late

( EviaChakuamba )
If you love Him obey His word.
You cant rely on mercy and keep on sinning. Mercy is only available to those who repented.
When l looked in the dictionary the meaning of trousers it says
a man's outer garment.

( Heaven Updates )
I think you don't know who your Father is by now 🤔..

He said, 👇👇👇

(Matthew 5:28)
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

What do you think the trousers does when a woman wears it, don't you think it draws her shapes in that trousers and make the men to lust after her..

Then I ask you, will the DEVIL ask you to take PRE-CAUTION against making men to lust after you??

Many of us out here don't really know what is right for our soul..

I pray God help us know him better...🙏🙏

( faith1222 )
​@mhodupe_xmaybe, but don't be the cause of men's lust. They might still lust after you, even if you were covered from head to toe, but that is their problem. The important thing is you obey the will of the Holy Father by being modest and well covered. DO NOT BE THE SOURCE OF TEMPTATION, cause you will give an account for that.

Heaven Updates #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot youtube.com

(A transcript from the video about how cartoon characters are actually demons)
when we were here praying as this Vision
passed before my eyes I began to see
cartoons in the vision initially I saw
the Road Runner then I saw the devil of
Tasmania I saw many cartoons that are
shown to children on television in this
Vision these cartoon characters were
alive they were not just animated
characters they were living beings I saw
that they became alive and they were
turned to real demons brother we always
think that these animated cartoons are
made through drawings we think that
artists just imagine and draw these
cartoons which are then
animated yet in this Vision I saw that
these animated characters were alive
they are not just the imagination of men
they were no longer cartoons they were
transfigured into demons thus behind
every animated character that children
are watching there is demonic influence […]

EdwinS142931 #crackpot aarp.org

Those were real vaccines. Anyone who got the Covid quaxxine is anti-vaxx because it is NOT a vaccine. A vaccine is a suspension of sensitized, attenuated, or killed, bacteria injected into the body to induce immunity to the same species of bacteria or their toxins. The Covid-19 quaxxine has nothing in common with a vaccine. It creates NO IMMUNITY from the Chinese flu.

John Cimbala, MakiinStaysUp #fundie youtube.com

(The description)
[…]But what about ape-men? Ape-men are never mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Why? Because there were no ape-men! The Bible clearly states that human beings were created in the image of God, fully human from the very beginning. Likewise no fossils or bones of bonafied ape-men have ever been discovered or dug up. Why? Because they never existed. There is no such thing as an "ape-man!" In fact, all such claims of fossil ape-men are either (1) fully human, (2) fully ape, (3) some other creature, or (4) a hoax. Human beings did not evolve from some kind of ape-like creature. Don't confuse cavemen with ape-men.There is no such thing as an ape-man!

(Comment from user)


yeah they trick you and tell us we evolved from the ape like men. but god curses the isrealites in the tower of babel and turned them into ape men thats how humans ever got straight hair the isrealites had wooly hair

Karin Viet and Darius Viet #fundie answersingenesis.org

First, similarities between organisms—like those between humans and apes—cannot be used to prove evolution.
First, similarities between organisms—like those between humans and apes—cannot be used to prove evolution. All living creatures down to bacteria share similarities (for example, see this article for more information on similarities). We can argue that the similarities are actually evidence for a common Designer. Why wouldn’t God create living things using similar principles? After all, an artist or builder will often create different works with a similar design.

Second, God designed apes to show His creative power, but belief in man as a highly evolved ape may become a sign of judgment when man honors the creature rather than the Creator

Biblical Gender Roles #sexist #fundie biblicalgenderroles.com

Why God Wants You to Stay in an Abusive Relationship
But when we read the Scriptures we see a very different view of how we should respond to abuse:
“18 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. 19 For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.20 For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: 23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: 24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”
I Peter 2:18-24 (KJV)
When we endure grief or suffer wrongly at the hands of others, in other words when we endure mistreatment which is abuse and take it patiently the Scriptures tell us “this is acceptable with God”.  God is not excusing the actions of the abusers.  But God is saying when we are on the receiving end of various kinds of abuse and we take it patiently that this is acceptable with God.
Such a thought is foreign to our thinking but the Scriptures tell us “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8).
We often talk on this blog about how God likes to image or model things.  Man was created to image God and thereby bring him glory (I Corinthians 11:7) and woman and by extension marriage was created to help man fully image God as a husband and father (I Corinthians 11:9, Ephesians 5:22-33).  When it comes to this matter of suffering abuse – we, both men and women, actually model Christ when we suffer abuse from others taking it patiently as he did. And that is why God wants you to stay in an abusive relationship.

joshualister8362 #fundie youtube.com

1 year ago (edited)
Great episode! I wish you would have hammered home the fact that dinosaurs and dragons have a lot of overlap. We’ve literally dug up giant terrible lizard bones and modern killjoys try to remove all the wonder by throwing millions of years at it and saying they couldn’t possibly have lived at the same time as mankind.

Lori Alexander #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

Last week, there was a video clip of a woman in an airport. At first, it looked like she was under a pile of people and when she climbed out, she was completely naked from the waist down with her bra on. One breast eventually fell out of her bra. She was screeching and fighting anyone who came near to her. She was doing obscene things with her body. (There were many people around her witnessing all of this.) The cops had no idea what to do with her. They eventually got her down to the floor on her stomach and handcuffed her but it was a fight. Several people below the video commented that someone should have put a blanket around her for her dignity. Yes, this poor woman needs to be clothed, not just with a blanket but with the righteous clothes that only Jesus can give to her if she would only repent and believe in Him.
This caused me to think about feminism and how it is complete rebellion to God and His will for women. “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Samuel 15:23). Be aware that feminism is leading more and more women into witchcraft, and witchcraft leads to mental illness, insanity, and demon possession. Feminism and witchcraft are NOTHING to fool around with, women.

John M #sexist quora.com

Biology says that a female is ready and able to bear children when she starts to menstruate. Biology is always right and biology always knows best. Also a females body doesn't need to be fully grown and fully developed for it to be safe for her to get pregnant and give birth. A females hips are also wide enough at those ages. Most females bodies are also fully grown and fully developed by age 15 and all peoples bodies are fully grown and are fully developed by age 17.

@Simone.in.Norway #sexist youtube.com

Men are physically stronger than women. It's not rocket science. An that's the reason why they have been in the position where they have been throughout history, including the position of being expended for the sake of women and children. But eventually, In the comfort of this modern world, physical strength has lost much of its value, and consequently the traditional position of men in society has been put into question.

In the softness of this modern digital era, most people have been relieved from hard physical work, and they have forgotten how hard life was for both men and women throughout history. And it's this very same comfort that grants people the privilege to dwell in their existential resentment and vent all their frustrations against the "patriarchy", "toxic masculinity" and other "social constructs" ... ending up incarnating the very problem that they claim to fight against. Pure projection.

YouTube comments #sexist youtube.com


Comment section of that video highlighting once again why women historically had no rights at all.



They still don't because rights are in your head.


Yea that whole womens rights movement caused a lot of trouble

I wonder who caused it ⚡


"In my time, it was acceptable to own slaves"

- you, probably


@_synchrophasotron Way to take a statement out of context. He’s saying historically it is a good example on the reasoning behind why they didn’t have rights. He’s not saying he condones slavery. Sensitive.

QuetzalcoatlOdin #sexist youtube.com

Exactly. Let's bear in mind folks women hate each other, as adults they'll give advice that is harmful for the other so they can better their position in society

@MayaMaya-tj7kw first I've seen far too many cases where women give other women advice that was not in their friends best interest. Secondly he needed Kleenex, do tell me how hard done-by you are. Women had their chance for 50 years they showing they can't handle the responsibility and accountability needed in order to have those freedoms. I'm not saying it's not possible, just that Western culture women have not got those qualities in general.

Christopher Parks #sexist quora.com

Schopenhauer was extreme but he was right about a lot of things. Women behaving like adult children is one. Whether it’s wining and complaining, the inherent solipsism, the shirking of responsibility for their actions, or the overall lack of an ability to control emotions, women IN GENERAL have a childish mindset which makes sense because women are babied by our society. Obviously not all women but enough to be important enough to bring up in a discussion. Everyone these days are afraid to say anything that can been seen as negative about women because they think they’ll be labeled as misogynist, women haters, and for women “pick me’s”. The truth is women have a tendency to certain flaws just like men have a tendency to certain flaws and as free willed humans we can and I’d even venture to say should work to fix. Schopenhauer does a decent job at pointing them out. Does he seem to have some annimus towards women? Yes. Was he right about a lot of things? Also yes. Both can be true.

@connorohare229 #sexist #fundie youtube.com

Egalitarianism has been the cruelest joke on our civilization.

We were taught and brainwashed from youth to worship this man made false idol from birth and told to ignore the God of objective reality, of hierarchy, of a recognition of man's innate inequities, and most importantly, the need of salvation from Him(Christ).

brisbeethewhite #sexist brisbeethewhite.livejournal.com

[…]I'm sorry, but those that said that there was very little difference between the way that men and women think ... HA! And HA again! Yes, men and women think very differently! Of course, personality traits are on a spectrum, and individuals will fall in different sides of the spectrum. But it's a fact that more women tend to make decisions on emotional reactions while men tend to work more on logic. It doesn't make one 'better' than the other, but I won't deny that my emotional involvement with my dogs colors my judgement on how I train my dogs. If I were more 'logical' about our training process, I would probably be more 'successful'. However, let it be said I like my mushy female brain and I don't want to trade.

Next, men, in general, are more competitive than women. Once again, not a good or bad thing, it just IS. Doesn't mean that women can't be competitive, but your average male will be more competitive than your average female. Call it social conditioning, a sex trait or what have you, men are just competitive. Combine that with a logical and focused method of training, the right dog, and I can totally see how this would end up with more successful male competitor. Compare this to the woman that is it in more for the 'relationship' with her dog and doesn't care much about winning. I really think that men and women tend to use different measures for 'success'. Men want 'concrete' accomplishments while women tend to want to 'feel good' about what they've done.[…]

Anonymous #homophobia thecrimson.com

I was talking with a friend yesterday about gay rights when he declared, "discrimination against gays; it's the same as discrimination against Blacks." Opponents of the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) use the same argument concerning the discriminatory practices of the armed forces. But you cannot compare homosexuals to Blacks. Gays are not a race of people. Discrimination against Blacks is very different from discrimination against gays.

The Black struggle in America has historical basis and implication. Slavery and Jim Crow were practices that raped our families, our identities and our culture. Today, Blacks remain politically and economically oppressed. Poverty and violence have resulted from this systematic oppression. The gains of our ancestors seem to have been temporary.

In contrast, homosexuals are not economically oppressed. As gay rights advocates indicate, they are our lawyers, our doctors, our teachers, etc. Gays represent mainstream America in that they have gained economic freedom and affluence. Politically, many government officials have begun to admit their homosexuality. The struggle of gays is not comparable.

TGM #sexist #fundie thetransformedwife.com

Removing God, introducing modern hedonism, and bringing equality into the marriage has led to disastrous consequences. Generation Z women have fallen for three scams introduced by Satan and his minions:

You will be well served by living your life, searching for what feels good and experiencing that to its fullest.
If you have read our article on Feminism, you will know that the data is in, and its conclusion is undeniable. The way women are choosing to live their lives in the modern world is not making them happy. Women’s happiness is in terminal decline in the modern world of equality.

When we counsel women in our marriage counselling courses, we find the same pattern over and over,

Women who are married and are responsible for the provision of the home have increased anxiety or stress compared with women who have a strong Godly male provider.

Women who are financially responsible for the household are less happy than women who have a husband that is financially responsible for the household.

Women who stay at home and care for young children have increased happiness compared with women who have careers and leave their children to daycare.

Overall, this fallacy that men and women are equal, and that women should have like for like careers and lifestyles as men do is destroying female happiness!

Lori Alexander #fundie thetransformedwife.com

One of the biggest cultural lies of our time is that of birth control. Birth control was condemned and preached as a sin within the church before 1930. Since then, the devil has lied and blurred that line as the devil does not want God’s children to increase. If we actually test birth control against what the Bible says, it quickly falls when deeply examined. A person has to make many exceptions to the truth in order to be able to say it’s okay.

First off, it is a command to be fruitful and increase in number. “And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…'” Genesis 1:28. Throughout Deuteronomy, there are so many warnings for us to keep Gods commandments always, and that it is not our place as a servant of God to decide when to follow His commands or not. God will bless us in His timing and His plan. When we pick and choose when to have a baby, it is treating babies like a commodity.

TGM #fundie #sexist thegodlymarriage.com.au

The Patriarch is a good thing, and it forms the proper hierarchy for marriage”
Ask any worldly woman today what they want, and you’ll hear something like this list,
Equal Pay
A Career
Equal say in the marriage
The irony is that is not what is going on inside. I don’t know this because I am a genius, nor do I know this because I claim to know women, I know this because God tells me so.
* Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
The word desire H8669 tᵊšûqâ or תְּשׁוּקָה means,
1. desire, longing, craving
2. of man for woman
3. of beast to devour
The words shall rule over thee H4910 māšal or מָשַׁל means,
1. to rule, have dominion, reign
2. to rule, have dominion
3. to cause to rule
4. to exercise dominion
It is then very clear, that inside every female on the planet today we should find a desire that a strong, masculine dominant authority lead over her.

Don’t believe me? Let’s continue and prove it!
A Sexual Revelation
On Thursday the 12th of February 2015 a movie called “Fifty Shades of Grey” was released to cinemas all over the world. According to the feminist manifesto the events and data that followed are completely unexplainable. The movie,
* Is the 4th highest grossing R rated film of all time.
* Had the largest grossing first week of ticket sales of all time.
* Grossed 569.7 million Dollars as the 10th highest R rated film of all time.
* Women comprised of 82.6% of total audiences during its first week.
Here was a movie about a man dominating a woman, and women were its overwhelming audience.[…] The Patriarch is not and was never meant to be Tyrannical!  There is no other way to put this, God installed the man as the head of the woman in marriage. What God did not do is install the man as a harsh or unjust manager. Please see our pages on leadership and submission for more on this.[…]